Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

Toast, I absolutely love following your journal! The updates, pics, and stories are always worthwhile. Thank you for sharing.

High Yogi, that is wonderful news!! Blessings!
Hi Lem from Greece. Hope you're getting some relief. Thank you again for your posts and stories - it's the way you tell 'em. I hope you don't mind me saying that you are an outstanding writer and storyteller (and I know - writing's my job). Really outstanding. It's a joy to read you.
High yogi - Soil - what I do is, through out the year I get the big bags of Super Soil and add Worm Casings,Bone Meal,Blood Meal, Epsom Salt,Dolimite Lime,Peralite and Bat Guano, and I keep adding it to this pile of dirt I got going, and to the side of that I got a compost pile going.So what Ive been doing is every year I try to make the Hill safer to traverce. So I take the dirt thats in the wholes and I use it to make more level path ways, I make the Holes wider and deeper and then mix the compost pile and the other pile togeather and fill the holes. I think that answers your question. The Bloches and Burning - BAD ASS DUDE That is so awsum I know if you can get enough of it I swear it will cure anything congrats dude, Way Fuckin Cool. That makes me so Happy. Something Ive been gona say for a little while . Ever sense the Cops did there thing and nothing happend and they said they would leave me alone , You would not beleave the pressure that gone. I mean seriously Sense 1968 there has not been a moment where going to jail wasn't some where in the back of my mind.And now Its gone ,I dont even think about it. Its Fucking Great. Mr Teddy I write or try to any way , just like I speak. You'll notis I spell things wrong to enfasize acc'ent because I dont know how to do it the right way .LOL I also have this stupid idea you get to know my personality better. So like if we were ever to meet, I would be just like you Imagined. Wow that was some shit huh. LOLOLOL TOAST
and ( Dumb-D-Dumb-Dumb )TRIMMED THE HEDGE :
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NOW WATCH WHAT HAPPENDS. I swear Lester that planter was out of control. It had to be done. So please dont Hate me. LOL TOAST
Looking at this kingdom of yours and saying: this smoke and oil will cure ya :)
Here weather is totally fucked up, 2 days of sun and 3 days of rain. I've never seen anything like it. It really served plants well by this point although vegetable crop has suffered, but if it stretches into August humidity can bring mould, which is what I'm afraid about. But let's not worry until we have to. On the other hand I just popped 5 x OG and hope these will make some good smoke even if their growing cycle will be somehow short :)

Take care, lem.
Lem's journal is easily one of the most badass journals on 420 Magazine this year. We will all look back on this journal and any of your future journals with excitement and joy. :) :bigtoke:

Rock on TOAST! :cheer:
wow! A hedge trimmer? That is funny!

I have always thought this stuff was on top as far as having medicinal values. It amazes me to read how well it actually works for some people and very happy it works for people like you! I have arthritis from head to toe. I have had it for years (since my early 20s) and have always taken pills for it. One day I ran out and a friend made a tea out of a big bud and had me drink it before bed that night. I swear for two days I had no pain what so ever - no other meds were taken just that tea. That is why i have decided to grow for the first time and I am going to keep growing. Why make the pharmaceutical companies rich when you can solve some of your ills yourself.
Yeah, sometimes we don't find The Plant, she finds us :hookah:
Hey Everyone, It was pretty funny last night or I should say early this morning, The alarm on the Hill went off. It took me a couple seconds to figure out thats what was happening LOL. So when I get out side the wires and the cans and the wind chimes are going off like nobodies business. With my Head Light on and my Shotgun in hand I went running up the Hill. When I get to the first set of trip wires I turn and look to my right, and as I do these two eyes light up and theres a baby Raccoon hanging from one of the trip wires and wiggeling like it cant figure out why his feet wont touch the ground. Right after that he let go and hit the ground running.I was laughing pretty hard. Any Who There was a time when I was a licensed Plumming Contractor. I mostly did rural builds Well Water, Septic Tanks, Drain Fields and stuff like that. When I was setting up the Hill I did this thing on just a little bit of this one area.( you'll understand in a sec. ) Heres The Pepper Tree at the top of the first tear :
Theres a huge root that comes down the Hill,( I put the rope down to show where the root goes ) ;
Between the root and the hill where those two plants are, I dug that all out for the length of the rope about four feet deep. I filled the bottom two feet with my good soil and I constructed a type of drain field . I took an assortment of Rocks Small and Large and put a layer a foot deep on top of the good soil. I then put those two plants on top of the rocks and then covered the whole shootin match with my good dirt. It doesn't seem to be harming them at all . I thought it might promote better root growth or something. I realy wont know until I pull the plants. In these pictures you can see how I tryed to for lack of a better discription River Bed the rocks for better water flow.:
All right I thought you might find that interesting. Im grasping LOL for stuff to put in the Journal during the boreing Veg time. You can only look at so many Leaves but Buds you can look at all day LOL. Im Out Folks. TOAST
A naturalized french drain, sweet. Plus a tree of that size will pull up excess water like crazy. Good sory on the racoons, good thing they cant work lighters yet or our efforts would be tougher come harvest season. Had a hiccup myself, I got one outdoor, a Malawi gold, humble really but was lstd to my liking. I think it got messed with.,24 hours from prime to curled dried and withered, soil smells like chemical. I have my suspicios on who.you really have to go into the yard and search too, there are many beds of flowers bushes etc. It looked bad yesterday now near dead despite flushing hard. Lem there is a one foot 7 node section fighting it out. Ya think despite this far past solstice I could cut and clone? Its sun grown dont want to shock it more than it is
Radogast, The story on the Cage - Waaaay back in 1974 a friend had a Sulpher Crested Cockatoo,( a hand raised baby ) so it was real tame and very loving. He got evicted and couldn't keep the bird, so I took it and gave it to my dad. This bird became my dads best friend. He clipped its wings and took the bird every where on his shoulder. At the time he had a 46 foot Monteray Tuna Fishing Boat and when ever he was on the boat that bird was with him. Togeather they both became minor celebrities at the docks in the San Pedro Harbor. My dad was so enamored with his bird he decided to raise birds for extra income when he retired. So at one point there wasn't any space that he didn't utilize for the birds. Where Planter #2 is, there was a series of seven cages containing seven different types of Amazon Parrots like Blue Fronts, Yellow Napes,Mexican Double Yellows, and so on. The side yard where my big pile of dirt is, use to be a Tripple Door breeding avery. that means you had to go through three sets of doors to get to the birds so you dont get any exscapeezes. This had Love Birds,Canaries, Finches, Half Moon Parrots and some others. There was another Cage about half the size of the big one that had Free Range Botton Quail running wild in it. Let me tell you, theres nothing cuter then a covie of little tiny quail scurry-re-ing around a good size cage.You should have seen the fun trying to catch the babies when you needed to move them to a different cage or something. Talk about true comedy, pretty funnny stuff. I was trying to show you pictures but that shits all on VCR tape. Any way the big cage was for his Macaws. There was a Blue and Gold, a Green Wing, a Scarlet, a Savered, and the pride of the fleet an all most Six Foot from Head to Tail Hyacinth Macaw. Well that should about fill you in on the Big Cage.Maybe a little To Much Information. LOL Hey Thanks For Askin. TOAST
High yogi, Hi Yogi,LOL hey if you think your gons loose the plant, then cloning her cant hurt. What I would do is cut the good part out and try to get at least two internodes in the rock wool and you should be all right, even if you have to cut it out of the middle of a branch.Like if the tops screwed up and the bottoms screwed up but there good internodes inbetween , as long as you can get three or four internodes that are good you should be all right. Hell , worst senario you get nothing but you get nothing if you dont give it a try. Good Luck . TOAST
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