Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

Mr. Teddy its Classic Coke and Chocolate Haagen-dazs every morning for breakfast.(of Champions) The Old Lady drinks that pepsi crap. Hope that clears every thing up for ya .Have a good one or two . TOAST

It sounds very Italian this sweet breakfast, minus coke of course :) Anyway, is that hazey female in the planter SLH?
Conradino - The Big Planter - #1 - is the Super Frosty Aurora Ultra. The new planter - #2 - There are five plants - from left to right - Pure Kush, Sour Diesel, Pure Kush, Humbolt,and Pure Kush. And if you are refering to the Little green container where Ive staked down the branches thats Grape Ape and yes I was copying you. LOL You my friend are going to be very happy in a couple more days. Watch it now watch it. High Yogi - Hi Yogi - Yeah that Pineapple shit is realy something different,Its a real mind blower to know there another plant out there that can over power the smell of Skunk #1. I sweat when theres any kind of wind you can smell that Pineapple shit two blocks away. I too am into the teachings of the great Sai Baba and Nag Champa incence,the smell of meditation,awsum stuff. Thanks for checkin in guys. TOAST
Theres really nothing to report on the crop, Just watering and feeding pretty boring stuff. So I thought you might like a couple of old pictures - #1 420 MOM - there are very few times I go any where but when I do I got my 420 Mom watching my back.
#2 5 gal Hydro - What I did was , take a 5 gal bucket with top. I cut a hole in the top to fit one of the Hydro mesh cups. I put the smallest aquarium water pump in the bottom along with an airrater disk attached to a 6 line air pump. The disk produces bubbles that pop and send a mist into the air that keeps the roots misted and then I would just have the solution pump just come on once every 12 hours for 5 seconds to keep the Rockwool moist. The set up makes the plants grow 35% larger, 35% faster.
This by far isnt the best plant Ive ever growen but it is my favorite
and bringing up the rear a picture of one of my Guitars
Just a little sump thin to look at. TOAST
Reading through your journal did More than that for me sir.

You bring hope and happiness to this place.
You hold your head up high even as life's turmoils continue to roll on.
You share knowledge and wisdom that you have earned through years of passion and dedication.
For all those things, and many many more, I am truly grateful.


p.s. I'm gonna search tonight because something is telling me to read everything you have ever wrote here. :thanks:
Yeah! What Spimp said! Totally dittoed. :cheer:

Spimp, check out his blog! There is so much stuff in there.

I am just absolutely blown away by the post of him with his plants.

I love this journal, thank you TOAST for sharing your experiences with us! :circle-of-love: :cheer:
Hello my friends, I was looking over Planter #1 :
are you thionkin what Im thinkin - Creative Cloning, I took the branch out of that last picture and striped the bottom off,leaving the four branch Fimmed top:
Then once that roots, I'll plant it and pin the branches down:
Then I took this branch and cut it into pieces :
Then I took the six small tops and put them all in one rockwool:
Then I took this branch:
and cut it so the main top stays intacked and the four smaller tops go into one rockwool:
Then I did the same on this last one, only one main top and two smaller tops into the one rock wool
Now we will see how this works. Thought it might be fun to try something different. Have a good week end all. TOAST
Well every thing is safe and sound here. Nothing much to do crop wise until 6:30 - 7:00 this evening. So I will show you more old plant pictures.These plants are my original crosses Ultra O.G.-(O.G. Kush X M.K. Ultra) What was realy cool about this strain was If you topped a single plant 50 times,You would get a forest:
and that would come out something like this:
or you could top it just a few times and get this:
and that would turn out like this:
yea the Ultra O.G. was pretty versatile. It just wouldnt turn colors no matter what the tempature. So I got me some Aurora Indica Clones and cross polinated The Ultra O.G. creating Aurora Ultra a plant that clones and stacks like Ultra O.G. and can be any color you want just by adjusting the tempsture. Heres the original Aurora Indica plant:
Isnt she beautiful that was after the over night tempature had gone down to 65 degrees. This is an actual Purple Indica plant, it only gets 2 ft tall, but it turns purple no matter what:
Well theres a little sumpin for today, we'll see what I can come up with tomorrow. TOAST
Lem, what about the phenos of AU? Pretty uniform expression or a lot of surprises?
Alls well here. I started feeding the indoor crop today- Alaska Pure Kelp Plant Food 0.13-0-0.60 all natural. I will all so be useing Fox Farms Tiger Bloom Extra Strenth 2-8-4 and Bat Guano. Alternating the Kelp one day, then two days and the Fox Farms, Then two days and Bat Guano,Then two days and Fox Farms again, and then start over. I use my friend ( SOMA,s) feeding schedule :
. And here are a few more Old pictures : These are Northern Light X-mas trees:
.These are Grandy Purple Nugs :
and this is nine grams of GDP OIL:
. These are Mazar e Sharif :
.One Big Ass Top:
.M.K. Ultra Hydro:
This is that big plant I was standing by in an earlyer picture. This plant actually out grew my room. I had to take string and pull the top side ways to keep it out of the lights. Well talk at you.es tomorrow . TOAST
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