Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

Dail it back BIGJACK, No Stress and No Mess. ROTFL They were'nt full growen they were like this :
but seriously thanks for the concern. TOAST
Conradino my friend, Those babies look like there loving that window sill and that LAC is awsum, it doesn't look any thing like mine
but it sure blends in to the suroundings good. They all look great dude, GOOD JOB. You make me proud. TOAST

The plants are over the top magnificent, but I still like the picture of your mom
Hi, Lester recommended this grow to me so I'm subbed, now time to catch up.. from the looks of those plants above I'm going to like watching this, wow I never thought of growing in a wheelbarrow before, that might make my life a lot simpler in the future Lol. :high-five:
Excellent update and tour of the garden Brother Lem! You really gave a good perspective on the hill, which I appreciate. :Namaste:

What I was most excited by was the bounce-back growth on the planter bed#1. Just wow. What a job with that hedge trimmer. No other grower in the world could get away with that. Bravo and Props to you Brother.:bravo:

And Damn, Planter Bed #2 blew up! Your work in there removing the mite factory really turned your garden into such a wonderful tour. Whether it be virtual or real, you garden tours always blow us away and we enjoy them dearly! :adore:

Keep up the good work :cheer:
SoilGirl welcome to the Journal. Wus up girl. Its so nice to have women growers checkin out my stuff. If you have any questions or just want to talk give me a hollar any time. I havent been able to check out your Journal yet , but I definately be doing so. And I will let you know what I think. R. L. is one hell of a guy. Im glad he sent you my way. Again thanks for checkin it out ,its appreciated. TOAST
SoilGirl welcome to the Journal. Wus up girl. Its so nice to have women growers checkin out my stuff. If you have any questions or just want to talk give me a hollar any time. I havent been able to check out your Journal yet , but I definately be doing so. And I will let you know what I think. R. L. is one hell of a guy. Im glad he sent you my way. Again thanks for checkin it out ,its appreciated. TOAST
Hahaha its my pleasure lem! Oh my little grow is just a humble jumble of plants compared to this magnificent outdoor masterpiece you have going, but I'd be honored if you do come by :)
Thank you for the warm welcome and I'm sure I'll have lots to say as your grow goes on - so far I'm only through the first 7 pages but I'll catch up soon. And agreed, Lester is awesome. :circle-of-love:
Cya soon! :Namaste:
Good morning Toast. Your grow is going crazy. It sure is nice to see a big outdoor grow. Very well done. Tough when you have to use a hedge trimmer to control the grow. :clap::clap: :Namaste:
Maybe one day I'll have enough plants to try the hedge trimmer. It looks like it made quick work of topping all the plants in the planter with great results. Great entertainment.

Good morning Toast. Your grow is going crazy. It sure is nice to see a big outdoor grow. Very well done. Tough when you have to use a hedge trimmer to control the grow. :clap::clap: :Namaste:

wow, I cant get over that hedge after being trimmed. I honestly didnt know they were so strong a plant. And its amazing to see the growth on planter #2 in just 30 days! Beautiful plants! :bravo:

Totally Dittoed! :passitleft:
Da-ta-dah , Da-ta-dah, Da-ta-dah Here's Planter #1 I hope your not out of Pop Corn Lester. :

Absolutely stunning. Loved the shot from above. I'm surprised how well the hedge took to the trimming. This thread has supplied some of the best 420 entertainment in a long time. Your journaling is much appreciated brother Lem! :thanks:

My Popcorn :popcorn: :surf:
There were alot of plants in the cage that are Budding. I decided to take them out and put them in a gereral area so it would'nt be so hard to feed them. I put some in the top pond of the Water Fall and the rest in the bottom pool.
When there are plants that Bud out earlyer than the others its a bitch to have to mix up batches of Veg. food and Flowering food at the same time,yet the good side of that, especially if your growing a lot of plants is, there not all done at the same time,witch would cause me hardship trying to do them all by my self. That just shows there good and bad in every thing. What I plan to do feeding wise is to feed them the Fox Farms Extra Strenth Tiger Bloom and then next time with Alaska Pure Kelp Plant Food and then with the Bat Guano and the next time with the Advanced Nutrients Sensi Bloom parts A and B,and I all way add a cap of Super Thrive to five gallons of mixture.
The Bat Guano in the picture is awsum, the stuff I was useing I would have boil a gallon of water, put in the Bat Gauno stir it and let it steep over night and there would be most of it floating on the top of the water. This new stuff I found disolves completly in the water, witch make it so much easer to use.I LIKE IT. What I do is fill this two cup measuring cup up with water once for each plant I intend to water, in this case it takes four gallons to do the plants in the Water Fall and Planter #1 :
By taking the flowering plants out of the cage , it allouded me to spread out the remaining plants in the cage :
Oh and check out this plant in Planter #2. My little camera case is sitting on top of the stick :
Look how much it grew sence the last picture a day ago.:
I think Im gona have some realy awsum Buds this year. If the little SHIT HEADS dont get um.LOL TOAST P.S. Lester your a happy guy right now huh. ROTFL Peace Brother
There were alot of plants in the cage that are Budding. I decided to take them out and put them in a gereral area so it would'nt be so hard to feed them. I put some in the top pond of the Water Fall and the rest in the bottom pool.
When there are plants that Bud out earlyer than the others its a bitch to have to mix up batches of Veg. food and Flowering food at the same time,yet the good side of that, especially if your growing a lot of plants is, there not all done at the same time,witch would cause me hardship trying to do them all by my self. That just shows there good and bad in every thing. What I plan to do feeding wise is to feed them the Fox Farms Extra Strenth Tiger Bloom and then next time with Alaska Pure Kelp Plant Food and then with the Bat Guano and the next time with the Advanced Nutrients Sensi Bloom parts A and B,and I all way add a cap of Super Thrive to five gallons of mixture.
The Bat Guano in the picture is awsum, the stuff I was useing I would have boil a gallon of water, put in the Bat Gauno stir it and let it steep over night and there would be most of it floating on the top of the water. This new stuff I found disolves completly in the water, witch make it so much easer to use.I LIKE IT. What I do is fill this two cup measuring cup up with water once for each plant I intend to water, in this case it takes four gallons to do the plants in the Water Fall and Planter #1 :
By taking the flowering plants out of the cage , it allouded me to spread out the remaining plants in the cage :
Oh and check out this plant in Planter #2. My little camera case is sitting on top of the stick :
Look how much it grew sence the last picture a day ago.:
I think Im gona have some realy awsum Buds this year. If the little SHIT HEADS dont get um.LOL TOAST P.S. Lester your a happy guy right now huh. ROTFL Peace Brother

That's some impressive growth Lem. Well done mate :bravo:
You know earlyer today I went and checked out SoilGirl's Journal,( sweet ) on the opening page she tells about going to dispenceries in Denver and Bolder,(I think thats right) to get the clones she wanted and that reminded me of something that happend to me four years ago. One day I take off out of Acton the town closest to my house,at about 10:30 am on " THE MIGHTY SEARCH FOR CLOOOONES". It takes around 25mins. to get to the Valley, and the dispenceries in So.Cal. keep stoner hours so they dont open till 11:00 - 12:00. To make a long story short I got back home 8:30 or so that night. I hit every place I could find looking for clones. Now I want to know if any one else experienced any thing like this. I'll give you just one example. I go to North Hollywood Care Givers. Its got a back entrance with double door to a Security Gaurd and then you enter a lounge with three couches and walk up to a little window and hand them your recommendation. Now in a few minutes this outrageously gorgeous female with a clip board comes out through an electronic door and tells me to have a seat on the couch and she will help me fill out the paper work.Now theres three couches in there and she sits down so close to me she might as well have been sitting on my lap.So now the Blood in my brain is now flowing to a different place,( if you catch my drift) and while I'm desperately trying to fill out the sheet on the clip board, she's telling me how this is a Collective and every body that grows donates or trades there excess cannabis with them so they keep the cost down for every one,and I would be expected to donate time to work on special occasions for the the Collective. By the time she's done snuggeling and flirting with me, Im like a Private Frist Class in the Marines, ( GUNG HO ). Now she's got me thinking I can change the way the world looks at Marijuana, and Hell thats something I want to do. So she takes me in through two electric doors to where the Bud,Clones and Edibles are and I buy some clones and some bud and head out to the next place. A few weeks later I roll back down there with three Jars,two ounces each of my Aurora Ultra to donate to the Collective. When I get there that same chick is behind the window and come out and escorts me to the back.When I get in the back I set the three Jars on the counter, before I can say a word, this want-to-be Rasta White Kid with Dread Locks says to me with some attitude, " We dont by HOME GROWN" I instantly went into rage mode, but caught my self and pulled a big fat bud out of one of the jars, handed it to the chick and said this is for you ,do not let him have any, walked out and have never been back. 20 years ago I would have took his head off . But Im all MELLOW now LOL.Point being I was so naive that I thought these places were legit. It was kind of a let down that I was'nt going to be able to make the world a better place for POT smokers.LOL Seriously has any of you run in to these AssHoles with attitudes like your a MORON. Its pretty sad. Well thanks for letting me vent. TOAST
So you're story is not unique in the sense of the whole "bait and belittle" technique. I worked for a large collective in Seattle with 5 locations. I was head of HR and started from the bottom as a trimmer and worked my way up through all levels. I was required to only hire attractive young women that would entice men to come in and be gullible enough so the owner had the opportunity to trick them into getting a "ride" home after work with him. He would not only sell them clones but clones riddled with bugs and by the time they took care of that issue grew out some really nice medicine, he then has the audacity to tell them he doesn't buy that strain... and he sol the fkn thing!!. What a joke right!

This lead me into my current situation where I am starting my own service to patients and plan to offer clean organic medicine/clones and growing equipment. To also offer the option for patients to learn how to grow organically, through some easy to follow video tutorials. We will take donations from patients as we want to provide that kind of environment that's so often marketed in the Seattle dispensary industry but very seldomly follow through with. False advertising at it's best. Very much like the same scenario you experienced mate. It's a lot of smoke and mirrors, and there is a huge community of down to earth patients like yourself that could really be utilized in a positive way that benefits both parties.

Might I add the owner and General manager of the company I worked for were both in there mid 20's. Total punks with ego's bigger than Jupiter. It shocked me at some of the arrogance that poured out their mouths. I wasn't aware people could be that deluded.
Growlow, Im thanking the Universe some one else gets it. I thought that maybe they were like that because, like when I grew up and maybe you too,(I dont know how old you are)The rule was "DONT TRUST ANYBODY OVER 30" LOL. I am sorry that you had to work for a PUNK ASSHOLE I dont if I would have be able to hang as long as it sounds like you did. Hell I would have decked him the first day and started lookin for another job. LOL Thanks for the input Im glad Im not alone in this world.Thanks again TOAST
WOW WOW WOW, Lem, you garden is wonderful. :thumb:

Congratulations~~ haha :cheer:

Da-ta-dah , Da-ta-dah, Da-ta-dah. And now what you've all been waiting for The 2014 Outdoor Update ;
The Jack Herer :
Check out how these SLH's have Foxtailed its going to be very interesting to see how they end up. :
Here's Planter #1 I hope your not out of Pop Corn Lester. :
This was the little runt that was sitting on the wall, that never took off. It was starting to go , so I transplanted it into a Air Pot. :
Look at how big the plants in Planter #2 have gotten, they realy did the growth spurt thing. :
The Conradino plant is doing Super also. :
When I mixed that Advanced Nutrients stuff wrong it wiped out all but these five indoor plants.And Im not sure if these are OK yet.Theres plenty of tricomes on the burnt plants, to make Medicine with and I am out of meds so that worked out kinda.
Here I put 40 new clones in my out side Veg/Clone room.:
A guy that gets clones form me on occasion brought his friend that drove out from Michigan to get clones and he bought all the clones I had and ten of the plants in the cage.So that was quite a unexpected niceity. Well thats it for this time Folk's hope you enjoyed. TOAST
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