Lem's 2014 Outdoor Grow Journal

BUD UPDATE :L.A. Confidencial :
Sour Diesle :
Super Frosty :
Super Lemon Haze : this is the one that Fox Tailed. Like I thought each one of those little branches is going to be a Cola as shown in picture #2. It should be pretty wild looking :
This is SLH the way it is suposta grow :
Super Frosty :
These next two pictures are Planter #1. Notice the right half of the planter seems to be stacking up better than the left half. :
Grape Age :
Jack Herer :
and last but not least SLH :
Well those are all of the plants that are early Budders. Still waiting for the others to go. The hurry up and wait syndrome. Learned that one in the Military.LOL Next Time. TOAST
Shit Radogast, I have no F-in Idea, Theory, or Clue. At this point Im just watching and learning. I cant figure out why the Pure Kush is taking so long to start. Ive grown it for years and its never done this before. I know, its Global Warming ROTFL.
Man you ought to smell my house, Ive got that GRape Ape in the closet in the dinning room and the smell is so sweet it all most makes you sick the second you open the door. . C-YA TOAST
Oh Grape Ape :tokin:
Very nice sequence of updates brother. The buds are coming along great. :cheer:

Nice Grape Ape haul :thumb:

Shit Radogast, I have no F-in Idea, Theory, or Clue. At this point Im just watching and learning. I cant figure out why the Pure Kush is taking so long to start. Ive grown it for years and its never done this before. I know, its Global Warming ROTFL.
Man you ought to smell my house, Ive got that GRape Ape in the closet in the dinning room and the smell is so sweet it all most makes you sick the second you open the door. . C-YA TOAST
I forgot to ask, lem. Does Grape Ape always finish so early? It's quite impressive actually :bravo:
First off - SoilGirl thanks for the Rep. and all the Likes and the good wishes on my health.Sympathy never entered my mind. Thanks again. Conradino - Yes the Grape Ape has all ways been an early Budder.I would have perfered to have let the Grape Ape go at least untill a few Tricombs were Amber, but with the worm situation I didnt want to lose any more of the Buds so I took it a little early. And on to todays business : HURRAY the Pure Kush kicked in last night. I got up early, about 5:30 am and Fed all my plants the Alaskan Kelp Fertilizer (one cap full per gallon of water)and when I got on the Hill L found this.:
The Pure Kush has finely started. On a not so good note,I didnt check the weather for today. The last few days have been mild. I put the Clones out in direct sun Like have been doing recently and went back to sleep.When I woke up about 2:00 pm it was over 100 degrees and I cooked most of the Clones. Its all ways something, Ya Know ya just gota laugh. This site must be realy busy right now , cause it wont let me down load so Im going to finish this later. Ya-all have a great week end. Talk at ya later.TOAST
Your Pure Kush looks a lil' bit like my Pakistan Chitral Kush. They might have been breeding this plant off a Pakistani stock ya think? That's the one I'm talking about.

I just hope mold doesn't catch them as weather is so shitty that you have no idea, man!!! I'll spray some lactobacillus acidophilus though and hope for the best. On a more positive note, Aurora Ultra and SLH have been flowering for 8 days now :)
Conradino: Im not possitive but you might try spraying Hydrogen Poroxside on the mold. I know one time when I did those 5gallon buckets Hydro one got that root rot shit and the H. P. keep it under control until the plant finished. I dont know if it works on mold or not but it wont hurt the plants. I assume the AU and SLH didnt have time to get very big,but you should get a taste of things to come. Again-good job and good luck with the mold . TOAST
I'll post you pics of AU and SLH as soon as I take them. AU is very robust and branched out very quickly into mini-jungle under LST. Strong smell tells me it's gonna be excellent weed :)
Ok, just three pics, so I don't spam here. More pics in my journal.



OG Kush or Ultra OG
Great, man! I'm really taken by the smell, strong and deep perfume-type muskiness from the the beginning of flowering. Petioles are red color, but I guess that's genetical trait, right?
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