Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

I'm jealous Lady! My veg girls were planted over 3 months ago and are taking 3-6 days between drinks, only 1 is 3 days. The roots are sub par so I'm gonna let em go a little longer.

Have you taken a look at your roots? How long since you planted? It seems a little early but if they're drinking daily and have a good root mass they're probably ready!

I'm jealous Lady! My veg girls were planted over 3 months ago and are taking 3-6 days between drinks, only 1 is 3 days. The roots are sub par so I'm gonna let em go a little longer.

Have you taken a look at your roots? How long since you planted? It seems a little early but if they're drinking daily and have a good root mass they're probably ready!

Hi Ween! When light go on I'm going to take a peek at the roots. I am running a 14/10 so I don't know if that is the difference. I don't recall them drying out fast before. It's been super hot in the house so I don't know if that is part of it. The roots will tell me. I'll snap a pic tonight and we can decide if they are ready or not. :high-five: I'd appreciate the feedback!
LadyG, There you go you are Mistress G with that training, wow, great job. Now with your lady that is max stretched, don't be surprised if she takes a little bit longer (I could be wrong depending on strain) in the veg stage because she's changed her energy direction now. But with Docs Kit, it may keep her on track because the millions of workers don't change, just the openness and access to more light, so this is what I'm excited to see and to learn from your engaging experiment.

Really proud at the speed you are handling cause you're momentum is palpable. Much love and respect, your sis,
Hey m’Lady :ciao: getting exciting now...

They both look excellent- so different! I guess there’s different pheno expressions

FYI in the DS/DB apprentice thread Doc says he aims for every day waterings for about a week before transplant :thumb:
They were still moist today. I'm waiting on the up-can...close but not yet time! I'm in no hurry.;)
The girls were still moist tonight. I am going to wait on the up-can. We have had a hot spell for the last 2 weeks, so that may be why thy dried out so quickly. They both look stellar in health. It's a watch and wait thing now. Cheers all!
Good morning to ya sis.. Hope you are well, you seem to be back on track... Was hoping to have you check out the new thread on Harvests and Taste/Aroma opinions on what you and others have grown and are growing.. Good reference for others who are looking to add different strains to their grows.... Green weekend sis, and to all
Hey m’Lady :ciao: getting exciting now...

They both look excellent- so different! I guess there’s different pheno expressions

FYI in the DS/DB apprentice thread Doc says he aims for every day waterings for about a week before transplant :thumb:
Thanks Amy! Good to know, I did read that bit about watering daily for a week and forgot. Their super growth has slowed down, so I can veg for longer. They will explode once they hit the 10 gallons. I've got plenty of medicine right now because a keep stopping when I start my job
Good morning to ya sis.. Hope you are well, you seem to be back on track... Was hoping to have you check out the new thread on Harvests and Taste/Aroma opinions on what you and others have grown and are growing.. Good reference for others who are looking to add different strains to their grows.... Green weekend sis, and to all
Nice idea MH! I love it!
LadyG, There you go you are Mistress G with that training, wow, great job. Now with your lady that is max stretched, don't be surprised if she takes a little bit longer (I could be wrong depending on strain) in the veg stage because she's changed her energy direction now. But with Docs Kit, it may keep her on track because the millions of workers don't change, just the openness and access to more light, so this is what I'm excited to see and to learn from your engaging experiment.

Really proud at the speed you are handling cause you're momentum is palpable. Much love and respect, your sis,
:circle-of-love: Thanks Sis! Yeah...I tend to thrive when I have a lot going on. Must be Doc's Kit absorbing into my cells! :rofl: Those microbes and magic are assimilating into my bloodstream:rofl: I'll get pics up tonight. Buds and leaves have turned to the light. Good response to that LST.
Hey all! I don't know if anyone else lives in a confined space and is growing. Foliar treatments can be a pain, especially when they are in a big pot. Easy enough to spray them in the tub or shower. When they get big and you want to avoid making a mess, cut a big box in half and use it as a shield. You just need to spin the plants and the excess spray will hit the box and not go everywhere.
On the job front....yeah...I got an interview! More dough and that will help because Hubby's job is going to end likely in November...or sooner. Our roles as "main provider" are going to have to swap. When a door closes...a window opens. Karma can work in your favor sometimes. ;)
Good luck with that interview sistah!! Hope u nail it!
Thanks Van! Just had my hair done and my brows....owie! Lol:battingeyelashes: A little girl time:rofl: Later today I'll spend some quality time with the girls and do a little more plant yoga!
Recipe time! Guests are coming over tomorrow for a cookout. I am making my famous marinade tonight that I posted...the one with the caramelized onion, mustard, and honey. This time it's steak tips on the grill. So I am lazy....for the dessert I picked up some store bought poundcake! I know?! ...exclaims in my best french accent..."C'est un sacrilège!!" But wait!...calm down! I am making a berry compote to go on top. Imagine pound cake, vanilla ice cream, boozy cannabis berries, and freshly whipped cream! Mmmmmmmmmmmm! So easy! No one will think you cheated buy buying the pound cake!! You can buy the whipped topping too, but I love fresh whipped cream! A little sugar and vanilla....:drool:

Lady Gaea's Fruit Compote


2 quarts of strawberries, washed and sliced in half

2 pint of raspberries

2 pints of wild blueberries. Frozen wild are ok as well when not the season. I use Wyman's frozen.

2 tablespoons of lemon juice

1 teaspoon of orange zest

1/4 cup of liquid - I have used OJ, cherry juice, cranberry juice, or pomegranate. Doesn't matter. Water will work too!

1/4 cup of honey...or if you prefer granulated sugar

¼ cup of Crème de cassis (optional)

Cannabis tincture - Try for a nice berry or grape strain! Juicy!


In a large saucepan place the strawberries on the bottom and add the blueberries next. Add honey or sprinkle the granulated sugar on top and add the lemon juice, orange zest, and 1/4 cup of liquid. Cover and just bring to a simmer. Stir and then add the raspberries on top and cover again. As soon as it returns to a simmer, take off the burner and cool while still covered.

The raspberries fall apart too quickly if you add them in the beginning or stir the mix too much after added.

When slightly cooled, mix in the Crème de cassis, if you are using it. Chill the compote once it cools down to room temp. I like to chill it over night for the best taste and texture.

I serve this over angel food cake, over panna cotta, in yogurt, over ice cream, for shortcake…you get the idea! Add a dropper of your favorite cannabis oil to the berries. I’m thinking one of the berrylicious strains would be perfect!
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