Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

That's what Sue uses too

I'll be making some oil and lotions today I hope

Fun fun fun
:thumb: yep, Sue’s recipe is derived from the Dave Groomer method.

Hope your day is swingin’ m’Lady.

First TP, fun fun...second high brix grow ... how many days from ‘birth’ does that work out to be? (I could go back and count, but you probably know... so that’d be easier)

:thumb: yep, Sue’s recipe is derived from the Dave Groomer method.

Hope your day is swingin’ m’Lady.

First TP, fun fun...second high brix grow ... how many days from ‘birth’ does that work out to be? (I could go back and count, but you probably know... so that’d be easier)

Doc has a new PDF guide on his site. They have about 5 sets of leaves now. They really taking off. The youngest is trailing by 5 days, but I want them on the same schedule. If not I'm going to screw myself up. I think they're at 4 weeks now? Gotta check the calendar at home. I'll post it tonight.
Yeah, I saw that. It’s gonna help a lot. Ween had it printed and laminated and put it in his light hood! :thumb:

Was just curious about timing. It’s different for everyone cause it’s just about the pot drying out enough. and my pot seems to be drying really slowly, so you saying nearly 4 weeks, that’ll be close to it for me I think, so that’s good - I’m in the ballpark :)

Have a good night LadyG :yummy:
OK. So we are just under 4 weeks on the two oldest and the youngest popped 5 days later. The soil is a little damp yet tonight.... I've just got 5 internodes on the 2 oldest and the 3rd just about there. I can wait still a few days for the TP drench for the little one.

On my first grow with Doc's kit...I honestly just blundered through it at first until @weenmeoff came to my rescue and brought the DBHB ne'er-do-wells to my rescue to chime in. I gave them TP earlier than I should have my first grow, and they still did great! Doc's kit is very forgiving for newbie blunders. That said...I had luck on my side too!

When I opened the tent this morning, it's like they just grabbed hold of their new soil overnight and decided "this soil is the shit!". They have spread. Man I just love it! There is enough good stuff in the soil to wait for the "little" to catch up for the TP in a few days.

Sadly...didn't finish my pain cream tonight. All measured out for tomorrow. We are so short at work, that i have been working at home at night to catch up. I could really use it too. Tomorrow is another day!

I promise to get pics up tomorrow! I just love watching them grow!
Yeah, I saw that. It’s gonna help a lot. Ween had it printed and laminated and put it in his light hood!:thumb:

Was just curious about timing. It’s different for everyone cause it’s just about the pot drying out enough. and my pot seems to be drying really slowly, so you saying nearly 4 weeks, that’ll be close to it for me I think, so that’s good - I’m in the ballpark :)

Have a good night LadyG :yummy:

Actually that was @Gazoo

OK. So we are just under 4 weeks on the two oldest and the youngest popped 5 days later. The soil is a little damp yet tonight.... I've just got 5 internodes on the 2 oldest and the 3rd just about there. I can wait still a few days for the TP drench for the little one.

On my first grow with Doc's kit...I honestly just blundered through it at first until @weenmeoff came to my rescue and brought the DBHB ne'er-do-wells to my rescue to chime in. I gave them TP earlier than I should have my first grow, and they still did great! Doc's kit is very forgiving for newbie blunders. That said...I had luck on my side too!

When I opened the tent this morning, it's like they just grabbed hold of their new soil overnight and decided "this soil is the shit!". They have spread. Man I just love it! There is enough good stuff in the soil to wait for the "little" to catch up for the TP in a few days.

Sadly...didn't finish my pain cream tonight. All measured out for tomorrow. We are so short at work, that i have been working at home at night to catch up. I could really use it too. Tomorrow is another day!

I promise to get pics up tomorrow! I just love watching them grow!

Very happy to help! That's what is great about this community and especially the high brix crew, so helpful!

@Amy Gardner I need to come by your journal, I thought I was caught up but I only remember talk of light building. I found the Doc/Dark journal very helpful and within that, I really liked seeing his notes about what he did and when, so his first drench was about 30 days post pop (I think) and that is approximately when my first drench was. It's pretty easy to tell when the 1s are dry once you get a hang of it. Just the other day, I knew one of my girls was ready (BCP) but Crinkle Puss was not ready yet so pushed it and sure enough BCP was drooping the next day, she bounced back! Sorry for rambling!

So I looked back on my notes...about the 30 day mark is the first drench. I'm about there. As I grow a few times using the kit, I'm sure I should be able to take my cue from the plants. Both breeders strains are looking similar. It's not the lanky and wispy sativa like some others, but my HarleSin was mostly sativa and started with these bigger leaves. I wanna say they look "juicy"! :)
Ha ha! beat my keystrokes on the 30 day mark for first drench by seconds! I love it!:)
Aloha LadyG-
Do you use 16 ounces to 18 grams as your standard ratio? Working on a beeswax based balm that has the texture/application of lip balm or stick deodorant. All that is standing in my way is dialing in extraction method from my bud and lack of free time due to 80 hour work weeks! But I have made balms and sunscreens in the recent past, so at least that part won't be a brand new experience. Ha!
Hiya HoBrah! So here is the Dave Groomer post...I am using beeswax, cocoa butter, and shea butter. Mine is going to be trial and error...I will post my trials and tribulations as I proceed until I get a product I like.
Ok guys and gals. I will post this here and over in the Study Hall Tread.

Dave Groomers Pain cream

Infuse grape seed oil. I use 1g / oz of oil for bud and 3g /oz if using trim. Unless I am using fresh harvest, I decarb the bud for 110 minutes at 230f. I do it in am oven roasting bag to keep the smell to a minimum. Crush up and add to oil. Since this is a topical, NO lecithin is needed. I put it in a mason jar and cook in the oven for 4 hours @ 200f. Strain. There is you base. I will generally make 4 or mre cups of oil at a time so I have it on hand to make cream.

I then take 1c of infused oil and add 100g of cosmetic grade soy wax. (I have a 50lb box for making candles.) You can also use beeswax. You need much less beeswax then soy, but if someone is allergic to bees, they may be allergic to the wax. I started using the soy wax for that reason, one of the people I help couldn't use the cream due to the beeswax. I put the oil and wax into the microwave for about 90 seconds (DO NOT do beeswax in the Microwave. For Beeswax, use a double boiler.) It melts all the wax. Add 20 drops of your favorite essential oil (we use a lot of lavender.) mix well and pour into jars. 1c of oil with 100g of wax will make three 4oz jars. I use the small mason jars. They are cheap and work great. I buy them by the case. After you pour it, it will take 1/2 and hour or so to set. Put it in the fridge and it will set faster.

This cream is not a silver bullet. It does a great job of reducing pain. Most people say it takes it from a 6 or a 7 down to a 2 or even a 1. Not completely gone, but very manageable.

I hope this helps everyone. Have a happy and healthy Christmas and a New year. :circle-of-love::peace:

I think it's pretty cool that we go a month before watering, besides little trickles over the top to get the roots growing up.
I know! I wish my Mum and Dad were still alive...they would be so proud that I FINALLY inherited the green thumb. I was starting to think I was the mailman's kid! All those years of killing house plants! Now my cannabis and my T'maters are the Bomb! :rofl:
Hiya HoBrah! So here is the Dave Groomer post...I am using beeswax, cocoa butter, and shea butter. Mine is going to be trial and error...I will post my trials and tribulations as I proceed until I get a product I like.
That's pretty much exactly what I was needing to see...a step-by-step guide! Thanks for digging that up and much mahalos to @Dave Groomer for the original post.
Actually that was @Gazoo
Geez, sorry ween! I should’ve checked, because I actually thought that - after I’d written it, and then I remembered the last time I second guessed myself, it turned out I was right the first time - so this time I stoppped myself and didn’t listen to the little whisper in my head saying ‘or was that Gazoo?’ :rolleyes: My brain is screwy without cannabis!
Doc/Dark journal very helpful and within that, I really liked seeing his notes about what he did and when, so his first drench was about 30 days post pop (I think) and that is approximately when my first drench was. It's pretty easy to tell when the 1s are dry once you get a hang of it. Just the other day, I knew one of my girls was ready (BCP) but Crinkle Puss was not ready yet so pushed it and sure enough BCP was drooping the next day, she bounced back! Sorry for rambling!

:passitleft: not rambling - all good info and experience. Yep I’m actually reading the DS/Doc DBHBB journal alongside and just yesterday i got to the first drench, at about 26-27 days, so you’re about right on :thumb:

M’Lady, that’s funny - i used to kill houseplants too :ciao:
Would love a copy of your recipe as well LadyG, but noooooo rush, cause I need something that is broken brain proof, like your hummus recipe. :) I know you're super busy, making us foooood, mmmm, I'm so hungry, rice cakes and green juice it is. :)
You got it LadyG2! I find time now for the important stuff! ;)
Good late morning to ya Lady, s , and Green day... Hey wanted to let you know that the BIL finally got his perpetual thread off the ground.. He is also gonna include Outdoor to finish... He is also really busy, but real close to our outdoor SOOOOO.. His thread is in my sig..... Green days.... and to all.. .PS anyone is welcome...
Hey farmer! I don’t thInk you’ll run out of anything during your first grow with a regular kit. In fact I’m sure of it. I’m also sure the bulk kit is way super value so if you can afford it all in one hit, I’d do that if it were me.

I will say - both LadyG and I forgot to add leaf wash, it’s a seperate product to the kit, and we both regretted that! So add leaf wash when you order! If you’re buying a standard kit (ie not bulk) sometimes people buy extra transplant drench, but I’m not sure how long it takes before they’re into that second bottle. I haven’t grown enough with the kit to know that.

There’s many experienced brix misfits coming g through here so I’m sure someone will confirm or clarify soon enough!

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