Lady Gaea’s: A Tale Of Two Mauis, With Doc Bud’s High Brix Kit

Most excellent! I can't wait to read it!
So sorry for the lack of updates! Too much OT at work this week and it's Hubby's 49th B-day weekend! 3 days of gifts and spoiling for my love! I am the luckiest woman to have this wonderful guy who took "for better or for worse" quite literally! :green_heart: Sorry for the over-share! My CBD Therapy makes me a bit sappy!;)

Here are some updated pics...these little ones are strong, healthy, and are starting to smell like fresh mown grass and faintly of our sweet healing cannabis plant!:circle-of-love:

When they dry out...they will be ready for their first TP drench. I am guessing we are 2-3 days out. It may be a few days early for the youngest...but I'll make the call in a few days.

Take a look at the leaves...very similar. Fat leaves on both for a sativa...but a lot of similarities between these two breeders...don't you think? They both smell similar as well at this point. I am measuring out their water amounts and feedings. They are all drinking the same amount and their soil moisture is consistent...they are drying out at the same time.

I have the temp in the mid to high 80s. I have air conditioning running every day and the RH is set for 65...ranges from 60-65 when i look. Between the air conditioning and what the tent electric bill is a bit more, but not as bad as I thought it would be. Enough for the electric company to notice surely! Good thing I'm in menopause or it would look suspicious!:rofl::rofl::rofl: Have I mentioned before that my fear is that my husband is going to come home one day and find a pile of ash next to my sneakers? :laugh:

I just started 11/13 today for lighting at the recommendation of @Doc Bud @PuaManaOhana @Pennywise & @TurboBucket :thanks:

These are gonna be sweet! I can already tell! I am always amazed at the individual beauty that these plant strains have! These remind me of the HarleSin foliage that I grew, mostly sativa. Now...CBD Therapy? She was a beauty too! Very thin and wispy leaves that looked like the Stairway to Heaven! I am imagining lanky Maui beauties with frosty goodness and a seriously Groovy high!

Without further ado...

Have a great weekend celebrating!!!!!!!! And a big happy birthday to the hubby
Hope u are having a great weekend Lady G! Stay cool it's brutal out there!
Hi Van! I'm inside mostly today. The air conditioning is on of course! Just about to de-carb some SLH in the Nova to make my first batch of canna cream.
So you've started to flower while the ladies are still in their 1 gals?
Sorry...I started a 13/11 veg cycle and will use 11/13 for flowering. Trying the Hawaiian style grow environment. It will either be a success or catastrophic fail. In any will be interesting.
Ah, ok. Thought I missed something lol :hmmmm:
No...I have been having fraction problems lately...what I think and what I type are not equal. I am reversing letters when typing too. Need to speak to the Doc about this. Not sure if I should worry!:)
I have the same issue, think my brain is moving too fast for my mouth to keep up. I will mix up the first letter of two different words and have no idea how.

I was talking to my wife and meant to ask her if I made her weak in the knees and ended up asking if I made her kneak in the wees :rofl::rofl:
I am just going to infuse the oil today. I want to pick up a couple more essential oils after work tomorrow. Doing a skin test right now on various oils to see what I like. I know I want 8 oz of pumpkin seed oil. The balance of 8 more ounces will be 4 oz of sweet almond oil, which really absorbed well, and 4 ounces of grape seed oil, which absorbed a little slower but left my skin soft. I did not like the fractionated coconut oil. It left a sheen where the others didn't. I'll be adding beeswax and shea butter to thicken the cream.
I have the same issue, think my brain is moving too fast for my mouth to keep up. I will mix up the first letter of two different words and have no idea how.

I was talking to my wife and meant to ask her if I made her weak in the knees and ended up asking if I made her kneak in the wees :rofl::rofl:
lol!:rofl: That's awesome!
So...before I get too far into veg light schedules for these Hawaiian lovelies? ...would 14/10 be more conservative or should I stick with the 13/11 for veg and 11/13 for flower. Anyone?
What essential oils ya getting Hun?????
For arthritis I am mixing frankincense, myrr, and ginger. I think I need a few drops of sandalwood or clove to add an earthy pleasant scent.
You're talking about your fractions not adding up. I was once doing my cycle calculations (while high) and it took me nearly 10 minutes to realize my 16/10 light schedule was not going to work.
So bees wax and shea butter? I would like to thicken the topical oil I make but not have it firm up like the coconut oil I've made in the past. I generally make 16oz batches at a time. How much of the shea butter and/or bees wax would I add to thicken the oil some? I use just grape seed oil in my mix.
You're talking about your fractions not adding up. I was once doing my cycle calculations (while high) and it took me nearly 10 minutes to realize my 16/10 light schedule was not going to work.
LOL...what? Your days aren't 26 hours like mine? :rofl::rofl::rofl: And I'm straight! 14/10 lol! I think I need a little sativa right now!
Oh, also.......the grape seed mixed with buds produces a pungent marijuana aroma which lessens but doesn't seem to go away. Would adding peppermint essential oil hide/mask that aroma? I don't mind walking around smelling like Ben Gay but I get some looks (mostly from younger people) if I've applied oil within 3 hours of going out in public.
Do u have tee tree, lavender, or peppermint

I really liked those in my oils/lotion I made

And Coco butter is divine
I have cocoa butter, shea butter, and beeswax to play with. I also have tea tree, lavendar, and peppermint already.
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