King's True Grow: Autos, Mars Hydro LED 900, Tent, Pro Mix

Hey Joe, I've finally got a real deal pH pen. I'm also using promix. What should I pH my nutes and water to? 6.2-6.3?
Treat promix as coco.

I would ph to 5.5-5.8 flush then drop seed in once damp let sit only ph water for first week or two. If autos.
What nute line you using bud?
Hey Joe, I've finally got a real deal pH pen. I'm also using promix. What should I pH my nutes and water to? 6.2-6.3?
Also promix or coco hydroponic growing g requires growing range for ph between 5.5 -6.4 hot spots. Hope that helps. .
Pw is spot on! Great coco advice pw! +reps
Thanks farmer ya he has been super helpful since he has took his time to help me. Just trying to return knowledge. Like seeing people get fat buds lol
Also promix or coco hydroponic growing g requires growing range for ph between 5.5 -6.4 hot spots. Hope that helps. .
Awesome. I was thinking that was right but I smoke too much to remember.... LBVS. I'm gonna dial the pH in to 6.2 and see how goes.
Treat promix as coco.

I would ph to 5.5-5.8 flush then drop seed in once damp let sit only ph water for first week or two. If autos.
What nute line you using bud?
I'm using AN pH perfect trio, micro, grow, Bloom. Also, Big Bud, Bud Igniter and Overdrive. I have B 52 coming in mail prolly today,oh yeah and Cal/Mag. I've also been adding some Mammoth too....
My first Green Crack lady came down yesterday....

Wet weight
I'm using AN pH perfect trio, micro, grow, Bloom. Also, Big Bud, Bud Igniter and Overdrive. I have B 52 coming in mail prolly today,oh yeah and Cal/Mag. I've also been adding some Mammoth too....
Are you adding it like that as well joe? Always go grow Micro then bloom then addictives
Are you adding it like that as well joe? Always go grow Micro then bloom then addictives
Yes. Well I was giving full strength according to their bottle but when I started adding the big bud and Overdrive and Igniter I started to run into issues so I've backed off to 1/4 strength on everything (when given). I give the bud Igniter first 2 weeks of flower, big bud week 2-3 and Overdrive 3, until flush....

I haven't received the b 52 yet, should come today... DA said to add it and it would be and I quote... "Game Over".

Like I said tho, I didnt not have a proper pH pen prior. I was using the drop tester and just trying to eyeball it to the closest "shade" I could get the nutes. Now I have a pen and can test more accurate
AN on their site says Micro, Grow, Bloom in that order.

Running their nutes exactly as they say to and it is kind of freaking me out how well my plants are doing with so little care. We will see how it ends up!
AN on their site says Micro, Grow, Bloom in that order.

Running their nutes exactly as they say to and it is kind of freaking me out how well my plants are doing with so little care. We will see how it ends up!
Penny wise and angel say grow Micro bloom idk.
I just called them.... The gentleman I spoke to at AN said full strength (after 3-4 set of leaves) all 3 micro, grow, Bloom. Add Bud Igniter full strength week 1-2 of flower. Big Bud week 2-4 of flower. B-52 week 3 of flower, until flush. Overdrive last 2 weeks before flush. He said always use full strength micro grow and Bloom throughout grow, even when adding the later nutes( Bud Igniter, big bud and Overdrive). He said giving 1/4 strength Micro grow and Bloom will not make the pH perfect act right. If and when there is any yellowing of tips he said give just water next feeding them go back to full strength. He also said the overdrive can and will cause deficiency but this only bc the plant needs to start using its own stored nutes at this point so it's totally normal to see discoloration towards the last 2-4 weeks....
I just called them.... The gentleman I spoke to at AN said full strength (after 3-4 set of leaves) all 3 micro, grow, Bloom. Add Bud Igniter full strength week 1-2 of flower. Big Bud week 2-4 of flower. B-52 week 3 of flower, until flush. Overdrive last 2 weeks before flush. He said always use full strength micro grow and Bloom throughout grow, even when adding the later nutes( Bud Igniter, big bud and Overdrive). He said giving 1/4 strength Micro grow and Bloom will not make the pH perfect act right. If and when there is any yellowing of tips he said give just water next feeding them go back to full strength. He also said the overdrive can and will cause deficiency but this only bc the plant needs to start using its own stored nutes at this point so it's totally normal to see discoloration towards the last 2-4 weeks....
Ya for a photo probably guy I spoke to Andy was chill and have me grow Micro bloom maybe I'll do a pot and go Micro first to test run it. That is what I originally thought penny wise can you help back me up on this please.
He also said Do Not, I Repeat, DO NOT BOTHER CHECKING OR ESPECIALLY ALTERING pH. He said it will do more harm than good.
Yeah since you start feeding it with nutes and the ph perfect trio then no ph down is needed but for auto up to day 7 or 14 no Nutes so just ph water to 5.5-5.8 .
I use Sensi which is a 2 part A + B, if i feed full strength in my buckets id fry my plants. I may feed 1 bucket the actual full strength next time i get 2 days off so i can watch it like a hawk.
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