KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

I believe the optimal distance to place a LED light panel depends on the brand, whether uses 3 watt or 5 watt LED's and the angles of the lens or reflector used. I believe most 3 watt LED light panel manufacturer's recommend a 12"-18" minimum height above the canopy and most 5 watt LED light panel manufacturer's recommend a 18" minimum height above the canopy. I would use 3 gallon size pots if you are able to place all 3 plants in your grow area. I had not expected my plants to grow as large as they have under the 1x Lush Lighting Dominator 2x and would have used 5-7 gallon size pots with all 3x of the AK48 #3's and the 1x Hindu Kush #3 with the height that they presently are. I can only comment on the Lush Lighting Dominator 2x and the Lush Lighting Lumenator 2x and the growth and flowering response I have seen with using the full spectrum lighting.

Here are different illumination sources and their efficiency

Incandescent: 1.9-2.6% (10-17lumens/watt)
Halogen: ~3.5% (35-60 lumens/watt)
Compact Florescent Light and Tube Fluorescent: 9-11% (Compact Florescent Light 50-70 lumens/watt Tube 30-100 lumens/watt)
High Pressure Sodium: 27-32% (100-150 lumens/watt)
Metal Halide: 25-30% (75-100 lumens/watt)
LED: 17-46% (1mw -167+ lumens/watt)

now THAT! is the best reply that I could have wished for. :high-five: I will get back to you when I have another question.

KingJohn always lives up his username implications :thanks: :adore: the King :adore:

:green_heart: :420:
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

I find it mush easier to control the temperature in my Grow Bay #1 in the summer with the 3x Lush Lighting Lumenator 2x's and the 1x Lush Lighting Dominator 2x totalling =975 watts actual draw and my temperatures are cooler then when I was using a 1000 watt Lumatek Digital Dimmable ballast set on Super Lumen setting so 1100 watts of High Pressure Sodium lighting. The temperature in my Grow Bay #1 rarely rises above 76° Fahrenheit and usually the temperature sits at 73°-75° Fahrenheit with all 4x Lush Lighting LED panels totalling 975 watts actual draw and my temperature would be in the mid 85°+/-5° Fahrenheit with 1x 1000 watt High Pressure Sodium light.

The equipment from JJ Bones at has worked well to circulate the air and remove odours in Grow Bay #1.

@jj bones

Vortex Inline Fan 6in 452CFM - Perfect Gardens

Phresh Filter 6in x 24in 550CFM - Perfect Gardens

LTL Temp - Day/Night Temperature Controller - Perfect Gardens

Thanks for the reply
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review


Good morning....

Yea, I'm back to the GH brand this grow. My issues are the PH. Which is why when I run out (next grow) I'm going to AH's brand of PH ready nutes.

Your input?

I have not used that brand of nutrients.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Good day Maharaja
the pollen sacks are they fem or regular ? And is it most some or all Ganja plants do this survival method

The pollen sack that was removed from the AK48 #3 was a female pollen sack. I believe that all female cannabis plants are capable of producing female pollen sacks late in flower as a means of survival.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Flower Day 71

I found 2 more female pollen sacks in close proximity to each other on the same AK48 #3 plant that I found the first female pollen sack on. I believe the cause of the female pollen sack on this AK48 #3 may have been the power bar directly above with a red light that was left uncovered for 2 nights when I added the 3x Lush Lighting Lumenator 2x to Grow Bay #1. I removed the female pollen sacks with a sharp pair of Fiskars Micro Tip scissors.





re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

i once read somewhere removing them can cause more and more like the wives tale about silver hairs, what was recommended was a few things ,cover that bud with a sandwich bag and get some fem beans,remove the whole bud to the main stem,or seal that sack with glue,or something but to leave them so the plant thinks its attempt to seed is successful,i tried it once (sammy bag) and i did not get any further nanners,but only once is not enough to convince me its a sure fire solution,but the concept seems plausible, just a thought
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

The pollen sack that was removed from the AK48 #3 was a female pollen sack. I believe that all female cannabis plants are capable of producing female pollen sacks late in flower as a means of survival.
John, your innocent by-stander speaks again. Is the only difference between a male & female pollen sac is that the female sac appears after a plant is flowering? If not, who's to say that a pollen sac on a plant before pre-flowering determines it's a male?
Has anyone let a supposedly male plant with pollen sacs grow out only to find it was a female?

Now I'm up against the wall on this whole male/female thing. Maybe I'm over thinking it.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

John, your innocent by-stander speaks again. Is the only difference between a male & female pollen sac is that the female sac appears after a plant is flowering? If not, who's to say that a pollen sac on a plant before pre-flowering determines it's a male?
Has anyone let a supposedly male plant with pollen sacs grow out only to find it was a female?

Now I'm up against the wall on this whole male/female thing. Maybe I'm over thinking it.

When a cannabis plant late in flower Bolts it produces female pollen sacks containing feminized pollen.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Not quite as a descriptive of an answer I was expecting John.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

In my KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal I produced feminized seeds by using Silver Thiosulfate to create female pollen sacks with feminized pollen. The female pollen sacks produced by Silver Thiosulfate grow out in yellow banana shaped pollen sacks with the same structure that are created naturally by Bolting.

KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

In my KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal I produced feminized seeds by using Silver Thiosulfate to create female pollen sacks with feminized pollen. The female pollen sacks produced by Silver Thiosulfate grow out in yellow banana shaped pollen sacks with the same structure that are created naturally by Bolting.

KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal

That's pretty Friggen COOL! Thanks :thumb:
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Greeting oh Great King and a glorious Fried-day to all :rollit:
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Just sayin I have used AN for about 5 years. the ph perfect came out I will not switch to any other nute line. I do not need to check res info 2-3 times daily.
once weekly
and if growing the same strain perpetually I do not even bother checking after first week at full strenght.
The trade off is the price tag
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

John and everyone, what are a good cheap pair of glasses for me to wear in the grow room? I'm seeing green hues now. It's always something.

I'm going to search around on eBay, but don't know which is effective.

re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Just sayin I have used AN for about 5 years. the ph perfect came out I will not switch to any other nute line. I do not need to check res info 2-3 times daily.
once weekly
and if growing the same strain perpetually I do not even bother checking after first week at full strenght.
The trade off is the price tag
I'm in soil and though I just started using it I feel the same way about the Growology/SNS combo. When I mix the suggested amount my PH levels are at 6.3/6.5 . I use NYC tap water & I'm sure it wouldn't be the same reading in every region. I'm just happy to find it so compatible to ours.
re: KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

Reggie, NYC water is known to be some of the best quality water in the country. I think where the reservoir is located it is up from everything and runoff is limited. There are bottle water sellers which use NYC tap water as their water. They filter it, but it is NYC water.
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