KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

Vegetative Day 26

diatomaceous earth was added to the top of the soiless mixture to prevent soil insects, it cuts them as they move through it.




The upward curling leaf edges and the blotchiness of the brown spots indicates that you might have been suffering from a phosphorus deficiency. The affected leaf stems tend to have a deep purple hue to the underside.

I will get pictures of my recovering phosphorous def that looks similar to yours at lights on.
KingJohnC, those girls looks proud! :) Sad to see the spots still. One of mine (not same strain) is showing the same thing on the leaves. I've gotta get DE, as well, to combat little hopping blood-sucking bugs. I was wondering what the DE looked like. Should be fun slicing the little buggers up on the insides, eh? :D Beautiful color in them gals. :thumb:
nice one for the journal recommendation's chap, how do i subscribe to this or any journal or thread?


~ You Subb'd in by leaving a comment on King J's post here my friend. And you couldn't pick a better forum, and King John is the man.~

Best of luck in all you grow !!! ... :Namaste:
~ looking good John. glad to see the girls getting back up on their good foot. I myself prefer growing Sativa dominant, Haze is a fav...
that being said. This strain can be so picky and problematic... But more than worth it, right!!! ~ I lost just about all my problems when I ... " started using half the nutes, focused on the roots and a constant 6.5 PH " ... I haven't bought a bug product or anything for pathogens or fungi or what ever else I can't remember anymore right now. When you have a healthy organic plant in a clean environment. Nothing can hurt your plant, and if I ever had a soil issue...because I reuse my media. I just sprinkle some ground cinnamon over the top soil in the container... gnats and lil' creatures just go bye bye. I don't know if they left or just died. ~ I am so subb'd on the grow my friend ~ :Namaste:
~ looking good John. glad to see the girls getting back up on their good foot. I myself prefer growing Sativa dominant, Haze is a fav...
that being said. This strain can be so picky and problematic... But more than worth it, right!!! ~ I lost just about all my problems when I ... " started using half the nutes, focused on the roots and a constant 6.5 PH " ... I haven't bought a bug product or anything for pathogens or fungi or what ever else I can't remember anymore right now. When you have a healthy organic plant in a clean environment. Nothing can hurt your plant, and if I ever had a soil issue...because I reuse my media. I just sprinkle some ground cinnamon over the top soil in the container... gnats and lil' creatures just go bye bye. I don't know if they left or just died. ~ I am so subb'd on the grow my friend ~ :Namaste:

I'm glad you brought this up. sativas are very sensitive to nutrients. right now the plants are still getting adjusted, so I wouldn't do anything drastic at this point in time.
Vegetative Day 28

Brainstorm Haze was watered a 1 litre nutrient solution consisting of 1.25 Millilitres per gallon of Flora Gro, 1.25 Millilitres per gallon of Flora Micro, 1.25 Millilitres per gallon of Flora Bloom and 2 millilitres per gallon of Super B+.
The innocent by-stander must comment! KJC, those look lik the pictures of health! Not to be rude but could a couple of you soil experts do a drive-by on VictorVonDoom's thread?
Thanxx, he was a little stumped.
new growth looks great man. you've got two of the strongest strains growing (imo at least, cotton candy and some haze). i think soil like that with clay holds nutrients really well, and their sativas, so they are really nutrient sensitive. let em grow my friend
Vegetative Day 29







hey KJC i noticed in the bottom pic of this post that the stem is pretty purple a ways up the stalk, what causes that i have one plant where the entire stem is purple like that and i have never had that happen before, i would post a pic but im having some trouble with that right now
the plants have only been fed twice, the first time with 1/8 strength nutrients and 1/4 strength nutrients. I believe as the plants grow and higher doses of nutrients are added they may outgrow this. a purple stem can be caused by 2 reason either or by genetics and exposure to light or a calcium and magnesium deficiency.
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