KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

hey KJC i noticed in the bottom pic of this post that the stem is pretty purple a ways up the stalk, what causes that i have one plant where the entire stem is purple like that and i have never had that happen before, i would post a pic but im having some trouble with that right now

Phosphorus deficiencies exhibit slow growing, weak and stunted plants with dark green or purple pigmentation in older leaves and stems.
Some deficiency during flowering is normal, but too much shouldn't be tolerated. Red petioles and stems are a normal, genetic characteristic for many varieties, plus it can also be a co-symptom of N, K, and Mg-deficiencies, so red stems are not a foolproof sign of P-deficiency. Too much P can lead to iron deficiency.
Purpling: accumulation of anthocyanin pigments; causes an overall dark green color with a purple, red, or blue tint, and is the common sign of phosphate deficiency. Some plant species and varieties respond to phosphate deficiency by yellowing instead of purpling. Purpling is natural to some healthy ornamentals.

Vegetative Day 35




I feel it is a combination of older leaves that already had damage and new damage from the transplant. the roots were washed of all the old soil before the transplant and I believe this has added to the leaf damage we are seeing on the older leaves but not on new growth.
Vegetative Day 35

all 3 brainstorm Haze were watered with a nutrient mixture consisting of 1.25 millilitres per gallon of Flora Gro, 1.25 millilitres per gallon of Flora Micro and 1.25 millilitres per gallon of Flora Bloom.

Brainstorm Haze # 01 6 inch
Brainstorm Haze # 02 4 and 1/2
Brainstorm Haze # 03 5 inch
Vegetative Day 36

all 3 brainstorm Haze were watered with a nutrient mixture consisting of 2.5 millilitres per gallon of Flora Gro, 2.5 millilitres per gallon of Flora Micro and 2.5 millilitres per gallon of Flora Bloom.
John who is King :cheesygrinsmiley:

The last plant looks to me like it could be a PH problem. The twisty leaves look like it might be high PH. Just guessing of course.

Buck who is shot :cheesygrinsmiley:
:rollit: Im doing pretty good right now KingJohnC and I hope you are too, I dont think you watered them back to back like those posts show, but they do have different nutrient doses so did you?
Another question is are you useing the whole gallon of nutrient mixture too split on all 3?
In my grow on 3 clones in flower in what looks like similar size pots I have been splitting a whole gallon on them and it leaves like an inch in each drip tray that I leave to see gone next day.They are looking really good so I will keep at it until problems show :thanks:
:rollit: Im doing pretty good right now KingJohnC and I hope you are too, I dont think you watered them back to back like those posts show, but they do have different nutrient doses so did you?
Another question is are you useing the whole gallon of nutrient mixture too split on all 3?
In my grow on 3 clones in flower in what looks like similar size pots I have been splitting a whole gallon on them and it leaves like an inch in each drip tray that I leave to see gone next day.They are looking really good so I will keep at it until problems show :thanks:

I was wondering the same thing closet organic.
Back to back seems like it would be a bit much. lets see what KJC says.
Looking real nice and green there, King! Glad to see your problems are resolved. How long are you planning on vegging?

Brainstorm Haze will be in vegetative growth until cuttings can be taken and and rooted and will be topped as well.
im liking it. looks like my thc bomb levaes and kinda like the snow white I have. maybe thc bomb is some kinda haze? really piney for sure.. looking good
KJC, does those 39 include seedling time as well, or did you restart your clock when you knew the plant was vegging?
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