KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

KingJohnC, have you decided what the lower leaf issue is for certain?
I saw your post about the older already damaged leaves and was hoping that it is not movng upwards. Do you think it is still just damaged leaves already affected that are turning sir?
we believe the leaf damage is from a Phosphorous deficiency and appears to be confined to the older fan leaves lower on the plants. the new growth is coming up nice and green.

here is a cannabis leaf deficiency chart


here is the Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver and the Plant Abuse Chart

Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

Plant Abuse Chart
Can anyone that knows, please give a better explanation of what is taking place inside the plant right now? Is the plant extracting the phosphorous from the lower leaves to give a balanced diet to the uppers and new growth?
Drive by John. Seems you have problems going on hopefully you got them figured out. Had to tell what the problem is. But they will grow out of it. Myself I'm a firm believer in never removing leaves, but if the leaf is more than 60% damaged I remove them. Could be Phosphorous but if that don't work try alittle ebson salt. Just a thought. I know where I live the PPM in my water is like 20 and under. That means I have no calcium in my water here. Of course that's easy to fix 5 mills of Cal-Mag every watering. Rep's+++'s and GL and I'll be back till then Keepem Green
the 3 Brainstorm Haze plants in the original soiless mixture they were in began to develop deficiencies and were moved to a new soiless mixture of peat moss, perlite and vermiculite and fed with General Hydroponics Flora series nutrients. when a plant lacks a nutrient it will take the mobile nutrients from older lower growth in favour of new growth. I believe the cannabis plants are no longer in deficiency and the older damaged leaves are no longer worsening, the new growth on the plants are coming up a nice green colour. the plants are now growing well. the plants were given a 1/2 strength nutrient mixture last watering and will be given 3/4 strength next time.
I see you came to the same conclusion I had on the Phosphorous deficiency, well done. In my grow, my plant that suffered a P def still showed signs of affected leaves being consumed by the def, although it was completely recovered and showing rapid growth.
Vegetative Day 41

Brainstorm Haze is growing fast now since the higher strength nutrients were added.

a water sample was taken today and I tested its pH and ppm.

pH 6.97
ppm 90-100
using the General Hydroponics Nutrient Calculator

ml per 1 Gallon PPM @ User Strength
15 FloraGro
10 FloraMicro NN AN UN P K Ca Mg S Fe Mn Zn Cu B Mo Co
5 FloraBloom 199 21 0 52 276 134 39 54 3.1 1.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.02 0.01
Total PPM 779

cuttings will be taken this upcoming week and rooted, once the cuttings are rooted all 3 plants in the photographs will be flowered.
Looks much better when u removed the bad leaves :) Did u find the source to the problem?

Thinking about to remove mine to, but dont know if it will do more bad then good, cuase im in flower :)
the 3 Brainstorm Haze plants in the original soiless mixture they were in began to develop deficiencies and were moved to a new soiless mixture of peat moss, perlite and vermiculite and fed with General Hydroponics Flora series nutrients. when a plant lacks a nutrient it will take the mobile nutrients from older lower growth in favour of new growth. I believe the cannabis plants are no longer in deficiency and the older damaged leaves are no longer worsening, the new growth on the plants are coming up a nice green colour. the plants are now growing well. the plants were given a 1/2 strength nutrient mixture last watering and will be given 3/4 strength next time.

Cool... my wife will be happy, I was wrong again :cheesygrinsmiley:
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