KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal

Let me just say You just admitting that is one of th most truthful and honest things Ive seen on this site sir. 99% would have nt admitted that. Much respect and +reps for the honesty sir. It makes me warm and fuzzy that one of our 'best' members is so humble. :):)
& then there's the 2 percent such as myself who never thought or knew that.
My guess would be that the medicine has degraded past peak maturation. Which makes sense considering you grew what's supposed to be 100% indica (we all know indica's ripen quicker), and flowered it for 2-3 more weeks than the "recommended flowering time". Perhaps the peak THC content was reached at week 8 (roughly), given another 1-2 weeks of high energy light probably degraded the medicine from mostly THC to mostly CBN which is a much more mild psychoactive medicinal analogue. I suppose this would be the risk with such a high percentage of indica in its genes.

Since we would need a GC-MS or H-NMR reading to see what compound dominates the mixture, and see what it REALLY looks like, my opinion is that the color of the trichomes are not fully indicative of the peak psychoactive state of the mixture of compounds that resides within the trichome itself. You would need much more analytical means to be sure, so I suppose that's sort of the gamble with growing a nearly pure indica, and basing the analysis off of basically a color test. Had you sampled the crop around week ~8?

Anyway just my two cents, hope no one is offended by my words :Namaste:
John. WOW youre plants are amazing.. cant stop looking at them, would give my arm for one smoke :p
Just one quick qs, could I use bat quano as a fertilizer for my plants?
My guess would be that the medicine has degraded past peak maturation. Which makes sense considering you grew what's supposed to be 100% indica (we all know indica's ripen quicker), and flowered it for 2-3 more weeks than the "recommended flowering time". Perhaps the peak THC content was reached at week 8 (roughly), given another 1-2 weeks of high energy light probably degraded the medicine from mostly THC to mostly CBN which is a much more mild psychoactive medicinal analogue. I suppose this would be the risk with such a high percentage of indica in its genes.

Since we would need a GC-MS or H-NMR reading to see what compound dominates the mixture, and see what it REALLY looks like, my opinion is that the color of the trichomes are not fully indicative of the peak psychoactive state of the mixture of compounds that resides within the trichome itself. You would need much more analytical means to be sure, so I suppose that's sort of the gamble with growing a nearly pure indica, and basing the analysis off of basically a color test. Had you sampled the crop around week ~8?

Anyway just my two cents, hope no one is offended by my words :Namaste:

This is what I was thinking and think your correct.
So sorry for the loss KJC, I know you put a great amount of equity into this grow to have it conclude this way. If any of the above proves to be true, maybe the #2 plant would still have viable pollen as the circumstances are much different?
John. WOW youre plants are amazing.. cant stop looking at them, would give my arm for one smoke :p
Just one quick qs, could I use bat quano as a fertilizer for my plants?

there are 2 different types of bat guano, one high in Nitrogen and the other high in Phosphorus. both can be used as a fertilizer mixed into the soil or used as a component for a tea.
Hmmm a puzzling predicament. Some great comments posted. May I send my condolences and agree that the past dew theory sounds the most likely. I had some super critical plants that had the same problem. I believe in the search for Amber I also lett them go far past due and ended with nothing critical or super at all. I would not go down the path of doubting anything else about your process etc as King your still my king of kings.
Your big harvest was all bunk? Them nugs looked delicious and uniform that is bizarre! Trust me your grow was proper you provided them with what they needed and there is no reason a viable product would not have produced what it was supposed too... What about flavor wise? Does it taste like LA confidential you normally smoke? I need to read a bunch of posts here to get caught up but if you need help lemme know I got yer back John!
I would not describe it as either.

Then it was not premature for sure.... Does it taste woody at all? When you smoke it can you taste ammonia at all even a slight hint? Does the resin it creates look watery? Sorry for asking strange questions just tryin to figure out what happen , maybe something in the cure process?
I believe LA Confidential has a genetic problem as it failed to mature and its trichomes never matured enough to produce any THC as evident by its lack of amber trichomes. when trichomes degrade cleat then cloudy to amber that is when the THC is chemically changed to CBN, CBN is the compound that is created when THC degrades from cloudy to amber . If it was a mater of being over mature it would be covered in amber trichomes but even with 70 days it failed to produce amber trichomes. I simply do not have room for a plant that fails to mature as it should, even with breeder estimates of 56-65 days for flowering LA Confidential has failed to mature and its trichomes have failed to ripen.
Don't worry, the haze will knock you off your socks. I usually pull the plant just before all pistils are orange and receded. At this point the plant will just start to change from cloudy to amber.
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