KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal

I did not grow LA Confidential as i normally would for medicine. I grew LA Confidential for seeds, I gave LA Confidential number 1 more time to allot for flowering with less then 1000 watts of power and extra time for seeds to form. I had hoped that LA Confidential number 2 would release pollen and still pollinate some of the remaining pistils on LA Confidential number 1. I am unable to explain by any other reason except genetics why the trichomes would not show any degradation and still contain so low of THC when given such optimal growing conditions. I wish there was a Cannabis testing lab close by that I could have a sample tested at just to know its THC and CBD levels.

Hmm, I kinda agree with some of the commentators john, I take my plants when I see the first sign of amber. I am under the impression that as soon as trichs start ambering the thc levels will begin to fall off. Now, we have all smoked seeded weed that was very potent.......wild thai is all hermaphroditic and you always get seeds....still high thc. I am slightly perplexed at this situation as I can see you are my limited experience I have been told that by the time a plant produces mature seeds it is far past it's prime condition for ingestion, on the other hand I have selectively pollinated branches.......and the rest of the weed was stony....and even the buds with seeds were potent. I will say this; I have looked at your all looks to be good application of sound fundamental practices..........I haven't observed anything that you've done that could cause this potency issue. If I had the space I would grow 6 of the seeds and see what they produce, you will get a cross section of phenos from the parents genetics....IDK john, it makes sense that the more we know, when we encounter problems they could likely be more complicated than if we never even knew we had a problem when basking in cannabliss..........thank you for your work, shit like this happens, and I'm glad that you're a person who would devote the energy to carry out the process you just completed.
I did not grow LA Confidential as i normally would for medicine. I grew LA Confidential for seeds, .................. I am unable to explain by any other reason except genetics why the trichomes would not show any degradation and still contain so low of THC when given such optimal growing conditions.

I wish there was a Cannabis testing lab close by that I could have a sample tested at just to know its THC and CBD levels.

It's expensive, but there is a kit for home testing...Cannalytics Supply - Cannabinoid Fingerprint Testing

It is a cannabinoid detection (phytochemistry) mini-laboratory. Its easy to use and no scientific background is required for proper analysis.

Thin layer chromato-graphy (TLC) is a chromatographic technique that is used in many (phyto) pharmaceutical and analytical research laboratories for the separation and identification by colouring (chroma =Greek for color) of organic compounds in a mixture of hundreds of compounds, a simple, rapid and inexpensive technique that uses adsorbtion and capillary action to separate complex mixtures into discrete zones. TLC gives a quick answer as to how many components there are in a mixture.

Every principal cannabinoid will display its own color! THC will appear in wine red, CBG will show in bright yellow, CBD in orange, CBC in violet…etc.

At 150 bucks it's a bit steep, but if you really want to know.....
Flower Day 78














Hmm, I kinda agree with some of the commentators john, I take my plants when I see the first sign of amber. I am under the impression that as soon as trichs start ambering the thc levels will begin to fall off. Now, we have all smoked seeded weed that was very potent.......wild thai is all hermaphroditic and you always get seeds....still high thc. I am slightly perplexed at this situation as I can see you are my limited experience I have been told that by the time a plant produces mature seeds it is far past it's prime condition for ingestion, on the other hand I have selectively pollinated branches.......and the rest of the weed was stony....and even the buds with seeds were potent. I will say this; I have looked at your all looks to be good application of sound fundamental practices..........I haven't observed anything that you've done that could cause this potency issue. If I had the space I would grow 6 of the seeds and see what they produce, you will get a cross section of phenos from the parents genetics....IDK john, it makes sense that the more we know, when we encounter problems they could likely be more complicated than if we never even knew we had a problem when basking in cannabliss..........thank you for your work, shit like this happens, and I'm glad that you're a person who would devote the energy to carry out the process you just completed.
Grow the 6 seeds; best resolution I've heard yet.
I did not get any "high" effect from smoking LA Confidential, not even a light buzz. I have smoked grams of it at a time and not experienced any "high" at all.

That's just unusual, I have smoked Mexican brick weed, full of seeds, that at least gave me a slight buzz. I really feel for you though, I can't imagine how upsetting that would be.
wait so your saying that the seeded bud didnt get you medicated?


A DISASTER has happened

LA Confidential number 1 has produced bud with too little THC to be smoked. after smoking 1.5 grams of cured bud I do not get high from smoking it. This is the first time i have produced bud with low THC and am unsure if i have made a mistake that could be corrected or if it is how i suspect that despite the best growing conditions and many visibly milky trichomes my LA Confidential failed to produce any THC. High Times Magazine designated LA Confidential as one of the strongest strains on the earth in 2012 testing at 20% THC. Despite LA Confidential's 7 - 8 weeks advertised flowering schedule I flowered mine for 10 weeks without seeing any amber trichomes. I contacted DNA Genetics to resolve the issue of week genetics and this is how they responded:


We are sorry to hear about your misfortunes, and appreciate your feedback.

At this moment we do not have a notable amount of complaints on any one specific strain of ours to raise concern over our seeds. Our product goes through rigorous testing and a very strict selection process before we release any new batch or strain to our customers. This is the same method we have been using over the years, to produce stable, high quality products.

So we are very confident that our seeds are not the problem in this case. We will never release a product we are not confident in.

Many factors play a roll in the development of a seed to a full-grown crop. So it’s hard to say what went wrong in your specific case.

We will be making a note out of your complaint so we can further look into this matter in case we receive more complaints about our products.

We pride ourselves on providing our customers with high quality products.



So it seems DNA Genetics is happy producing a product with too little THC to get a person high and will not resolve the issue. I would have a hard time trusting any seeds from DNA Genetics sold at the attitude in the future. I have destroyed my LA Confidential mother plant and when LA Confidential number 2 either produces seeds or none I will not use any seeds or use any collected pollen. Week genetics need to destroyed not preserved.

I am unaware of any gross mistakes I have made during LA Confidential's vegetative growth and flowering, If anyone has experienced low THC from a harvest previously and is aware of a mistake I have made please reply.


Apart from that being a "standard" letter,

This bit

At this moment we do not have a notable amount of complaints on any one specific strain of ours to raise concern over our seeds.

Would seem to imply that they have had complaints, just not "enough" on one particular strain.

I think you documented your grow pretty damn well, John.

If they were really interested in the quality of their seeds,

you would have gotten more than a computer generated letter.
I did not get any "high" effect from smoking LA Confidential, not even a light buzz. I have smoked grams of it at a time and not experienced any "high" at all.

that's crazy. it must be the genetics of that plant. weve all lost man, don't feel too bad.
KingJohn that just sucks. Your grow was well documented and as we all know you didn't do anything to get the results you did. I maybe could see it on the seeded plant but for it to be the unpolluted one is crazy. I would write them back and ask them to look at your journal and tell you what you did wrong to get these result.
I saw some seed pods cool! I been dealing with VSB for a couple years now. If something don't work right they replace it and Rebecca is a hot awesome informative chick ;) I love being in the collective really saves money by having a viable seed bank helping you out.
I have had this happen once. Many years ago in a greenhouse grow. I have no answer though unfortunately. We had the same result from a whole batch of bag seed. This was before the skunk was around in OZ, very rare anyway. It was an Asian sativa but in those days we knew nothing of origin or any genetics. No affect at all from the whole crop and it looked great, smelt great. I think this is just a very rare genetic fuk up.
hi king, id have to say its genetics mate, as you may of read ive been producing seeds for a few years now and even a seeded plant will get you pretty wasted, ive let plants go way past harvest to get pollen and still is a good smoke, ive also put pollen on plants when they are to far into flower and pretty much had to wait till the plant was dead before i knew the seeds where ready for harvest, again the buds where still a very nice smoke, not nice when you get a bit of the seeded calyx as it can be a bit harsh but still gets you high like regular bud,

so id have to say its gentics, problem is how is this going to affect the pollen and seeds produced from the pollen, poor gentics usuallt pass on to the seeds, probably not something you want to hear, but i find its much easier to pass on poor gentics than it is to pass on great genetics, ive had to go back to a previous batch of seeds due to the new batch producing genetic issues such as small buds across the range or slow growth, so for me poor gentics seem to easy to pass on and seem to be the strongest trait to pass on,

so i can confidently say its nothing to do with the grow or anything else you used, it can only be down to the genetics, if the trichs where clear then i guess that may explain it as it contains very little thc but as long as the trichs where cloudy then the thc is their, you know yourself that thc degrades into cbn so if anything the affects of a late harvest would be stronger. trichs dont go past amber, the plant just dies, ive let plants go that far and they just die, but still smokable and still produced a decent high.
Pollen will not be saved, I will not keep the seeds. LA Confidential number 2 is being grown to determine if seeds can be successfully produced with Silver Thiosulfate and how long the seeds take to mature on the plant after pollination.
cool that will be some interesting results, if seeds can be produced then its something to try if someone had just 1 plant or clone, saves turning another plant to seed,

was plant number 2 a clone of plant number 1 or was it from seed, i really cant remember that far back, if its a clone then chances are a high % of the seeds will have the gentic problem so not worth growing unless you got room to grow and flower them, but if plant number 2 was from a different seed then its got a good chance not to carry that pheno type, it may of come from a different mother plant as they turn lots of plants to seed at same time so the seeds maybe be ok, i just cant remember if it was a clone or if your grew 2 plants from seed, if its from seed then id risk growing a couple out or at least 1 and go 12-12 from seed just to test the buds,

its a risk to take and its time and money if it does produce the same pheno type, you might even have a high cbd strain that some growers would be desperate to get hold of, i know jandre and another grower are working on cbd strains and this other grower was working on produce a thc 0% strain that just produced cbd, it is rare to get a high cbd strain but it does happen and growers producing medicinal strains are working on producing these strains, you just might have one. hemp contains very little thc but contains very high cbd but growers dont want 15ft plants with no side branching which is how hemp grows, i have got lots of hemp seeds so at some point ill work on a cbd strain by crossing with hemp but not any time soon.

so yours is not hemp as it would not have side branching and would of got lanky from day 1, but cbd fights against thc so if its got a high cbd content and low thc then these would counter each other and the affects would be minimal from what i have read, ive not worked with cbd strains as i cant test them but read up on it for pain relief so it just might be possible that yours is high in cbd,
So having read this journal from beging to post #976 I see that a few have missed the fact, that he is not smoking the seeded bud. He had 2 plants off the same mother. Plant# 1 ( the larger plant) which was to be impregnated, and plant # 2 (the smaller plant) which was being sprayed with silver thiosulfate to make female DNA pollen sacs. Plant #2 was going to be shaken over plant #1 to produce the seeds, but because the spraying of the second plant didn't start untill a week after flower,(instead of the first day of flower) most of the pistols on the plant #1 were past their prime by the time plant #2 had developed female DNA pollen sacs, and plant #1 did not get exposed to pollen at all.

Instead plant#1 was flowered for 69 days(because he did not see the tri's turning a brownish color) instead of the 49-56 days recommended for optimal harvest. And that is the bud he smoked and did not get high from.

Plant#2 impregnated itself and is producing seeds currently, and those are the pictures he is still posting.

i never said he did smoke seeded bud, i was just making a comment that a plant left in flower to long wont degrade the high, so wasnt saying he was smoking seeded bud as i know the first plant did not produce seeds as it was never pollenated, plant number 2 is self polinating and cant be smoked due to been treated to go hermie, it was more a comment relating to the zero affects from the first plant,

if anything the harvested plant that never got seeded should of been a stronger plant due to been left in flower to long, as it had very little affect then it either has no thc and hich cbd or has none of either, so if the 2nd plant treated to go hermie was from same mother then the seeds will carry that trait, leaving it in flower to long wont stop the bud from been smokable, ive let plants die before ive harvested them and its still been a nice smoke, so leaving it in flower to long wont cause it to not produce any sort of high, leaving it in flower to long will make it go hermie and self polinate, even when it does this the bud is still smokable and still produces a decent high as it only produces a small amount of seeds so most is seed free, its the method i use to produce fem seeds, i smoke the bud from these plants left in flower to long and its as good as any other bud of that strain. i dont self pollinate i just leave a plant or 2 in flower way past harvest several weeks past harvest date so it goes hermie (rodilization method) then produces pollen which i then use on other plants, but the plant that has been in flower for sometimes up to a month after harvest date is still smokable and still produces a nice high, once its produced pollen ill harvest it and some plants wont go hermie until well after harvest date

just couldnt remember if plant number 2 was a clone or from seed, really couldnt remember that far back as im subd to to many journals to remember little details like that without going back to the start of the journal.
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