KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal

the only problem i had with forcing a hermie was it produced hermie seeds,
now the plant i used could of well went hermie on its own but ill never know as i forced it hermi, but what i did was waited till the plant had just started to flower then i kept shocking it with random day and night hours then it turned hermie, i used the pollen on another plant and it produced hermie seeds, each one turned hermie at the same time i forced the female parent to go hermie,

so i have not tried that method since but it could of just been that the plant i used was going to hermie on its own, so i know this method does work but it put me off when i ended up with hermie seeds,

the method i now use is called rodilization, its the late flowering method, i know this works and its the only method i use, works everytime and i can then see if the mother plant is going to hermie early or see if it only goes hermie to reproduce, so that gives me the best idea of knowing if the seeds will be hermie prone, so any plants that go hermie before the end of flower i wont use pollen from, but plants that reach full flower and hermie due to been in flower to long work perfect for producing fem seeds, the only downside with this method is you either need to self polinate which is ok if you are not working on your own strain, or you have to store the pollen for the next plant you put in flower.

the only realy way to do it at the same time is to put one plant into flower a few weeks before the rest like 4 weeks before, then the pollen it produces at harvest would be in time to get seeds from one of the other fem plants.

im not knocking the light shock idea and its how i first read up on producing hermie seeds, but maybe i forced it hermie to early as it had only just started to show signs of flowering, so maybe if i left it in flower a few weeks longer then the seeds might of turned out ok, i really think i did it to early to be honest,

you know what im going to give it another try, after i harvest the plants i got in flower now ill try it with the next plants i got in veg,

@mc, at what time would you say its best to start the light shock, if i can produce pollen at the same time as the other plants been in flower then i could use the pollen during that grow instead of storing it for the next round of plants, so how far in flower would you say is best to start using the light shock treatment, the late flowering method is ok and does work but you have to wait longer for the pollen

I'm plants right now. The hermies I seeded have given me over 200 boys! The plants I used are very susceptible to flashing, and will herm right at the end of seeds!
Flower Day 47

LA Confidential was watered with 1 gallon of a nutrient mixture consisting of 7 millilitres of per gallon of Flora Gro, 12 millilitres per gallon of Flora Micro and 15 millilitres per gallon of Flora Bloom. trichome development can be seen on the sugar leaves. yellow leaves were removed. LA Confidential number 2 continues to be sprayed daily with a silver thiosulfate solution.






























Flower Day 31








And A Grand Munchyday your Highness, I hope this day finds all well in the Kingdom
you really did get that plant to bloom rapidly. good work man. hope the seeds are also a success.
KJC, you may need a crane to help you harvest #1. Colossal sized buds!!!
for topping i prefer to have the plant grown larger then most and clone the topped portion of the plant. LA Confidential was topped at the 3rd node and the top portion was placed into a fog cloner where it rooted for 11-13 days.
Flower Day 50

LA Confidential number 2 was watered with a nutrient solution consisting of 5 millilitres per gallon of Flora Gro, 7 millilitres per gallon of Flora Micro and 10 millilitres per gallon of Flora Bloom. LA Confidential number 2 continues to be sprayed daily with a silver thiosulfate solution. a slightly stronger silver thiosulfate solution was mixed consisting of 22 millilitres of silver nitrate solution, 22 millilitres of sodium thiosulfate solution, 360 millilitres of distilled water and 1 drop of ivory liquid soap as a surfactant. I tested the ppm of the silver thiosulfate solution at 100ppm. LA Confidential number 1 is getting very heavy with bud and the tallest branches have fallen over. an examination with a 30x jewelers loupe of the trichomes show mostly clear trichomes.
You are doing great Maharaj
Hope that you have a great day, I have found it difficult to stay in touch with the different journal,s I subbed to so I am having some trouble keeping up with every thing. But what I wanted to ask is the experiment with the silver solution still happening or has it happened I will try an find the time to go back through the page,s
Love Jaga
the silver thiosulfate solution continues to be sprayed daily on LA Confidential number 2, no pollen sacks have been observed yet. some odd growth on the small buds LA Confidential number 2 has been observed, i am hoping to see pollen sacks.
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