KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal

plus if the spray dont give you results mate then you can just leave the smaller plant in flower and dont harvest it until its self polinated, this wont give you hundreds of seeds but it will give you plenty of fem seeds to work with and for many future grows,

ive not tried the chemical route yet but the only chemical i have seen that actually worked was the colloidal silver, their are some guiedes on how to make it but im sure it can be bought as well, the only downside with chemicals is it leaves the plant only fit for the bin, you cant smoke or use the buds for hash using colloidal silver solution, its on the rainforest sounding site for around £15 a bottle, but this does produce pollen but leaves the plant only good for the bin after getting pollen from it,

im not sure if kings chemical is safe enough so you can still use the buds or make hash from the plant so cant comment on that as i dont know enough about it, maybe king can fill us in on how safe it is or if its the same as colloidal silver, i think king did say a while back that its whats in colloidal silver but id have to go back a few pages and check,

anyways if this chemical dont work then why not just let the plant self polinate, you could still harvest the first plant as normal and just leave the other plant in flower and dont harvest it at all until you got seeds, it will self polinate eventually and it dont take long after the trichs are 100% cloudy for it to start producing pollen,

ive not tried self polinated seeds but as no male is present they should all still be fem, the only concern id have is if they would be hermie or not as using the pollen on a none hermie female produces fem seeds without the hermie trait but would self polinated seeds produce fem hermie seeds due to the parent plant producing the pollen and the seeds.

ive just not tried that method to say for sure but i know leaving a plant in flower for 2 or 3 weeks longer will produce pollen as ive made fem seeds this way a couple of times now, you dont get much pollen as female pollen sacs dont produce as much as males but its enough to produce a few hundred seeds when put on another plant, self polination id think you would get about half due to the plant been at the end of flower so it wouldnt have so long to produce seeds,
ok cool, thanks for the info king,

also on the video sites their are some guides of making a similar solution but they use a 9v battery and a screw i think and it causes a reaction in the chemicals and then it can be used to force hermie, is this the same chemicals you used and the same idea by using a battery,
ill try and find the vid and ill send you the link via pm so you can take a look, i didnt pay much attention to it as it was a while back but i remember them usinga 9v battery and a screw placed inside the liquid and when connected it caused a reaction and it started to bubble around the screw.
ill try and find it mate so you can have a look, maybe its the same method you used or maybe its a totally different chemical, i found it when i was looking for the silver colloidal videos,

let me see if i can find it,
Flower Day 43

LA Confidential was watered with 1 gallon of a nutrient solution consisting of 7 millilitres per gallon of Flora Gro, 10 millilitres per gallon of Flora Micro and 15 millilitres per gallon of Flora Bloom. yellow leaves were removed from LA Confidential. LA Confidential number 2 was watered with a nutrient solution consisting of 5 millilitres per gallon of Flora Gro, 7 millilitres per gallon of Flora Micro and 10 millilitres per gallon of Flora Bloom. LA Confidential number 2 continues to be sprayed daily with a silver thiosulfate solution. a slightly stronger silver thiosulfate solution was mixed consisting of 22 millilitres of silver nitrate solution, 22 millilitres of sodium thiosulfate solution, 360 millilitres of distilled water and 1 drop of ivory liquid soap as a surfactant. photographs will be posted later today as my camera batteries died on me so i am unable to currently upload the photographs i have taken until the batteries recharge.
Flower Day 43

LA Confidential is quickly maturing and may finish around day 56






















plant number 1 looks great, it certainly finished quick, i dont think ive grown a strain that finishes that quick, nice looking buds as well,

keeping my fingers crossed for you on the other plant going hermie, never thought id say that, when you want a plant to go hermie they dont go hermie and when you dont they do,
Looks really good! :D
A Grand Friedday to the King and through out the kingdom
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