KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal

Very nice King I wish I had the space for breeding. For now I'll stick to autos, but I enjoy checking out everyone's journal, mostly to pick all the veterans brains lol. I can't say enough about this site and it it's members definitely the best one out there. My journal is in my signature if you guys wanna stop by, I promise to post plenty of bud porn!
you dont need much space for breeding, if you wanted to cross autos then you could easily grow a male in another room just getting light from a winow as they need very little to grow and flower, its what im doing at the minute to the kc45 auto male, ill put some pics up tomorrow, but all i did was when it showed me it was male i just put it in another room where the door is shut and i closed the window to stop the pollen blowing around, its not even in the direct light as it might get noticed so its in the corner of the room and each day i go in and if i see the pollen sacs open i get my old fish food tub and place it below the open sacs then carefully bend the plant over then give it a few gentle taps and the pollen will fall in the pot,

as long as their is no wind or you dont knock it then the pollen should only end up in the pot and not getting to much air born, so far ive not had any issues with pollen getting out of control,
so autos are pretty easy if you wanted to get regular autos, the kc45 autos are really cheap on herbies head shops, plus even if you buy just one seed you will always get 3 free, so if you just spend $1 or £1 on one seed then herbie will send 3 free, 1 will be femenised or auto fem and the other 2 will be regular seeds, at the minute he is giving away a new strain thats about to be released so ive got some of them growing as its suppose to be a really nice strain so the seeds he gives away are not cheap seeds at all, ive had some expensive strains for free, ive not had any bad service either,
i bought a jack flash fem from him and it turned out male, now as herbies head shop is a seed bank then he has nothing to do with breeding the strains, but i let him know in case the batch had been mixed up and he said i was the only 1 that had problems, so he said he will replace it with my next order so when i placed my order he sent 2 x jack flash fem from another breeder so herbie goes above and beyond to keep his customers happy.

the kc45 auto regulars was £10 for 10 seeds, so cant complain at that, i found the did very poor under 24-0 and 20-4, i was getting about 1/4z average and plants less than 1ft high at harvest, then i decided to try them under 12-12 thinking id get very poor results, but i was shocked, the plants nearly hit 3ft, all the plants was between 2.5 and 3ft at harvest, plus the yield dry was around the 2oz mark per plant and gave me 4 x 1ft buds so was very happy under 12-12.

if you wanted to work with regular none autos to cross plants then what i do is keep them in flower room until the pollen sacs have formed, so you can tell when their ready to open so you got time to get plenty of pollen sacs growing before removing it from the flower room, so i remove the male from the flower room and again use the light from the window, now even though the light is not 12-12 the plant still produced pollen, the pollen sacs that are formed during 12-12 will open and release pollen before the plant goes back into veg, but it depends what daylight hours your getting where you are,

so crossing is ok if you crossing the same strain but can be a bit difficult when you cross 2 different strains, the first cross is always the most stable but when you start picking pheno types from the seeds and it can then take several generations of crossing and back crossing with the original pheno before you can get a stable strain.

but even strains you buy have 2 or more pheno types, some breeders are pretty honest and will say that the strain has 5 pheno types and will then list the phenos but most plants produce a few different pheno types from the seeds, the only time ive got seeds to produce the same plants every time their grown is the ak47 x uk cherry cheese ive got, i used 2 females that had identical pheno types and hermied the one and put pollen on the other, the seeds from that cross produce the same plants every time, ive not noticed any different pheno types
I fully intend to change the light schedule on my next grow don, especially after I read your journal where you mentioned the above info. I plan to post a journal on that grow as well. Thanks for the breeding info as well, and I will definitely go with herbies from now on.
A Wonderful Sativaday to you KJC
John that girl is so pretty and i will send good vibs to your would be hermie. Your grow is doing really good and you need more reps. Happy Sativaday to ya. :thumb:
Good Skunkday to all in the Kingdom
John, why don't you try flashing that plant...interrupt the dark cycle. I procured all my fem seeds as a result of mechanically induced herms. I tried colloidal silver....3x a day for three weeks, then waited another week and nothing happened. The seeds I got from the flashed herms are all female, and didn't express any hermi traits...or I should say any more than the cultivars did initially. They say, that every plant has the hermi gene, it's just how apt a plant is to exhibit it. I have strains that if you flash em 1 time they will hermi...and others that won't!
Flashing is considered old school now Loadie. Sexting is the industry standard now
John, why don't you try flashing that plant...interrupt the dark cycle. I procured all my fem seeds as a result of mechanically induced herms. I tried colloidal silver....3x a day for three weeks, then waited another week and nothing happened. The seeds I got from the flashed herms are all female, and didn't express any hermi traits...or I should say any more than the cultivars did initially. They say, that every plant has the hermi gene, it's just how apt a plant is to exhibit it. I have strains that if you flash em 1 time they will hermi...and others that won't!
the only problem i had with forcing a hermie was it produced hermie seeds,
now the plant i used could of well went hermie on its own but ill never know as i forced it hermi, but what i did was waited till the plant had just started to flower then i kept shocking it with random day and night hours then it turned hermie, i used the pollen on another plant and it produced hermie seeds, each one turned hermie at the same time i forced the female parent to go hermie,

so i have not tried that method since but it could of just been that the plant i used was going to hermie on its own, so i know this method does work but it put me off when i ended up with hermie seeds,

the method i now use is called rodilization, its the late flowering method, i know this works and its the only method i use, works everytime and i can then see if the mother plant is going to hermie early or see if it only goes hermie to reproduce, so that gives me the best idea of knowing if the seeds will be hermie prone, so any plants that go hermie before the end of flower i wont use pollen from, but plants that reach full flower and hermie due to been in flower to long work perfect for producing fem seeds, the only downside with this method is you either need to self polinate which is ok if you are not working on your own strain, or you have to store the pollen for the next plant you put in flower.

the only realy way to do it at the same time is to put one plant into flower a few weeks before the rest like 4 weeks before, then the pollen it produces at harvest would be in time to get seeds from one of the other fem plants.

im not knocking the light shock idea and its how i first read up on producing hermie seeds, but maybe i forced it hermie to early as it had only just started to show signs of flowering, so maybe if i left it in flower a few weeks longer then the seeds might of turned out ok, i really think i did it to early to be honest,

you know what im going to give it another try, after i harvest the plants i got in flower now ill try it with the next plants i got in veg,

@mc, at what time would you say its best to start the light shock, if i can produce pollen at the same time as the other plants been in flower then i could use the pollen during that grow instead of storing it for the next round of plants, so how far in flower would you say is best to start using the light shock treatment, the late flowering method is ok and does work but you have to wait longer for the pollen
John, why don't you try flashing that plant...interrupt the dark cycle. I procured all my fem seeds as a result of mechanically induced herms. I tried colloidal silver....3x a day for three weeks, then waited another week and nothing happened. The seeds I got from the flashed herms are all female, and didn't express any hermi traits...or I should say any more than the cultivars did initially. They say, that every plant has the hermi gene, it's just how apt a plant is to exhibit it. I have strains that if you flash em 1 time they will hermi...and others that won't!

i feel at this point i should stay with the silver thiosulfate solution, i have been wondering if the formula i found for it is not correct though. I also lack a space that i can devote to interrupting the light cycle of LA Confidential number 2.
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