King Tut In RDWC

Itty bitty flowers. The plant directly under the CMH is doing really well. The others are too, but this one in the middle is going off.

Same ol' pictures of the canopy

And i took the scrog off of the plant in the closet. This thing is so damn stiff, i could hear the branches pop a little when i tucked things under the net. This plant is a full on bastard i should have put two behind its ear a long time ago

Thank you come again
Plants are looking great and doing great. I've always enjoyed the look of praying leaves. Just something about them. That little one in the closet.. She looks like a bush of a 70' s porn star. Bushy and thick. She's gonna surprise you.
Man i God damn hope so... im not normally kind to plants like this, but its too late to start over. Damn thing IS the bush. Im hearing 80s coke porn tunes in my head
Ha you lost me at that last one. It could always be worse. B&E pain Olympics scared me for life, Just gonna leave it at that.
I like the new avatar. Sometimes you gotta change it up
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