King Tut In RDWC

There are so many wonderful candidates to grow. So far a couple of my favorites have been from a seed company called Barneys Farm. Their Alcapulca Gold and Ayhuasca Purple are both a blast. AG isnt anything like the original, but it is great bud with an unusual flavor. It didnt put out a ton of bud, and its not easy to grow. I got 7oz from one plant though.

The quality was amazing. AP is killer bud very strong, full indica.

Dont be afraid to make a journal. That's the easiest may to sort out your issues, make friends, etc.
Thanks. Those two plants look sweet! I want to grow them all!
Plants are doing well. Tops are reaching, i think im gonna stop tucking them under the Scrog. Ive read the stretch doesnt last long, so im gonna put a fork in it. I defoliated below the net net. You cant tell of course, but i took quite a lot.

I was a little surprised to see the size of a couple stalks so i took pictures. Its funny, such a small plant has a stalk 1.375 diameter

Thats all for now. The plants are getting fresh water and a dose of molasses in the next couple waterings, and thats about all i can say
Looking nice and flat, those big stalks will feed the girls big time!
Thanks man. I could make it flatter i think, but i dont want to tuck anymore. Looking for some flowers
Looking nice and flat, those big stalks will feed the girls big time!

Thought youd get a kick out of this. I was at Dr Strange a local record store that specialises in obscure bands, mostly Punk, and i found your solo career... right in between Peter and the Testtube Babies and Penetration, which isnt right, but sure is funny.

Youre always their for the first "like". You always have positive things to say. You know what your talking about and now we find out youre in a band!! So talented.
Nice job stltoed.
Thanks man. Dont listen to me about dirt. Its our hobby in the purest form, and a damn fine good place to start. Are you growing? Please share if you can.
Thanks man. Dont listen to me about dirt. Its our hobby in the purest form, and a damn fine good place to start. Are you growing? Please share if you can.
Currently I am not growing, almost finished with the grow room I am working on. I plan on starting in mid September, right after we take vacation in Colorado. will be there for 10 day.

I Live in Texas and summers here are absurb. I will certainly share when I begin. I will need all the help I can get.
Pennywise’s version of Stand By Me was a staple of my early 20s.
I dont know them, maybe i should have picked one up. I ended up with a 45 Grave, 2 Christian Death, KMFDM, Voodo Glow Skulls, Oingo Boingo, and The Damned.
Just gonna slide in late.... missed the end of your first one with the platform switch, back bud
Just gonna slide in late.... missed the end of your first one with the platform switch, back bud

Yeah that whole thing worked a few people. So happy you made it back! Just in time to see the beginnings of flowers. Home stretch
Yeah that whole thing worked a few people. So happy you made it back! Just in time to see the beginnings of flowers. Home stretch
For sure brother. Just in time! You still in the same 6 spot tote deals? Feel like theres more popping this round
For sure brother. Just in time! You still in the same 6 spot tote deals? Feel like theres more popping this round
This is funny. I started out in the GH 6 sided pots. Things were rollin and i added a nutrient called Super Nova and in two days i had polywogs. My whole system was overrun with snot. I cleaned it and tried it again, it was just a bad movie... Return of the Snot. So i put everything soil and took my hydro apart. Its in my office right now. Whatever works!
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