King Tut In RDWC

So, each season i like to blab on about my system, what ive done and why... etc.

So here goes... gonna talk about my lights.

First off i have two electrical circuits going to my shed. One 15 amp ( the black line) one 20 amp ( the white line). There is no hardwiring, instead, i used 2 14gauge 50 foot multi outlet extension cords. That way im not locked into an eletrical configuration that wont work later. I can scrap this whole thing and still wind up with 2 bad ass extension cords.

The 20 amp takes care of the AC, the dehumidifier, CMH, Black Dogs, and other stuff as needed. The 15amp line runs the CFLs under the bench, the Spectrum King, and all the pumps, fans, meters, etc.. works pretty good.

My lights are a bit of a collage of different styles and manufacturerers. My main lights are 2 400watt Black Dog Phytomax 2s. I can never recommend these because at $2500 for 800watts they are a little spendy. BUT! They kick ass. Last season without Co2 they gave me 27oz of good bud. From two plants. One gave more than an pound.

With those lights is a CMH. I run it in between th BDs. I cant say ive seen the oil increase they say comes from the higher UV associated with these lamps, but it doesnt seem to hurt.

I use a 36"x72" sheet of welded wire to hold up my main lights. I have outstanding adjustability, and ease of movement. This is one of my favorite parts of my system.

I have a 3x3 closet that i use to grow in dirt. Its always a strain that im gowing in hydro. Ive learned a lot from that. In the closet is a 400watt Spectrum King 400+. I dont really like this light, but it works here

Finally, i have two larger CFLs that i grow seedlins and clones with. They are mounted out of te way, under my bench. Pretty basic.

I have thought of getting new lights. I thought of building two cob fixtures, but never got to it. I also thought of buying 8 or 10 of Rapid's single lights. If i were in the market thats what i would do. But, i like my lights
Yooo @Stltoed whats going on brother? Babies are looking fulla beans bud. Keep em green fam!
Hey dude. Thanks for the kind words. I figure i have plenty of time to fuck these things all up. How is it on your end?
Hey dude. Thanks for the kind words. I figure i have plenty of time to fuck these things all up. How is it on your end?
Better. We've had troubles for a little while with the girls in veg but all is well now. Mama Mias budding up a treat though!
I actually got to have dinner with 4 other members of the forum last night. What a sureal experience... the ability to get a thought out without pressing " Post reply" was really cool. Everyone got on so well. i even got to share the 100 mile ride to one members house, who technically didnt know everyone was showing up there.

I had so much fun. One of the member of thos party eas one of the most prominent members of this forum I learned a lot from this key note speaker... very glad i have a friend in her

If anyone on here has a group that hangs out together, and youre within a few hundred miles of each other, meet them. Its so worth it. For the record if your thighmeat ends up on Anthony Hopkins' dinner table its not my fault
I actually got to have dinner with 4 other members of the forum last night. What a sureal experience... the ability to get a thought out without pressing " Post reply" was really cool. Everyone got on so well. i even got to share the 100 mile ride to one members house, who technically didnt know everyone was showing up there.

I had so much fun. One of the member of thos party eas one of the most prominent members of this forum I learned a lot from this key note speaker... very glad i have a friend in her

If anyone on here has a group that hangs out together, and youre within a few hundred miles of each other, meet them. Its so worth it. For the record if your thighmeat ends up on Anthony Hopkins' dinner table its not my fault
Sounds like a pretty cool evening. I'd like to do that sometime.

Did everyone have a sample of their own grows to try out?

We partied at one of the their homes, he hand 4 or 5 strains. I brought Alcopulco Gold. The person i drove with brough one i cant pronounce, one brough Skywalker, one came in on a plane, but almost immediately started making brownies for the next few days
Plants are doing well. The strong ones are losing ground to the previously weaker ones. The center plant is busy trying to get out of its own way. Its good to see 5 solid plants, instead of 3 strong and 2 asleep.

The seedling in the closet is becoming a plant. Its still small enough to be impressed by the speed at which its growing. The leaves are visually larger after just a few hours.

Im really impressed with the House and Garden Amino Treatment and Rrot Excellorator. Amino Treatment does a few things, one of which is its a Silica additive. You use it at every watering, and its sorts out your Si. The Roits Excellorator has lived up to its reputation as the worlds greatest root additive. I have been probing the top of my pots with my finger and the lateral roots, even at the top is very impressive. Im a diehard Rapid Start fan, but i think i may be an HG convert. Both these additives are expensive. The Root Ex. Is almost $50 for 250ml, but i believe its worth it... if you have room for the roots. I wouldnt grow a pot plant in a 7 gal. Pot with this stuff if you plan to veg past 6 weeks. Root bind could be a real issue. You dont want to trim roots on the way to flower.

Still thinking about lights. Should i scrap the Black Dogs and go pure cob, or should i augment what i have. Im leaning towards augmentation. I truly love my lights. My last season is evidence as to their effectivness. 27oz from 2 plants is a hard arguement for keeping the BDs. I could fit 18 cobs in my 4x6, but it would be expensive, hot, and absolutly no proof tat i could do better. I may pick up 6 or 8 cobs, and take out the CMH. I like that idea
I keep telling you that youre welcome out here but its a bit further than 100 miles lol
I would love to ssee your area. Theres a train that starts in BC and ends in Nova Scotia if memory serves. I want to do that... get a good look at some trees. Chances are you would come to Los Angeles before i ever make it make up north that far. I can make uo a bunk or two in my shed. At least it will be warm. Just plan a vaca. to OG Dizzyland and we'll hang out
So today im gonna ramble on about my environmental system. I have 4 major fans and a couple others sprinkled through out. This strain, King Tut is reknowned for bud rot. Im thinking al least another fan in the future. I also have a 30 pint dehumidifier, which takes care of my room rather well, and a humidifier which isnt used much. Then there is the AC. Its a window mount turned wall mount. I had a portable version but it took more energy, didnt do as well AND needed an exhaust vent to the outside. The room is only 6x10. Its pretty easy to take care of.

Im gonna try something a little different. I have drawn pictures of my room to try and show where the primary items are, where the vents, and other items are. They will show the direction of airflow from input to exhaust using red arows. The door on the closet and outside door has been removed in the pictures to quell the clutter a little.

The red arrows show the direction of flow both from outside fresh air to exhaust out the roof. There are three locations that actively move air in this system. The first, and most substantial is from an 8 ich inline attached to the ceiling. It sucks in the ambiant and spits it out the roof via one of those spinning roof vent thingys. The second is a 6 inch inline that sucks heated air directly from the heatsink on the light in the closet. This light is too big for the space because of heat. This configuration makes it possible to use this light this way. Both lights share a split manifold to blow the air out.

For general air exchange Air comes in through 5 6"holes in the side of the shed. These holes have a 3m filter covering them. There is a shallow "snorkle" made out of pressboard from the vent holes it travels up about 4 feet where the air finds 2 more filters before coming in the room. The vent holes are in the room opposite the fan you can see the filters on an angle at the back of this picture

This may be hard to understand. I really didnt want to spend days on this... if you have questions please ask.

the venting in the closet has both push and pull active venting. The push is from a generic 6 inch fan at plant level.

This brings in fresh air and blows it on the plant. The pull aspect of this system is from a higher power 6 ich inline pulling air through the heatsink on the Spectrum King. I made a special bracket out of super accurate and calibrated cardboard to mount the duct This heated air travels out the roof of the closet and out the spinny thngy in the roof. The input fan is driven by a repeat timer. The one above is driven by temperature. It turns on at a certain temp.

I also have a recirculating fan that keeps the plants sorted out in the main grow area. It was a very nice 16 inch Hurrican digital, but i pulled the blades off of it due to its size and mounted a 6 inch duct connected to a 6 inch inline. Lots of power and it goes back and forth.

So i hope all this made sense. Again even stupid questions will be met with curtious answers... unless theyre really dumb
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