King Tut In RDWC

Yeah. Gotta test drive.
I gave a neighbor 6cc of oil from my last crop. He over did it. Messed him up for a couple days. I think its kind of funny, but edibles are no joke. Ive had too many brownies... no bueno.
Thats some good looking syrup you got there. I attempted some shatter a while ago, but it turned out more like a toffee.

For what its worth, I listened to some of The Wall and some Dark Side of The Moon in a bit of an altered state last night. Floyd is always a good choice.
Thats some good looking syrup you got there. I attempted some shatter a while ago, but it turned out more like a toffee.

For what its worth, I listened to some of The Wall and some Dark Side of The Moon in a bit of an altered state last night. Floyd is always a good choice.

I had only made RSO once before. I got a burnt potatochip size piece of toffee. We didnt know what to do with it.

One of my most tattered moments... we are at Big Bear lake in Southern California. 1 of the group owns a cabin there. After a night of heavy drinking and other stuff we head back. I popped in Wish You Were Here an i guess i also hit continuous the damn thing played all night. I lov(ed) that album but now i get all Clockwork Oranged everytime i hear Shine on You Crazy Diamond
I love all the diversity that we see
Yeah. I think i told you how much i have enjoyed growing the same strain in hydro and soil at the same time.... when hydro works that is. Learned a lot
Plants lookin great man sucks the rdwc didnt work it would have ben really amazin compared to ur last gro u would have prob had to use a chainsaw to cut those bad boys ha but ur goin to kill this soil run
Plants lookin great man sucks the rdwc didnt work it would have ben really amazin compared to ur last gro u would have prob had to use a chainsaw to cut those bad boys ha but ur goin to kill this soil run

What are you talking about, im gonna need a chainsaw for this one!! Haha thanks Jack
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