King Tut In RDWC

So, disaster averted i guess. The little seedling from the watering mishap has survived and appears to be doing great. Very strange. This thing flopped over like a fish yesterday. Happy about that
Hey Brother, nice work and sorry to read about the problems with your RDWC system. :welldone:

I've grown in GH Waterfarms for years (just doing my FIRST soil grow now!) and thought I'd "chime in".

As a general rule, and there are many people who would disagree with this, but I do NOT believe organic nutes should be used in hydro. Chemical nutes only. The organic nutes tend to grow bad shit in the res and, once the res is contaminated, the only way to really get it clean is to break-down and bleach the entire system.

I am a BIG believer in H2O2 with hydro, too, and the H2O2 will kill any of the organics in the nutes.

I'd also check into Hygrozyme which can be used in conjunction with H2O2 (not all enzyme cleaners are compatible with H2O2).

Also, once the roots of the plants get root rot, you need to soak the roots in a H2O2 solution and cut out the really brown ones or they will re-infect the res.

I hope that helps and best wishes for a successful harvest! I'm anxious to see how that Tut comes out!
Hey Brother, nice work and sorry to read about the problems with your RDWC system. :welldone:

I've grown in GH Waterfarms for years (just doing my FIRST soil grow now!) and thought I'd "chime in".

As a general rule, and there are many people who would disagree with this, but I do NOT believe organic nutes should be used in hydro. Chemical nutes only. The organic nutes tend to grow bad shit in the res and, once the res is contaminated, the only way to really get it clean is to break-down and bleach the entire system.

I am a BIG believer in H2O2 with hydro, too, and the H2O2 will kill any of the organics in the nutes.

I'd also check into Hygrozyme which can be used in conjunction with H2O2 (not all enzyme cleaners are compatible with H2O2).

Also, once the roots of the plants get root rot, you need to soak the roots in a H2O2 solution and cut out the really brown ones or they will re-infect the res.

I hope that helps and best wishes for a successful harvest! I'm anxious to see how that Tut comes out!

Man, what an honor to have an individual with such a large amount of time here at 420. Thanks for stopping by!

This is my first pure soil grow. I have been running small numbers of soil grown plants always the same strain as of those in hydro for the past few seasons. Even had a hydro mom and soil clone once. I learned a lot.

I have used Floralicious without incident, but usually im non organic. Ill look into hydrozyme.

I love me some peroxide! It has so many uses. Hydro would be much harder to do without it.

I di soak the roots pretty good, their little roots bubbling away, but i never trimmed them back... i wonder if i could have safed this in hydro if i did.

Please stick around man. Im sorry its not a hydro thread anymore. Maybe we can fumble through the world of soil together cheers and thanks.
Man, what an honor to have an individual with such a large amount of time here at 420. Thanks for stopping by!

This is my first pure soil grow. I have been running small numbers of soil grown plants always the same strain as of those in hydro for the past few seasons. Even had a hydro mom and soil clone once. I learned a lot.

I have used Floralicious without incident, but usually im non organic. Ill look into hydrozyme.

I love me some peroxide! It has so many uses. Hydro would be much harder to do without it.

I di soak the roots pretty good, their little roots bubbling away, but i never trimmed them back... i wonder if i could have safed this in hydro if i did.

Please stick around man. Im sorry its not a hydro thread anymore. Maybe we can fumble through the world of soil together cheers and thanks.

Thank you and you don't need to be that honored! :D

FYI, it's actually "Hygrozyme" (with a "G"):

Hygrozyme Products & Sizes | America's #1 Selling Enzyme Formula

Also, I forgot to mention it in my previous post, but I also HIGHLY recommend the DM Zone product which is a "root zone conditioner" for hydro and does wonders to keep the root zone healthy and the roots sparkling white:


The active ingredient in the Zone product is Copper (think copper fungicide) and can also be used in conjunction with H2O2. I used to add Zone to EVERY res change and it would allow me to safely run a higher res temp's, and those high res temps are often the cause of problems with hydro (as I'm sure you're aware!) and it also helped to stabilize PH.

Happy Harvests & I'll be sticking around!

Plants are doing very well. Its so interesting when you can see how trauma, and shock can manipulate a plant. I have three distinctly different growth patterns between the 5 plants. And since i know what happened to each, and when,, there's some good info.

Man i wish these plants were in water. If i only had 2 or 4 plants i mighthave tried to put it back together, but no.

Im very interested to see what i can do with a full effort dirt grow... under the big lights, complete climate control, etc. I guess we'll find out.
Hey Stltoed, have you hearts from Jack? All of his messages has been deleted looks like to me, even the ones in his own journal. I can’t see Jack doing anything intentionally to break the rules, especially to the point of getting kicked off. Idk, maybe he will return.✌️
Hi PW ! Indicas seem hard to water when bending as they stay so low to the ground ! Any tips on how to water without wetting all your leafs that are almost touching the ground ? Thanx brother
I use one of those back pack spray tanks with the long pipe nozzle. Take off the spray attachment and job done. I sit outside the front of my tent on the floor and I can get a perfect even watering. Reaches right to the back of the back pots no problem.
Hey Stltoed, have you hearts from Jack? All of his messages has been deleted looks like to me, even the ones in his own journal. I can’t see Jack doing anything intentionally to break the rules, especially to the point of getting kicked off. Idk, maybe he will return.✌️
Who mee
Man, what an honor to have an individual with such a large amount of time here at 420. Thanks for stopping by!

This is my first pure soil grow. I have been running small numbers of soil grown plants always the same strain as of those in hydro for the past few seasons. Even had a hydro mom and soil clone once. I learned a lot.

I have used Floralicious without incident, but usually im non organic. Ill look into hydrozyme.

I love me some peroxide! It has so many uses. Hydro would be much harder to do without it.

I di soak the roots pretty good, their little roots bubbling away, but i never trimmed them back... i wonder if i could have safed this in hydro if i did.

Please stick around man. Im sorry its not a hydro thread anymore. Maybe we can fumble through the world of soil together cheers and thanks.
You dirty bastard lol you’ll be back to the water side faster than you know once the dirt devils show their heads. Get a good thick layer of play sand on the top of your pots to prevent any kind of bugs from getting a footing, up til last fall I’d only ever grown in dirt and well it’s a see you next Tuesday. I’m over here rooting for ya man. I wish you a smooth dirt run as possible.
Hey Stltoed, have you hearts from Jack? All of his messages has been deleted looks like to me, even the ones in his own journal. I can’t see Jack doing anything intentionally to break the rules, especially to the point of getting kicked off. Idk, maybe he will return.✌️
Wtffff weired
Thanks man. How ca
You dirty bastard lol you’ll be back to the water side faster than you know once the dirt devils show their heads. Get a good thick layer of play sand on the top of your pots to prevent any kind of bugs from getting a footing, up til last fall I’d only ever grown in dirt and well it’s a see you next Tuesday. I’m over here rooting for ya man. I wish you a smooth dirt run as possible.

How could i go wrong with backing like that. Its funny. I think it was the movie Nice Dreams, where the pot grower has resined up his noodle and now can only say the words "buds" and "yes/no" thats the visual i get with a few players on this forum Ontario, and ScrogD kinda fit into this catagory a little... not so much that youve smoked yourself stupid, that remains to be seen, but more that you guys are the type that would use a giant picture of a swimming pool to cover your grow.

Thanks for the support! Ontario. Youve come a long way in just your last grow. Looking good man
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