Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Good morning I have some pictures










I have over 8 weeks till harvest. 🍋
Do you have a jewellers loupe? You can check the tricomes for optimal harvest so you don't have to pull the whole plant at once,you could start with the tops let the middle develop and then move to the bottom as the plant finishes. I'm not to sure what I'm going to do haha, Bill284 said he would help me out when it comes time to harvest. He's a good guy 👍
I am 2 weeks into flower. I still have a way to go a little over 8 weeks to go. I hope this will work out because I have surgery on Nov. 26. 🍋
You will definitely be done in time you are two weeks behind my flower time I should be harvested by the 10th of October so you will be mid to late October for sure and your curing period shouldn't be to stressful, it's mostly waiting and checking for mold occasionally
I am 2 weeks into flower. I still have a way to go a little over 8 weeks to go. I hope this will work out because I have surgery on Nov. 26. 🍋
Wishing you speedy recovery when you get your surgery 🙏
Thank you, brother. I am feeding General Hydroponics MaxiBloom I have been using MaxGrow in veg and MaxiBloom for flower. So far, I find I like the General Hydroponics. It has been working very well. :green_heart: 🍋
Would you post a picture of the front and back for me? I'm interested in the contents.
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