Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Good morning I have some pictures










Looking great Keith! :high-five:
Highya KL,

Ladies are looking very good! Pineapple Chunk sounds like a strain I should try!! Glad you made it home safely. It's always nice to get with family and enjoy each other!! I got to thinking, if you get bad wind there, it might blow the ladies over, which isn't the end of the world. We get bad wind here, and will blow the whole plant over (with roots in the ground) if not properly secured. Get some damage every year, though. I hope the wind doesn't get so bad there!! Happy Smokin'
Highya KL,

Ladies are looking very good! Pineapple Chunk sounds like a strain I should try!! Glad you made it home safely. It's always nice to get with family and enjoy each other!! I got to thinking, if you get bad wind there, it might blow the ladies over, which isn't the end of the world. We get bad wind here, and will blow the whole plant over (with roots in the ground) if not properly secured. Get some damage every year, though. I hope the wind doesn't get so bad there!! Happy Smokin'
Thanks, Bode I do get wind from time to time, and I have had plants go over. Last year I watched a plant fly over. I ran out in the storm and up righted the plant it was a bad storm thunder and lightning heavy rain. It was not one of my smartest moves. :lot-o-toke:🍋
Good morning 420 it is a really nice day here and I hope it is the same where you are. I feed my plants this morning their MaxiBloom. My plants are looking very good today and the flowers are coming along nicely. I have a busy day ahead of me I have to help my son out on his lawn. He is having a party this weekend and it will be a great time. My whole family will be there accept my older brother. He can put on a great bash. 🍋
Good morning 420 it is a really nice day here and I hope it is the same where you are. I feed my plants this morning their MaxiBloom. My plants are looking very good today and the flowers are coming along nicely. I have a busy day ahead of me I have to help my son out on his lawn. He is having a party this weekend and it will be a great time. My whole family will be there accept my older brother. He can put on a great bash. 🍋
Nice day to get anything outside done! Have fun!
Your trees are happy today!
What a nice day in the mid 70s The stain marks on my leaves are from the milk I sprayed on them Flowers have seemed to slow down in growing. I am hoping they get bigger in size, but they look OK. The Banana Jealousy is stained the most and the Pineapple Chunks have no stains on it and looks the best out of the three plants. The Mack and Crack has a few stains but not that bad. I fact she is looking pretty good, and she is the sativa plant so I think it will mature the last. I like the indica plants the most and next year I will grow only indica. :lot-o-toke: 🍋
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