Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Nice photos,, have u noticed in the last photo two seed bracts are very swollen, could be seeds ?? Thanks for sharing ,, this way i can compare with my plants 🤙✌️
I'm assuming you mean these two? The preflowers that form in those spots often become full bracts as the plant transitions to flower, and they often swell long before the others.
It's easy to tell if there's a seed in there, just give them a squeeze. If there's a seed you'll feel it.

I will give them a squeeze and see. Thanks for pointing them out. If it is a seed, what do I do? 🍋
If you have seeds, you have seeds. Since the pollen isn't coming from one of your plants there's really nothing you can do outdoors.
Unless you want to try running off in the direction the prevailing winds come from to see if you can find any male plants 🤔
I wouldn't recommend doing that.
I am still dealing with PM on my Banana Jealousy plant I sprayed with citric acid a couple weeks ago and milk today. I think I found a blender so I can try Sheds recipe with oil if I still have a problem. I hope I can nip this in the bud. The citric acid helped but did not kill it all so it is now milk I will check the plant a little later. The milk looks good so far. I do not want to lose this plant to PM. The other two plants are fine, and they are both resistant to PM. I had PM a couple years ago and was able to kill it with just citric acid. I hate PM but it was wet this spring and that is what got it. I wish I had gotten it all before flower, but I did not. I only have PM on the lower plant and the citric acid got most of it so I hope the milk does the trick. 🍋
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It looks like the milk is doing the trick. The PM does not rub off and this is a good thing as this plant means a lot to me and I would hate to lose it to PM. I think I will spray the plant again tomorrow. What a beautiful day it is here hope your day is going good stay safe and happy growing. 🍋
I took some more pictures the Banana Jealousy looks a little better the milk left some shiny spots on the leaves. I will most likely have to spray again tomorrow but so far it looks good. I hate having PM on my plant. I have to go and pick up some weed for Maine.










Thanks Stone and the island should be fun, but the beach weather may not be all that great, but it is all about getting together with my brothers and sisters. 🍋
Plants are looking great Keith have a good trip
Highya KL,

I was remarking to @StoneOtter about vigorous growers. It looks like you have one of those. Buds grow bigger and in more sites up the branches than say a sativa. I love that look. They'll look gorgeous at harvest time!! Happy Smokin'
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