Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Thanks, con I hope they work when the thunderstorms come. The wind is the killer here I do not want the same thing to happen to me as happen to DD. I will still need something to hold the bud's ounce they start getting big. 🍋
Got some morning pictures it’s a little breezy out so my pictures are not that good








Great looking ladies there, Keith!
I dig that last pic- do your neighbors ever comment on your "hobby"?🤔
I bet most people going by would just think they shrubbery or apple trees or baby Sequoia trees. I love how you have them lined up, how tall are they ? it's hard to tell from the pics but I'm guessing about 6 feet including container
The Mack and Crack is about 6 1/2 ft and the Banana Jealousy and Pineapple Chunks are 5 1/2 feet tall. That is big enough for me. All 3 are very wide. I have people drive by and slow down and look I also get a lot of waves. 🍋
I do not know about popular. I just picked up another 2lb bag of MaxiBloom and these nutes work well and are cheap cost only $15 a bag ordered it yesterday and it was in today. It is super easy to use both the MaxiGrow and the MaxiBloom by General Hydroponics. It also goes a long way I still have 1/2 a bag left I will never use this new bag up on these three plants. 🍋
Good morning 420 brothers and sisters. It was a very cool morning it was 62 in my house this morning, but the sun is out and it warmed right up. My plants are flowering nicely, and I am loving my Mack and Crack plant to me it is a beautiful plant. The PM on my Banana Jealousy looks terrible, but it seems to be dead PM. Thankfully it is only on the one plant the Mack and Crack and Pineapple Chunks look fine I think I have to watch how much I am feeding them the pineapple Chunks looked a little over feed but nothing too bad. I will just water today with these narrow pots I find I have to water every day now. There should be no problem with over watering at this point in growing. Hope you all have a great day and happy growing. :thumb: 🍋
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