Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Good morning 420 Magazine I am off to Maine be back on Tuesday. I will try and drop in from time to time hope you all have a good few days. I got my son coming over to water my plants and will hold off on feeding till Tuesday. I hope we have some nice weather and you as well. :green_heart: 🍋
Here’s some morning pictures










Thanks, con I have been meaning to ask you how is it living in a little bit of heaven. 🍋
Very peaceful and quiet & zen basically unplugged from all crap that's going on in the world but unfortunately coming to a end fast but then again looking forward to the winter grows with some crazy strains & the new light
Highya KL,

Have a great time in Vacationland!! If you come up the coast a little more, Windsor Fair (old timey country fair) is om this week. We're going Thursday (Senior and Vet's Day). Once a year pilgrimage. Have fun!! Happy Smokin'
Your plants are looking sweet Keith!

I fell behind about 8 pages. I stopped getting notifications of your posts. That seems to happen to me a lot. Today I found myself several pages behind other grows I follow, in addition to yours. No matter, I enjoy catching up. Reading several pages in one sitting usually helps me get a good feel for what's going on. It can also reveal subtle clues about the grower.

I have a vivid imagination, and I now have you pegged as a man with a "reputation."

I base this on these two statements:

I have people drive by and slow down and look I also get a lot of waves.
My interpretation: "I've got no problem with anyone around here seeing my plants. No one would dare touch them. They know better."
There are no males around to so I am not worried about it. 🍋
My interpretation: "No one plants anything around here without my say-so"


Just jerking your chain Keith! Great growing! :)
Your plants are looking sweet Keith!

I fell behind about 8 pages. I stopped getting notifications of your posts. That seems to happen to me a lot. Today I found myself several pages behind other grows I follow, in addition to yours. No matter, I enjoy catching up. Reading several pages in one sitting usually helps me get a good feel for what's going on. It can also reveal subtle clues about the grower.

I have a vivid imagination, and I now have you pegged as a man with a "reputation."

I base this on these two statements:

My interpretation: "I've got no problem with anyone around here seeing my plants. No one would dare touch them. They know better."

My interpretation: "No one plants anything around here without my say-so"


Just jerking your chain Keith! Great growing! :)
Your too funny GDB.
Good morning 420 it’s raining here this morning and it looks like rain back. Home and heavy rain. I hope my plants will be okay my son will check on them. It is so quiet here at night. I went for a walk last night around 2 am I could not sleep. Hopefully the sun will come out sometime today. I will not be home until evening time tomorrow. I should be feeding my plants today but I will have to wait and feed them tomorrow late afternoon. Have a great day. 🍋
Hello 420 I am home and had a great time in Maine spent good time with my siblings and nieces and nephews The best was the little ones they are so fun to watch. They are so full of energy. First thing I did when I got home was check my plants and no big changes, they got a little bigger. I feed them right away I will have to spend some time with them tomorrow. Got some catching up to do. Later and have a great night/morning. :green_heart: 🍋
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