Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

Scottay, Pineapple Chunks buds are sure filling out and thanks for the kind words. Banana Jealousy is real close to being chopped and tossed just too much PM. I do not know if the bud will be any good from her. But I still want to see her through. 🍋
Have you every washed weed? This year I'm going to use 3 buckets one with water and 3% h202 and lemon juice with baking soda and the other two buckets will be just water the idea is to clean any contamination off that may have occurred throughout your grow it helps your weed taste better cleans everything you wouldn't want in it out and doesn't lose any thc because thc isn't water soluble it won't fall off or degrade. Alot of people swear up and down on this so take it as you will but I'm going to do it and it's my first grow ever so could be making a mistake who knows?
Here’s some noontime pictures











Keith honey, you don’t grow plants… you GROW TREES!!! :thumb:
Just out here :cheer::popcorn::cheer:you on!:high-five:
Have you every washed weed? This year I'm going to use 3 buckets one with water and 3% h202 and lemon juice with baking soda and the other two buckets will be just water the idea is to clean any contamination off that may have occurred throughout your grow it helps your weed taste better cleans everything you wouldn't want in it out and doesn't lose any thc because thc isn't water soluble it won't fall off or degrade. Alot of people swear up and down on this so take it as you will but I'm going to do it and it's my first grow ever so could be making a mistake who knows?
I have been washing bud the last 2 years as long as I have been growing. It is easy enough and I do think it helps your weed taste better. 🍋
If I had grown my plant in my usual 20- or 25-gallon pot, they would be a lot larger. I used 15 gallon pots this year. I have no idea what size pot to use in my tent this winter, but I want a smaller plant. I was thinking an auto with a 5-gallon pot. I will need to do some research I have never trained a plant so it will be all new for me. 🍋
If I had grown my plant in my usual 20- or 25-gallon pot, they would be a lot larger. I used 15 gallon pots this year. I have no idea what size pot to use in my tent this winter, but I want a smaller plant. I was thinking an auto with a 5-gallon pot. I will need to do some research I have never trained a plant so it will be all new for me. 🍋
I grow mine in 5 gallon pots Keith. They fit well on the table. I can get three on there under the two Vipar Spectra XS 1500 Pros. I usually train but I am growing a couple atm that are not getting any training. They began to flower before the 4th node was fully developed, so I didn't top these ones.
I don't subscribe to the small pot small plant theory for any full sized plant. I grew this Candida in a 5 gallon pot:

20190811_180726 CD-1 before-after tying.jpg

...and pulled 10 ounces off it, which is about what I get from a 7 or 10 gallon pot given the same veg time. The main difference was that it needed watering as often at twice a day at the end and fell over all the time.

If you want smaller plants next summer, I'd say start later.

For an auto in the tent, I'd see what @Justin Goody has to say since @Jon isn't around to ask (though he'd probably say 5-7 gallons). And of course Carmen has hers in 5's.
Eminently doable!
Hey Shed :high-five: That is a very resourceful link.:thanks: I don’t have much space and that bonsai method looks really effective in a small space.:hug:
I don't subscribe to the small pot small plant theory for any full sized plant. I grew this Candida in a 5 gallon pot:

20190811_180726 CD-1 before-after tying.jpg

...and pulled 10 ounces off it, which is about what I get from a 7 or 10 gallon pot given the same veg time. The main difference was that it needed watering as often at twice a day at the end and fell over all the time.

If you want smaller plants next summer, I'd say start later.

For an auto in the tent, I'd see what @Justin Goody has to say since @Jon isn't around to ask (though he'd probably say 5-7 gallons). And of course Carmen has hers in 5's.
I start most of mine in 3s and if they make it past 30 days before they flower, I’ll bump them to a 5gal or a 7g if it’s going outside or in a tent by itself.
Have grown plenty of bangers (5-7oz) in 2g pots but they will sometimes get rootbound and have other problems so I stick to 3s and 5s.
I grow mine in 5 gallon pots Keith. They fit well on the table. I can get three on there under the two Vipar Spectra XS 1500 Pros. I usually train but I am growing a couple atm that are not getting any training. They began to flower before the 4th node was fully developed, so I didn't top these ones.
Thank you @Carmen Ray This is good info to me a 5-gallon pot with an auto should be good. :lot-o-toke: 🍋
I don't subscribe to the small pot small plant theory for any full sized plant. I grew this Candida in a 5 gallon pot:

20190811_180726 CD-1 before-after tying.jpg

...and pulled 10 ounces off it, which is about what I get from a 7 or 10 gallon pot given the same veg time. The main difference was that it needed watering as often at twice a day at the end and fell over all the time.

If you want smaller plants next summer, I'd say start later.

For an auto in the tent, I'd see what @Justin Goody has to say since @Jon isn't around to ask (though he'd probably say 5-7 gallons). And of course Carmen has hers in 5's.
Thank you @InTheShed I will have to look for a small plant that states its size Most seed descriptions will give an estimate height and width. I also want at least 90% Indica. :lot-o-toke:🍋
I start most of mine in 3s and if they make it past 30 days before they flower, I’ll bump them to a 5gal or a 7g if it’s going outside or in a tent by itself.
Have grown plenty of bangers (5-7oz) in 2g pots but they will sometimes get rootbound and have other problems so I stick to 3s and 5s.
Thank you @Justin Goody That makes good sense to me I always start in a solo cup then a 3-gallon pot and final 5-gallon pot. I hope to keep the pot no bigger than 5 gallons. 🍋
Thank you @Justin Goody That makes good sense to me I always start in a solo cup then a 3-gallon pot and final 5-gallon pot. I hope to keep the pot no bigger than 5 gallons. 🍋
I also start mine in a solo cup now. Always used to start them in final but now I’m not afraid to move them (carefully) on the right day.
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