Keith's Real Second Grow - Banana Jealousy

What a day my plants are doing ok for this cloudy cool day. I am not having a good day my back is out, and I can hardly move it took all I had in me to feed my plants. I have not been hurting this bad in a long-time walking is hard and hurts like hell. Hopefully my back will settle down. Hope your day is good. 🍋
Thanks Doc. Shed I have taken acetaminophen, but it is not helping my harder drugs are not even working and I mean heavy pain meds oxycodone. I am down for the day. I think I will try some heat on my back. Sorry to bore you all with my problems. 🍋
Thanks Doc. Shed I have taken acetaminophen, but it is not helping my harder drugs are not even working and I mean heavy pain meds oxycodone. I am down for the day. I think I will try some heat on my back. Sorry to bore you all with my problems. 🍋
Your back is most likely hurting because of weather my knees can feel a storm 2 weeks before it gets here. I don't have back pain but for my chronic knee pain I take ibuprofen and acetaminophen together 500 MG dose of both and I'll drink some banana mango juice for the potassium hope this helps. Try to not overdo any movements but it's important to stretch and keep the blood flowing and keep up on your routines it will help you with exercise and your mental health. I'm not a doctor but I have destroyed my body doing parkour and now I suffer the consequences lol 🙃 also took a few years of aerobics and health and advanced nutrition when I was in school but never got a degree. I wanted to study kinesiology it's the study of muscle bones and joints.
Hope you feel better soon buddy! :)
If I had grown my plant in my usual 20- or 25-gallon pot, they would be a lot larger. I used 15 gallon pots this year. I have no idea what size pot to use in my tent this winter, but I want a smaller plant. I was thinking an auto with a 5-gallon pot. I will need to do some research I have never trained a plant so it will be all new for me. 🍋
Hi Keith,
I think 5 gals is a good size for indoor autos. It is still a good volume for holding water and you can keep up with feeding easily. I have done both cloth pots and SIPs with soil and they don't even need much feeding. I don't think you get much benefit from going to larger pots with autos.
What a day my plants are doing ok for this cloudy cool day. I am not having a good day my back is out, and I can hardly move it took all I had in me to feed my plants. I have not been hurting this bad in a long-time walking is hard and hurts like hell. Hopefully my back will settle down. Hope your day is good. 🍋
Just sending love and prayers. :love: 🙏:love::hug:
Dr Shed (not a doctor) here to remind you that acetaminophen is good for pain, but ibuprofen (Advil) is good for inflammation pain (like a sore back). And you can take both at the same time if you need to.

I'm sure that an actual medical professional (like Tra) will be able to offer better advice though!
Acetaminophen is typically every 6 hours not to exceed X mg in 24 hours and has increased risk for liver long term, ibuprofen is typically every 3 or 4 hours not to exceed x mg in 24 hours, with increased risk to gi issues long term as I recall. They can be used overlapping based on their recommendations. Check package for limits and recommendations. And try never to use anything for extended periods without professional medical advice and monitoring.
Haven't had a bad back spasm in a long time, but I understand that pain all too well.

I used to go to this seedy salon & get the little Asian ladies to walk on my back.... never actually helped, might have made things worse.... Buuuuut, was one helluva show. 🤣🤣🤣

....just my 2 cents.... both of which are useless. LoL

Feel better brother. Alternate heat & ice throughout the day, and swap back & forth from acetaminophen and ibuprofen at each dose. 🤙
I just picked up a bottle of Dr.Bronner's 18 in 1 Hemp Peppermint Pure-Castile Soap It states it is good for bugs on plants. It is a body wash it does not seem there is too much it is not for. I will give it a try a couple drops per 500ml distilled water and spray my plants. I think it will work for PM. 🍋
I just picked up a bottle of Dr.Bronner's 18 in 1 Hemp Peppermint Pure-Castile Soap It states it is good for bugs on plants. It is a body wash it does not seem there is too much it is not for. I will give it a try a couple drops per 500ml distilled water and spray my plants. I think it will work for PM. 🍋
It'll wash everything! Just if you wash the bag it'll sting for a while!
Glad the back is on the mend Keith! I use ice rather than heat for my back. Can you even with the hardware in you?
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