Good morning 420ers we have sunshine this morning and I hope it last. Gotta feed the two Sour Diesels this morning. I did spray some neem to hopefully get rid of the gnats and stay ahead of mold. I do not have any yet and do not want it again this year, but I read you can spray before you get it. That make sense. I can do this before flower just stay ahead of it. I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
I’m happy you are having some good weather today. How’s the smoke problem going? Hopefully it will start blowing out to sea and not bother anyone. CL🍀
I’m happy you are having some good weather today. How’s the smoke problem going? Hopefully it will start blowing out to sea and not bother anyone. CL🍀
The smoke has gotten a lot better clearing right up. How about your area. I believe it should be about the same.
The smoke has gotten a lot better clearing right up. How about your area. I believe it should be about the same.
Yeah it’s a lot better here now. It’s a good thing to because it really affects people with breathing issues. CL🍀
Yeah it’s a lot better here now. It’s a good thing to because it really affects people with breathing issues. CL🍀
Hows your mom doing having the smoke go away should help her. I feel for those with breathing issues.
Some pictures



Thanks Capt.
How are you doing this morning? I hope your weather is better than ours, 58 degrees and drizzle. We need the rain but I can live without the colder temperatures. Only getting to 60 for the high and yesterday it was sunny and 86 degrees. Fekn Chicago weather is crazy. CL🍀
How are you doing this morning? I hope your weather is better than ours, 58 degrees and drizzle. We need the rain but I can live without the colder temperatures. Only getting to 60 for the high and yesterday it was sunny and 86 degrees. Fekn Chicago weather is crazy. CL🍀
Sorry to hear about the weather it is sunny here and my plants need it. Your plants are looking great. I was going to go out in the boat today and do some fishing, but my back is all f#cked up. How long do you think you have left for flowering on your tiger? I can't wait to see her final buds. Have a great day Capt.
Sorry to hear about the weather it is sunny here and my plants need it. Your plants are looking great. I was going to go out in the boat today and do some fishing, but my back is all f#cked up. How long do you think you have left for flowering on your tiger? I can't wait to see her final buds. Have a great day Capt.
Oh man I still have a couple more months before she’s going to be ready. But I’m sure she’ll be worth the CL🍀
Oh man I still have a couple more months before she’s going to be ready. But I’m sure she’ll be worth the CL🍀
Most definitely worth the wait. Keep up the work brother.
Good morning brothers and sisters, It looks like a very nice day. Sun is out and the plants are looking great if I do say so myself. My topped plant is coming in i can almost watch it grow, two new stems are coming along. Hard to believe these were once just seeds. Hope all are having a great weekend. I think I will spray with some more neem oil this afternoon when the sun is not directly on the plants.
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