Well so far so good! Don't worry to much about it bro let the ladies lead the way.. can always start a fresh one. I have notes on my notes app but don't really look at it too much Anymore. Only thing I could do with is a calender as I'm very forgetful lol Might get a large year one 🤔
I write so much 💩 on my calendar and then I forget to look 👀 @ it. Smh CL🍀
Good morning I got these little pins with the Apple Fritter clone I bought any one collect them

Hello 420ers. A gloomy day overcast, I wish it would just rain and get it over with. Now I wish I could germinate some more seeds. The plants are outdoors and there is nothing to do to them. I know why people have indoor grows because they love it. My back is all f*cked up so I cannot go fishing on the boat, it sucks. Now if I had some little seeds germinating, I would have something to do. My plants are doing good standing up and strong, The Apple Fritter got feed this morning going to wait till tomorrow or the next day to feed the 2 Sour Deisel's. Everyone have a great weekend. I will get some pictures later today.
I collected buttons in the 60s but I have no idea where that collection went! Matchbooks too, probably until the 80s...don't know where those are either. :rolleyes:

If you had any you could germ some auto seeds and grow them in a closet with your new light!
What no beer can collection? CL🍀
I collected buttons in the 60s but I have no idea where that collection went! Matchbooks too, probably until the 80s...don't know where those are either. :rolleyes:

If you had any you could germ some auto seeds and grow them in a closet with your new light!
My wife will have a cow. I have to step into an indoor grow slowly and you are right I cannot wait to use that light it would work perfectly. I have a closet all picked out with plenty of room for a 3x3 or maybe I could fit a 4x4. I just have to decide when will be the right time to jump on it and get ready for some heavy bitching. I love growing from seed I find it so satisfying. More than growing anything else.
The roots are fine (better even!) going into the ground as long as you don't need to move the pot.
Once I find the right place they will stay there. I do not plan on using the bag again so I will leave it in its final resting place. Let the roots do as they may.
What no beer can collection? CL🍀
I met a guy on the road who funded his travels with empty beer cans Cap'n! We'd pull into town, empty the beer fridge of whatever store we could find of any weird beers and open them from the bottom and get hammered and save the cans! He was a fun ride for almost 2k miles!
I met a guy on the road who funded his travels with empty beer cans Cap'n! We'd pull into town, empty the beer fridge of whatever store we could find of any weird beers and open them from the bottom and get hammered and save the cans! He was a fun ride for almost 2k miles!
I had a friend that had one that was so extensive that the Chicago Sun Times newspaper wrote a story on it. He sold it years later for nearly nothing though. CL🍀
I had a friend that had one that was so extensive that the Chicago Sun Times newspaper wrote a story on it. He sold it years later for nearly nothing though. CL🍀
When I was drinking, I had a collection it started every day on the ride home from work and I kept collecting till I passed out, then I would start collecting again the next day when I got out of work again. The only time I was not collecting was when I was working or sleeping.
Hey Shed or Capt. Does PB have enough silica in it for outdoor plants? I was thinking of Rhino Skin for the stems. I used it last year as an additive with Advance Nutrients. I do not want to waste money, but do you think PB has it covered?
Depends on who you believe. I'm running PB alone and my stems look fine, but I used to use about 10x more silica than any nute manufacturer includes in their system!
Well, I pretty much believe what you tell me. I do not know what a good amount of silica is. I also do not know if an outdoor plant needs more silica. I get what you are saying I do not need it. If you are not using any more than I surely do not need more. I will say this my main stem is fat and fatter higher up. I will take pictures tomorrow if I can get that close.
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