I've fed silica to plants at high levels and still had droopy branches because genetics. I've also harvested 11.6 ounces from plant with a trunk only this wide at the base:
When I was drinking, I had a collection it started every day on the ride home from work and I kept collecting till I passed out, then I would start collecting again the next day when I got out of work again. The only time I was not collecting was when I was working or sleeping.
I only collected on the weekend but I made up for it by drinking more. I couldn’t count how many jobs I lost for being sick 🤢 every Monday. Smh CL🍀
I've fed silica to plants at high levels and still had droopy branches because genetics. I've also harvested 11.6 ounces from plant with a trunk only this wide at the base:
Hey Shedmeister when did you get all the emojis instead of titles? CL🍀
From my thread...

What do you all think of the new contest graphics under my avatar? They're also on my profile page, and if you click them they take you to the full list of contests I've won.

I think they're pretty snazzy personally, but management wants a more site-wide opinion, so post your thoughts here.
Well aren’t We all special? What if I want both? A emoji with my titles next to it. CL🍀 :cheesygrinsmiley: Edit: Didn’t know there was a test.
Well aren’t We all special? What if I want both? A emoji with my titles next to it. CL🍀 :cheesygrinsmiley:
That’s what democracy is all about. I hope the 420 staff is ready for an open debate. Is everyone getting one? Is there a badge for 10 year old member? People want recognition one way or another. It’s hard to make everyone happy.

I see plants and information on here. That’s about it.
I think they are great. Glad you guys got them all.
That’s what democracy is all about. I hope the 420 staff is ready for an open debate. Is everyone getting one? Is there a badge for 10 year old member? People want recognition one way or another. It’s hard to make everyone happy.

I see plants and information on here. That’s about it.
I'm confused by your question. The "badges" just replace the text listing of contest wins.

I'm confused by your question. The "badges" just replace the text listing of contest wins.

It can be misinterpreted. It’s the internet and in many ways boots can vote and I read about the cheating in the contest. I’m just saying they promote unhealthy competition. Why do we need any measurements system?
Let the pictures talk for themselves.

I started here 2013 when they had a reputation point system. We all know how that ended.

I’m talking from the heart, and I don’t want to discredit any of your awards, you are a great grower with many plants on your belt. So am I and the hundred others here, probably thousands of great grower here. Where are all their badges?

Do we need a badge in the first place? Isn’t that another reputation system?

I’m all about a healthy environment. Please let’s not twist this around.
I respect you as a grower as much as I recognize and respect the newbie with a pound plant.

I feel sponsored growers and staff should have badges, this way we all know it’s backed by the site (what ever they post). It’s legit.

The way I see it, we are all here producing content, some better than others but at the end of the day what matters is what brings traffic to the site. Creating content.
I’m about the process not the result. I will create content, if I get a badge or not doesn’t matter.


I'm confused by your question. The "badges" just replace the text listing of contest wins.
Badges,What badges? We don’t need no stinking badges. Lmao ( Treasure of the Sierra Madre.) CL🍀
It can be misinterpreted. It’s the internet and in many ways boots can vote and I read about the cheating in the contest. I’m just saying they promote unhealthy competition. Why do we need any measurements system?
Let the pictures talk for themselves.

I started here 2013 when they had a reputation point system. We all know how that ended.

I’m talking from the heart, and I don’t want to discredit any of your awards, you are a great grower with many plants on your belt. So am I and the hundred others here, probably thousands of great grower here. Where are all their badges?

Do we need a badge in the first place? Isn’t that another reputation system?

I’m all about a healthy environment. Please let’s not twist this around.
I respect you as a grower as much as I recognize and respect the newbie with a pound plant.

I feel sponsored growers and staff should have badges, this way we all know it’s backed by the site (what ever they post). It’s legit.

The way I see it, we are all here producing content, some better than others but at the end of the day what matters is what brings traffic to the site. Creating content.
I’m about the process not the result. I will create content, if I get a badge or not doesn’t matter.

Whether the site should host contests is a whole other conversation (which I'm sure doesn't belong on Keith's thread)! The question was really whether folks prefer the look of badges that represent those contest winnings or the original lists that are currently in use.
From my thread...

What do you all think of the new contest graphics under my avatar? They're also on my profile page, and if you click them they take you to the full list of contests I've won.

I think they're pretty snazzy personally, but management wants a more site-wide opinion, so post your thoughts here.
I thought because your title list was getting so long it changed to a badge lol I was thinking I need to up my nug game 🤣 something like 5 x nug of the month would award me the badge 🤣 but still I like it anyways it's more appealing and tidy 👍🏽

Morning All ✌🏽
Whether the site should host contests is a whole other conversation (which I'm sure doesn't belong on Keith's thread)! The question was really whether folks prefer the look of badges that represent those contest winnings or the original lists that are currently in use.

Badges are 👍🏻
Whether the site should host contests is a whole other conversation (which I'm sure doesn't belong on Keith's thread)! The question was really whether folks prefer the look of badges that represent those contest winnings or the original lists that are currently in use.

Do a poll.
Good morning 420ers we have sunshine this morning and I hope it last. Gotta feed the two Sour Diesels this morning. I did spray some neem to hopefully get rid of the gnats and stay ahead of mold. I do not have any yet and do not want it again this year, but I read you can spray before you get it. That make sense. I can do this before flower just stay ahead of it. I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
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