My Apple Fritter looks a little yellow today I think I over watered a little too much so no feed today. I would hate to hurt it by doing something stupid like over watering. I am no master at it, but I should know enough to see when I have gone a little too far. We will see what she looks like tomorrow. Please tell me if you can see it in the picture today your input will be greatly appreciated.
This mornings pictures







The clone picked up quick, looks great from my point of view.
Thanks Capt. I have to get my son ready to go this week and try out the new outboard motor. I am not looking forward to backing up this boat and trailer. I'm not too good at it, I can do it, but it does not look pretty. My boy cand back up any trailer with ease, the boy can drive. He is used to driving the fire trucks any one of them the ladder truck looks very difficult but no problem for him.
Here’s a little tip about backing up a trailer. It’s all about the approach, if you’re lined up straight then it’s just straight backing up. Also don’t over correct just minor adjustments. CL🍀
Do you think I should up pot this week into 1-gallon pots?
They might not have enough roots yet to hold the soil together when you tear off the peat, but by the end of the week it might be time. From the new growth it looks like they're finally starting to get some good roots.

Here’s a little tip about backing up a trailer. It’s all about the approach, if you’re lined up straight then it’s just straight backing up. Also don’t over correct just minor adjustments. CL🍀
I tried that with a U-Haul trailer and no matter how straight I thought it was it didn't work! Took me 20 minutes to back out of a parking lot without scraping other cars. :eek:
They might not have enough roots yet to hold the soil together when you tear off the peat, but by the end of the week it might be time. From the new growth it looks like they're finally starting to get some good roots.

I tried that with a U-Haul trailer and no matter how straight I thought it was it didn't work! Took me 20 minutes to back out of a parking lot without scraping other cars. :eek:
Something else with a shorter trailer it responds faster so minor,minor adjustments. lol CL🍀 Edit: It’s important that you don’t over correct.
They might not have enough roots yet to hold the soil together when you tear off the peat, but by the end of the week it might be time. From the new growth it looks like they're finally starting to get some good roots.

I tried that with a U-Haul trailer and no matter how straight I thought it was it didn't work! Took me 20 minutes to back out of a parking lot without scraping other cars. :eek:
Thanks, Shed I will wait till the end of the week and check one and if it is ok, I will up pot them all.
Something else with a shorter trailer it responds faster so minor,minor adjustments. lol CL🍀
Thanks Capt. I can back up the trailer, but it takes me a long time and people at the boat ramp get pissed, not that I really care I do not want to hit anyone.
Nice to honor that gift. Respect my G, does the person getting the plant know what she/he is doing? You might need to tell them a little bit about it
His been growing for many years and by giving me the plant last year he got me started, I did my first cut and trim on his plants last year. He grows some really good weed.
Hey Jim are you going to start a Grow Journal? If so I would like to follow along. Tag me if you are starting one. CL🍀:popcorn:
I'd love to, but only if I can do it justice. I'll definitely tag you if so. I just put the first seedling out in the VT sun to help it shed it's shell.
Cool thanks and You should have fun with the Green Gelato, I have never grown an auto. and this my second grow I had one plant last year. Now I am hooked on growing I get a lot of pleasure out of it. Hope you do also.
Yes growing is my Zen space no matter how busy things are. I've never grown autoflower anything but I'm really interested in the ability to stagger harvests and to compare the quality after years of growing photoperiod strains.

Just looking at your sunny pics and message made me think of Robert Duvall's legendary quote (bastardized) "I love the smell of diesel in the morning".
Nice bro, gotta get you cloning so you can have your bank.
I watched them do it at the dispensary when I worked there but that was a whole 15 minute of time not enough to really do it for myself.
Had to give the little girls a little drink they started to dry out. Just enough to wet their whistle not over run. I did not think that was going to happen. I have to check with my finger because the peat pots stay a little wet all the time, Apple Fritter seems fine and I want her roots to go looking for water, she had a nice root ball when I up potted her. Once the Sour Diesels get up potted, I will let the go dry a little more and get to every other day feeding. Got to go and stack up my tomato plants in a little.
I'd love to, but only if I can do it justice. I'll definitely tag you if so. I just put the first seedling out in the VT sun to help it shed it's shell.

Yes growing is my Zen space no matter how busy things are. I've never grown autoflower anything but I'm really interested in the ability to stagger harvests and to compare the quality after years of growing photoperiod strains.

Just looking at your sunny pics and message made me think of Robert Duvall's legendary quote (bastardized) "I love the smell of diesel in the morning".
Napalm was the line but you were close. CL🍀
Good morning fellow 420ers. It is a late start for me I had a doctor's appointment this morning but got my plants out first thing at sun rise, they have all been feed with Prescription Blend and look pretty good if I do say so myself. I will have new pictures soon. I would like to thank all those that stopped by, and I hope you somehow enjoy what you see. All advice is welcome even if it is telling me I am doing something wrong as that is hope I learn what to do.
Good morning fellow 420ers. It is a late start for me I had a doctor's appointment this morning but got my plants out first thing at sun rise, they have all been feed with Prescription Blend and look pretty good if I do say so myself. I will have new pictures soon. I would like to thank all those that stopped by, and I hope you somehow enjoy what you see. All advice is welcome even if it is telling me I am doing something wrong as that is hope I learn what to do.
I know it's bro science but eyeball them everyday and take mental notes. I don't believe in schedules, let her tell ya ✌️
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