Since it's newly planted I would let it sit in the saucer with the water and let it soak it back up. Not a good idea with a plant that's been in the pot for a long time because the runoff will be full of old nutes, but at this stage it's fine. Or pour it back in a few time if the rocks at the bottom keep it from sucking the water back up.

Also, solo cups around the peat will save you money and nutes.

Link to perched water table info.
The Shedman! Providing links for the betterment of plants 🪴 everywhere! lol 🦸 CL🍀
Quando ho messo in vaso la mia frittella di mele, ho messo FFOF e piccole pietre sul fondo del vaso da 1 gallone ora quando le do da mangiare sembra che tutti i nutrienti fuoriescano e sono preoccupato che la pianta si asciughi troppo velocemente, così le ho messo quel piatto per cani sotto per raccogliere il deflusso. Dovrei preoccuparmene. Continuo a controllare la pianta e sembra essere umida ma c'è molto scolo e non sarò qui per controllarla ogni 20 minuti, la rinvaserei semplicemente, ma non voglio stressarla a morte . È stata in questo vaso solo per 1 giorno. Va bene versare il deflusso nella pentola nel tentativo di mantenerla umida. Penso che non avrei mai dovuto mettere quelle pietre sul fondo della pentola.

When I up potted my Apple Fritter, I put FFOF and small stones in the bottom of the 1-gallon pot now when I feed her it appears all the nutrients comes out as run off and I am worried the plant will dry out to fast, so I put that dog dish under her to catch the runoff. Should I be worried about it. I keep checking the plant and she seems to be moist but there is a lot of run off and I will not be here to check it every 20 minutes, I would just repot her, but I do not want to stress the shit out of her. She has only been in this pot for 1 day. Is it OK to pour the runoff back into the pot in a effort to keep her damp. I think I never should have put those stones in the bottom of the pot.
Instead you did well if you put 1.5 cm of it, you have to feed it from underneath and it will take what it needs, and then put a plate underneath to release more!
Good morning all It looks like a rainy day here so it will be lights on all day. I do not know what other outside growers do on rainy days, when your plants are too small, and the weather is too cold to leave your plants outdoors. I may hold off on feeding today as my plants are still moist two knuckles up. If they seem to dry out, I will feed them enough to keep them moist. The sun will be back out tomorrow with warm temperatures. If there is something else that can be done, please LMK as I would appreciate any help I can get.
These are my set ups for lights not all that pretty but I hope it will work Do not laugh now.



These are my set ups for lights not all that pretty but I hope it will work Do not laugh now.



Growing well, nice work Amigo.
Hope everything is going good this weekend. :ciao:
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
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