The hardest part is cutting and having the controled environment inside a dome and cutting the fan leaves of each clone so it’s focus energy on building roots and not leaf material. It takes about 2 weeks for them to set roots. It’s not rocket science but there is a difficulty degree to the whole process. Also clean and sterilization of work place helps prevent contamination and/or disease.

If you buy a clone, mostly all that work described before is well done and you will have a started plant with roots in a solo cup or pot, sometimes clones are root bound so transplanting to a bigger pot is advised.

Thats what I got the root system was well established. I went the easy way out.
My new plant is starting out its life with me and has some brown edges on some of the upper leaves. I do not know if this is just because it is a clone and did not have a very nice life before I bought it or what, I feed it Prescription Blend after uppotting it I hope this helps and does not hurt it. In any case it is already done, and she needed water was a little dry when I got her. Never done these clones before. You do not want to know what a clone cost in Massachusetts.
Remember to harden it off before you put it in intense sunlight. CL🍀
My new plant is starting out its life with me and has some brown edges on some of the upper leaves. I do not know if this is just because it is a clone and did not have a very nice life before I bought it or what, I feed it Prescription Blend after uppotting it I hope this helps and does not hurt it. In any case it is already done, and she needed water was a little dry when I got her. Never done these clones before. You do not want to know what a clone cost in Massachusetts.

Well take good care of it, expensive stuff.
Clone look pretty good, should pick up the pace in no time!
My new addition a Apple Fritter clone I up potted it in to a 1 gallon pot


You have seen Keith has the leaves underneath with the tips cut off, and he does this for cuttings mainly to increase root and trunk development. I'm very curious to know how much you paid for your cutting, I'd like to buy cuttings but it's not possible from me, unless you buy cuttings of thc-free stock.
All of us don't cut our clone leaves. I don't. I take smallish cuts and leave 3 small leaves. The author of the paper that some of us use, The Caplan paper, as a directive to drought included a cloning experiment with positive results this way. I'm not sure it adds up to all that much but it was studied. .
People have cloned for years without snipping the leaves successfully, other people found reason to snip them and done so cloning successfully.. I just spent a week building a cloner which was fun and was very successful yet guys online are cloning in sandwich bags successfully 🤣 something I'm going to try but if it's from a healthy plant 9/10 I'll be successful just find what your comfortable with and clone with confidence 👌🏽
Good morning all it will be another nice sunny day. Just mixed up another gallon of Prescription Blend full strength for veg stage, I will definitely need more nutrients as 1 kit will not get me through this grow. I am using a gallon a day and once these plants get bigger, I will be going through about 6 gallons a day at least that is what I am thinking now. Hopefully I will get it to only feeding every other day but for now I have to feed/water every day to keep them from drying out. 5 of them are still babies. My clone made it through day one at its new home I put small rocks on the bottom of my 1-gallon pot and now I wish I had not, but the clone will not spend much time in there before up potting to her final pot I think I will use a 10-gallon pot for her not a 15 gallon. Apple Fritter is a 50/50 hybrid plant so I do not think it will need 15-gallon pot.
Good morning all it will be another nice sunny day. Just mixed up another gallon of Prescription Blend full strength for veg stage, I will definitely need more nutrients as 1 kit will not get me through this grow. I am using a gallon a day and once these plants get bigger, I will be going through about 6 gallons a day at least that is what I am thinking now. Hopefully I will get it to only feeding every other day but for now I have to feed/water every day to keep them from drying out. 5 of them are still babies. My clone made it through day one at its new home I put small rocks on the bottom of my 1-gallon pot and now I wish I had not, but the clone will not spend much time in there before up potting to her final pot I think I will use a 10-gallon pot for her not a 15 gallon. Apple Fritter is a 50/50 hybrid plant so I do not think it will need 15-gallon pot.
Oh no 🦸‍♀️ The Shedmeister is going to get you! Lmao CL🍀
Rocks in the bottom of yer pot? You forget the video? CL🍀
I knew there was a reason I did not want to do that, right after I did it. I do not remember the video, but I think he told me last year not to do this. I cannot find my logbook from last year and I bet my wife threw it out on me because it was not in my box of tools I have. Damn it I need that book. The note cannot be replaced. I wrote all Sheds advice down well most of it. I tore my house apart looking for it shit!
I knew there was a reason I did not want to do that, right after I did it. I do not remember the video, but I think he told me last year not to do this. I cannot find my logbook from last year and I bet my wife threw it out on me because it was not in my box of tools I have. Damn it I need that book. The note cannot be replaced. I wrote all Sheds advice down well most of it. I tore my house apart looking for it shit!
Bro it’s in your GJ! Go back several days and you’ll see it. Lmao 🤣 CL🍀
I knew there was a reason I did not want to do that, right after I did it. I do not remember the video, but I think he told me last year not to do this. I cannot find my logbook from last year and I bet my wife threw it out on me because it was not in my box of tools I have. Damn it I need that book. The note cannot be replaced. I wrote all Sheds advice down well most of it. I tore my house apart looking for it shit!
It's not funny. Well maybe from your end. Capt.
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