Buongiorno a tutti oggi fa un po' più fresco solo negli anni '60 ma c'è il sole tutto il giorno darò loro da mangiare 1/2 dose di Prescription Blend. Le mie piante sembrano belle e vivaci questa mattina. Auguro a tutti una grande crescita.






What do you say Keith the bigger plant the one with the net around it is ready for a repot in a 10 liter pot?
I await your reply before proceeding, if it is not late in coming of course.

I would definitely repot. Remember I am new at this, but I would say a bigger pot is in the need.
I'm happy for you but I'm happier that in October we will reap the fruits of our work, I in particular will collect my new genetics created and I can't wait to let my friends taste them.
Great but I will be waiting till later November if I am lucky.
I put my plants out for the day, and it is windy as hell hope it does not hurt them, but if I remember right the stem can get stronger by moving in the breeze. At least that is what I hope.

This is common for practice called hardening up plants, especially done for plants living in a controlled environment then taken outside gradually to become acclimatized. You have to be careful somewhat because there is also wind stress. It’s great to take them out but if the wind is too intense I would shelter them from the wind while still being exposed to sun and outside conditions. Just thought I share that one, you been working hard on your ladies would hate to see them get stressed or something.

Have a good one Keith.
I put my plants out for the day, and it is windy as hell hope it does not hurt them, but if I remember right the stem can get stronger by moving in the breeze. At least that is what I hope.
Think about it growing wild in nature n how if it doesn’t die then it gets stronger. But then you don’t want yours to die so maybe give it some support. lol CL🍀
This is common for practice called hardening up plants, especially done for plants living in a controlled environment then taken outside gradually to become acclimatized. You have to be careful somewhat because there is also wind stress. It’s great to take them out but if the wind is too intense I would shelter them from the wind while still being exposed to sun and outside conditions. Just thought I share that one, you been working hard on your ladies would hate to see them get stressed or something.

Have a good one Keith.
Thanks, I will do this as it is blowing pretty good.
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