Keith! I have seen you everywhere and now I have found your garden. I didn't even know you was growing 🤣 looking good so far and interested to watch your outdoor grow progress... i don't pass any on my 420 stroll :blunt:
Thank you and I happy you found it. Hell, I'm happy when anyone finds it the more the merrier.
I'm with Bill see no dark spots, but you have some very in-focus twist ties! :thumb:
Omg I laughed for 5 minutes when I read that. :rofl:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
A couple of my plants have a little dark spot in the middle of the leaves does anyone know what it may be. I hope nothing bad. I have grown to love these little girls and it would be terrible for there being something wrong with them. I find myself checking on them like every 20 minutes. Funny how this happens I hope I am not the only one that does this.
I don't see any dark spots on the leaves Keith?
When you look at the screen at the leaf, take your finger and touch the spot you want us to see and it will come to focus in a little box on screen. That's how mine works anyway.
Thanks, but my cheap phone does not even work every day.
Another beautiful day going to be in the 80's. Getting ready to feed my plants their Prescription Blend at 1/2 dose they seem to be liking it and after the gallon I mixed up is gone I will up the dose. I am giving up on trying to show the little dark spot that is on three of my plants as it has not grown or gotten any darker. I think Shed nailed as to when I should uppot another 10 days and they should be ready.
My morning pictures






I see the dark spot now:


I'm pretty sure that's a shadow. :)

Also, those plants will need to higher strength notes long before you run out of that gallon so you may have to dump that in your garden.
You funny that's a shadow alright and I will mix up some new nutes, and start them on it tomorrow as I already feed them today. I will wait another ten days and then start thinking about uppotting. They are growing now I see growth every morning. I have to till up the garden today and get ready for my tomato's only about 20 plants this year. Not sure what else I will do this year. Once I go to get plants, I always buy more than I planned on it never fails.
Just mixed up a gallon of Prescription Blend 1/2 dose
1 gallon tap water
1 mg Bio-Si
2.5 mg A
2.5 mg B
1 mg Kelp-Ful
1 mg Precursor 1
pH 6.5
I think my plants are to small for a complete dose. Maybe I will try a full dose on the next gallon.
Update on contacting Prescription Blend I contacted them on Face Book, but they just keep repeating the same question, what can we help you with, so I tell them, and they ask the same thing again. I have tried to contact them, and they do not want to be contacted. They are AOL I hope the kit I bought last for 5 plants till harvest. If not, lesson learned.
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