They don't seem to be growing too much, it's raining like never before, some damage received from the magpies that eat my plants and little germination on the seeds placed in the damp handkerchief... I can only wait and see how it goes overall, also worried because the plant that I will harvest shortly seems to have produced no seeds despite being hand pollinated several times ...
Making your own seeds cool. What strain are they?
I live close to an airport too and it’s funny how people get used to it. Be outside and talking on the phone and it’s like wait a second I got a plane flying over. I don’t even think about it anymore. CL🍀
Hey Capt., what ratio did you use with Prescription Blend when you first gave them nutrient? I think you said you used less than called for in veg. I do not think I'm ready yet but would like to know. If you do not mind giving up your secrets.
Hey Capt., what ratio did you use with Prescription Blend when you first gave them nutrient? I think you said you used less than called for in veg. I do not think I'm ready yet but would like to know. If you do not mind giving up your secrets.
I’m growing very different strains from you and each one is different but the Sour G is prolly closest to yours. The Sour G I give full strength. Personally I’d give half strength and see how they react but Em says it’s whatever PB recommends. CL🍀
Good morning 420 members another beautiful morning. I am thinking about feeding my plants some Prescription Blend about 1/2 strength as it must be really close to time to start feeding them so I think 1/2 the strength will not hurt them.
New morning pictures






Hey Keith what kind of soil are you using? You don’t want to use nutes if your soil already contains some. CL🍀
No nutes in the soil. I am going to use a little less than 1/2 the dose the schedule calls for.
and you thought they weren't growing Keith; they going up!!! :high-five:
I just the last couple days they have grown a lot. I think it is time to add a little nutes Prescription Blend less than 1/2 dose.
If you're starting them in the PB, stick with their schedule and see how it goes. It's hard to catch up with a deficiency because once it shows it's been there for a while.
I was thinking f w f w to start. and I already mixed up a gallon of 50% nutes.
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