Really not. I'm just a guy who reads a lot here (and googles a bunch) and somehow manages to retain enough to seem smart!
Don’t underestimate yourself Bro you know a 💩load about growing great weed. All one has to do is look 👀 @ any of your grows. Or just look @ some members that you’ve helped. CL🍀
Good morning all going to be a warm one today near 90 degrees I will need to watch the plants for drying out.
Good morning Keith. :ciao:
Don't let those babies crisp in the sun.:Namaste:
Hope you have a great weekend my friend.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Thanks Bill and you the same.
Good morning fellow @420 Magazine grower/member. I hope your babies soak 🛁 up all that great energy today from the Sun and turn into the beautiful ladies that they will become. CL🍀
I know that @StoneOtter digs holes in his garden and fills them with his LOS along with GeoFlora and deals with whatever weeds come up as they come up. But at least what's right around the base of the plants is weed-free.

Cow manure shows up as 3-2-1 so it's got a lot of N in it and you'll be adding more with Rx Blend. If you can find unamended clean soil that just needs perlite and maybe some dolomite lime that might be enough.
Actually I fill them with foxfarms ocean forest and bucker it up with @Geoflora. It works great like that! Every two weeks I top dress with more geoflora. The first dose gets turned in. I also spike the perimeter with nutrient spikes for later in the season.

I don't use my LOS for outdoors because my water supply out there is like 550 ppm and it would ruin the soil. This The Rev soil needs low ppm water. Under 100 I believe.
Actually I fill them with foxfarms ocean forest and bucker it up with @Geoflora. It works great like that! Every two weeks I top dress with more geoflora. The first dose gets turned in. I also spike the perimeter with nutrient spikes for later in the season.

I don't use my LOS for outdoors because my water supply out there is like 550 ppm and it would ruin the soil. This The Rev soil needs low ppm water. Under 100 I believe.
I am going to use grow pots and if I use FFOF it would cost me over a bill as I have 5 15-gallon pots. But I could mix half soil and half FFOF. that would be around $60 in and case you have a great way of doing it. I think I will shop aroung for the FFOF. I did get the one bag for $22. I do not know anything about Geoflora. I will have to look it up.
I read up on Geoflora sounds like great nutrients. No mixing feed every 2 weeks, just put it on evenly and go. I already have the Prescription Blend so I will use it up, but next grow I just may use Geoflora. Also, if Stone uses it, it must work as you have great plants. Do you use Geoflora starting on your first uppot?
Good morning all going to be a warm one today near 90 degrees I will need to watch the plants for drying out.
Still recommending you slide those peat cups into solo cups to retain moisture !
Actually I fill them with foxfarms ocean forest and bucker it up with @Geoflora. It works great like that! Every two weeks I top dress with more geoflora. The first dose gets turned in. I also spike the perimeter with nutrient spikes for later in the season.

I don't use my LOS for outdoors because my water supply out there is like 550 ppm and it would ruin the soil. This The Rev soil needs low ppm water. Under 100 I believe.
But I could mix half soil and half FFOF.
Go with all FFHF and save the money. Your plants won't care and you don't need to add perlite. And around here at least it's much cheaper than the FFOF.
What does the HF stand for int FFHF. I am always looking to save some $$. and I have not purchased any soil yet so it is still up in the air what I will use for a growing medium. Its FFOF for my first uppot. I have to keep it as simple as possible, and I do not think my plan of making my own soil is going to be all that simple. If I can swing it bagged soil is the way to go.
What does the HF stand for int FFHF. I am always looking to save some $$. and I have not purchased any soil yet so it is still up in the air what I will use for a growing medium. Its FFOF for my first uppot. I have to keep it as simple as possible, and I do not think my plan of making my own soil is going to be all that simple. If I can swing it bagged soil is the way to go.
Happy Frog 🐸 is HF. It’s just as good as OF but I like to use 50/50. Happy growing. CL🍀
Sporting a new solo cup


Sporting a new solo cup


Just keep an eye on them, you don't want the roots to start growing thru the peat cups
Time to up pot when you see them peaking
Just keep an eye on them, you don't want the roots to start growing thru the peat cups
Time to up pot when you see them peaking
Thanks Joe and I will keep an eye on them just waiting for the right time to uppot and I hate waiting. Patience is not one of my strong points. Just another thing I must learn.
Just keep an eye on them, you don't want the roots to start growing thru the peat cups
Time to up pot when you see them peaking
If the roots are able to get through them doesn't that negate the reason for removing them?
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