I’m more afraid of leaf miners, thrips, spider mites, etc. I’m going to have to start adding a little SNS 209 to my seedlings water. When they get bigger that is. CL🍀
I would not know if I had them. I will have to get the 30x out and check them
I think my little plants improved greatly by being outdoors in the sun all day. I still have hope they will grow to be big girls. Started with 6 seeds and 5 grew tails and all 5 are still alive. First time starting by seeds I am happy so far. Hope I do not wake up tomorrow morning and find them dead.
Good morning all another nice sunny day the plants are out sitting on the porch basking in the sun. I will need to water them a little later. I have everything for uppotting just need a little more growth on the little girls, I think I have to come up with some names for them, any ideas. I will take a new picture a little later.
Hi there Keith, it sure has been a welcom 2 sunny warm day's . This New England spring has really messed up summer grow schedule, I ran out of heat the end of February but I figured I could tuff March and April should be spring... no such luck. Out of the 3 plants I may salvage 1. Good luck on your grow. Hopefully mine have a better outcome than the Bruins.

Hi there Keith, it sure has been a welcom 2 sunny warm day's . This New England spring has really messed up summer grow schedule, I ran out of heat the end of February but I figured I could tuff March and April should be spring... no such luck. Out of the 3 plants I may salvage 1. Good luck on your grow. Hopefully mine have a better outcome than the Bruins.

I hope we are going to stay above 60 degrees from here on out. Sorry to hear about your plants, they look nice from what I can see.
Thanks, the auto flower would be fine if she had stretch a little. But she's so compact that I worry about bud-rot or mold. The tall plant was doing great until I transplanted her into a big container of new coast of Maine Stonington blend soil, then I have no idea how she could do a 1-80 and go down hill so fast, the middle plant has been a bit slower than the other 2, but after I trimmed her and topped her she has just exploded. If my brain worked properly I'd swear she doubled in size over night.


Here they are this morning do you think it is time to uppot

Not yet. Now her root ball may disintegrate as you make the move. How tall are those pots? A rule some folks use is to wait until her leaves are to the outside of the pot, then do it. As long as there's food in the soil and she's healthy it's ok to stay.

One of the purposes of going with small pots first is to develop a strong root system. When the pot is full of roots, it's on to the next one. Check out the links in my siggy below with Emilya's watering techniques when you get a minute. I use them as close as I can. They help understand how building roots before working them hard in flower works.
Not yet. Now her root ball may disintegrate as you make the move. How tall are those pots? A rule some folks use is to wait until her leaves are to the outside of the pot, then do it. As long as there's food in the soil and she's healthy it's ok to stay.

One of the purposes of going with small pots first is to develop a strong root system. When the pot is full of roots, it's on to the next one. Check out the links in my siggy below with Emilya's watering techniques when you get a minute. I use them as close as I can. They help understand how building roots before working them hard in flower works.
Read and saved it, I will try and follow the direction Thanks nice read. U the man Stone
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