At least wait for them to be like this!

Thanks Dream Tiger I am waiting for the right time to uppot and have a couple weeks to go.
Good morning, all. my little plants are out in the sun and loving it. I can actually see they are getting bigger; I think the sun has been just what they needed. I will have pictures in a little while although it is hard to see the growth, but it is there a little bit every day.
La piantina con le foglie più grandi ha bisogno di sostegno, ma se posso consigliare, taglierei le prime due foglie principali di circa la metà, il tronco ne trarrà beneficio e sia il fusto che le altre foglie diventeranno più forti, ho aumentato il mio successo come coltivatore che usa questo metodo. Provare per credere.(Modificato)Ripristina originale
Here they are another day in the sun

The seedling with the largest leaves needs support, but if I may advise, I would cut the first two main leaves by about half, the trunk will benefit and both the stem and the other leaves will grow stronger, I have increased mine success as a grower using this method. Try to believe.
are these still going outside keith ?
yes, they are. as soon as I can put them in 1-gallon pots they will live there in good weather, once I can get them in the 15-gallon grow pots they will be outside for good.
If they're not outside full time before they have about 3 or 4 nodes (I'm making that number up), keep them on the same light hours as there is daylight where you are. If they get used to more light hours and then they get less when you move them outside permanently they might think winter is coming and go into flower.
Got it, if we have 13 hour of day light they will get 13 hours of either sun or grow light or both.
Not yet. Now her root ball may disintegrate as you make the move. How tall are those pots? A rule some folks use is to wait until her leaves are to the outside of the pot, then do it. As long as there's food in the soil and she's healthy it's ok to stay.

One of the purposes of going with small pots first is to develop a strong root system. When the pot is full of roots, it's on to the next one. Check out the links in my siggy below with Emilya's watering techniques when you get a minute. I use them as close as I can. They help understand how building roots before working them hard in flower works.
Em’s thread prolly saved thousands of plants from an early death ☠️. CL🍀
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