Theoretically not, but practically this year the sun is too precious even here in the Mediterranean, and I haven't remembered such a rainy spring for decades.
Already man, the rain this year has really done me a lot of damage to the hemp seedlings it has also ruined a lot of my autoflowers which are notoriously more resistant to bad weather.
At least it watered my fruit trees planted a few months ago!
Already man, the rain this year has really done me a lot of damage to the hemp seedlings it has also ruined a lot of my autoflowers which are notoriously more resistant to bad weather.
At least it watered my fruit trees planted a few months ago!
Got any pictures

NL 3 auto (death)


Black berry gum auto (damaged)

Cookies and creame auto (damaged)


Got any pictures
A week away on business and the damage was done.

NL 3 auto (death)


Black berry gum auto (damaged)

Cookies and creame auto (damaged)


A week away on business and the damage was done.
Sorry to see the damage, You have to baby sit them all the time. When my plant was growing in late veg last year the longest I ever left it was just shy of two days and I worried the whole time.
La piantina con le foglie più grandi ha bisogno di sostegno, ma se posso consigliare, taglierei le prime due foglie principali di circa la metà, il tronco ne trarrà beneficio e sia il fusto che le altre foglie diventeranno più forti, ho aumentato il mio successo come coltivatore che usa questo metodo. Provare per credere.(Modificato)Ripristina originale

The seedling with the largest leaves needs support, but if I may advise, I would cut the first two main leaves by about half, the trunk will benefit and both the stem and the other leaves will grow stronger, I have increased mine success as a grower using this method. Try to believe.


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