I know but I just drop over 2k on a new outboard motor for my 14 ft Smoker Craft and my wife would shit if a new light that big showed up on the doorsteps. Plus, I am not going that route just yet. I am going outdoors. I thought really hard on having an indoor grow last fall and decided not to. In the future maybe I know I could get the help I would need from all folks here, but not now.
I know but I just drop over 2k on a new outboard motor for my 14 ft Smoker Craft and my wife would shit if a new light that big showed up on the doorsteps. Plus, I am not going that route just yet. I am going outdoors. I thought really hard on having an indoor grow last fall and decided not to. In the future maybe I know I could get the help I would need from all folks here, but not now.
You know there’s a member here who grows some great weed indoors with a 150 dollar setup, just something to think about. CL🍀
You know there’s a member here who grows some great weed indoors with a 150 dollar setup, just something to think about. CL🍀
i swear there are members that can grow with a Bic lighter for a light. I have seen the most amazing plants anywhere grown by members. You're up there with them Capt.
This little $13.58 light I bought has a 5-level dimmable, On-Off timer 4,8 and 12hrs. I hope it works for now. I remember you offered me a light to use but we will see how this works and thanks again for the offer.
I’m sure after last year you’re gonna knock it out again. CL🍀 btw that offer of my other light is still good but I’m gonna be using it for a bit. CL🍀
Got a NY run today. I have to go and pick up my new motor. I received a call from the dispensary, and they have clones in I hope Ican get there in time before they sale out. Just my luck they called today. I really want to give these clones a try. Hey Capt. can you pass some of your luck my way because I need it now.
Questo è il mio primo diario e farò del mio meglio.





So beautiful! Like a Critical or Lemon skunk
Got a NY run today. I have to go and pick up my new motor. I received a call from the dispensary, and they have clones in I hope Ican get there in time before they sale out. Just my luck they called today. I really want to give these clones a try. Hey Capt. can you pass some of your luck my way because I need it now.
Trust me you don’t want my luck, but good luck anyway. CL🍀 :cheesygrinsmiley:
The guy I bought my motor from had the nicest greenhouse I have ever seen. He had auto watering auto fans I asked him if he grows weed and he just smiled at me then I saw a weed growing sign on the floor in the greenhouse. He only had veggies growing but what a set up. I would die for something like that. I do not know if growing is legal in upstate NY but if not, he has the set up for it.
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