Are they autoflowering or photoperiod? Regardless of this, I would advise you to make a mix of 30% garden earth (because it is clayey and retains that little water in case one day you cannot water because you are not at home), 30% coconut fiber because it has a good drainage and a balanced ph, 30% of humus for plant nourishment, and 10% of perlite, vermiculite, mycorrhiza.
Before putting the soil in the pot, make a bottom of 2 or 3cm of expanded clay for drainage. After that, put the mix in the pot and let it rest for 2 or 3 days, before potting the seedling, once the seedling has been potted, water it a little, with water and very few nutrients dissolved in it (based on guano, about 1 ml per liter or even less) put it in the shade until it has disposed of the stress from the transplant for about 3 or 4 days, you will understand this when it has started creating leaves again, after which you can put it in a place that is lit enough but not too much to stress it. When the plant is big enough put a saucer and water it from the saucer and no longer from above, it will have a 10/15% higher yield. And this is all. Happy growing!
Thank you Tiger I am growing photo's I have been reading Dr Bugbee's write up on google and it is much like your build. I will pick up some peat and perlite as well as worm casting and anything else I missed, This soild is going in 15 gallon cloth grow pots and will live outdoors.
Thank you Tiger I am growing photo's I have been reading Dr Bugbee's write up on google and it is much like your build. I will pick up some peat and perlite as well as worm casting and anything else I missed, This soild is going in 15 gallon cloth grow pots and will live outdoors.
I'm glad other growers have roughly my growing method, I've wasted a decade of trying to come up with my optimal method for outdoor growing. But I don't use fabric vases, I don't think it can change much, I have holed all my plastic vases, to obtain an airpot effect.
I tried watching an hour-long video of Dr Bugbee and wanted to crawl under the couch. Way to far ahead of me. There is some scientist among us but I am not one of them. I'm still keep it simple stupid. Some of you like Shed and others could watch his video and follow along but not me. He had me scratching my ass in the first 10 minutes.
I tried watching an hour-long video of Dr Bugbee and wanted to crawl under the couch. Way to far ahead of me. There is some scientist among us but I am not one of them. I'm still keep it simple stupid. Some of you like Shed and others could watch his video and follow along but not me. He had me scratching my ass in the first 10 minutes.
I'm one of the last folks you will ever see mixing my own soil! Scratching my ass sounds like much more fun. 🍑
I tried watching an hour-long video of Dr Bugbee and wanted to crawl under the couch. Way to far ahead of me. There is some scientist among us but I am not one of them. I'm still keep it simple stupid. Some of you like Shed and others could watch his video and follow along but not me. He had me scratching my ass in the first 10 minutes.
I found my method, don't waste an hour watching a video that might make me doubt my method 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I wonder if I can buy some good, composted soil. I will have to fill up half of my Tacoma bed in my truck and then mix 15 gallons at a time. Now that you mention it Shed I did have mildew mold last year and I used my garden soil. I get mold on my squash every year.
Thank you Tiger I am growing photo's I have been reading Dr Bugbee's write up on google and it is much like your build. I will pick up some peat and perlite as well as worm casting and anything else I missed, This soild is going in 15 gallon cloth grow pots and will live outdoors.
You trying to grow trees 🌲 or what? You know the bigger the pot the bigger the plant right? Good luck n happy growing bro. CL🍀
I wonder if I can buy some good, composted soil. I will have to fill up half of my Tacoma bed in my truck and then mix 15 gallons at a time. Now that you mention it Shed I did have mildew mold last year and I used my garden soil. I get mold on my squash every year.
If you have this type of problem mix some lime into your garden compost and let it sit for a few days before mixing with peat moss and coco etc. the lime will burn off any pathogens from your garden soil.
You trying to grow trees 🌲 or what? You know the bigger the pot the bigger the plant right? Good luck n happy growing bro. CL🍀
Does a 15-gallon pot outdoors seem too big. The pot I used last year was bigger than 15 gallons. I am only going to have 5 to 7 plants.
10 gallons:

You trying to grow trees 🌲 or what? You know the bigger the pot the bigger the plant right? Good luck n happy growing bro. CL🍀
They won't be too big because we are already in May and they will start flowering I think in mid-July, in just two months of vegetative growth they won't become huge, no more than 2 metres. This is my prediction, the bets are off, make yours.
They won't be too big because we are already in May and they will start flowering I think in mid-July, in just two months of vegetative growth they won't become huge, no more than 2 metres. This is my prediction, the bets are off, make yours.
I am growing sativa and yes they will grow even during flowering, they will stretch a couple times. I can just use a little less soil in the pot so let's say a 13-gallon pot. I do not want them as big as my last one.
I am growing sativa and yes they will grow even during flowering, they will stretch a couple times. I can just use a little less soil in the pot so let's say a 13-gallon pot. I do not want them as big as my last one.
Pot size doesn't determine plant size as you can tell from Cola Monsters solo cup grows:


What will determine how big your plant gets will be more about time as Dream Tiger mentioned.
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