All those liters of land for a cultivation started in May are wasted, if you want to use that size you should start cultivation in April and get a plant and a really massive harvest in October. 😉
I have 5 seedlings growing now and I did start them in April, but they cannot go outside to live for a few weeks. They will go into another small pot before the large one. The temp around here is only in the 50's during the day and 30's at night.
Pot size doesn't determine plant size as you can tell from Cola Monsters solo cup grows:


What will determine how big your plant gets will be more about time as Dream Tiger mentioned.
I know this you taught me that last year.
They won't be too big because we are already in May and they will start flowering I think in mid-July, in just two months of vegetative growth they won't become huge, no more than 2 metres. This is my prediction, the bets are off, make yours.
They will not flip to flower until around September and I have no control over that.
if they have sprouted in April they will be about 50 cm tall. Did I guess?
They are still 3 inches tall. I have had no sun and what I'm using for a light is a little less than right. I have a light coming in a few days.
They'll "flip" on June 21st. When you see pistils is still to be determined!
Thank you Shed I do not know why I thought Sept. That is not much time for veg. I have to get these outdoors and tomorrow is going to by 69 degrees and sunny so outdoors they go. I hope they start growing like crazy. Everyone I know is at about the same stage as I am and some have not germinated yet. I know I started them early enough.
Does a 15-gallon pot outdoors seem too big. The pot I used last year was bigger than 15 gallons. I am only going to have 5 to 7 plants.
Idk? It depends on what you’re trying to grow I suppose. CL🍀
Idk? It depends on what you’re trying to grow I suppose. CL🍀
I am going with them everyone around here grows large plants so I will see what happens at this point my seedlings are not getting too big so let's see if I even get 5 plants. I wish I had pictures of some of the plants grown around here they were trees.
I knew this I do not know why I said Sept. One of the first things I was told last year.
September is when the sunlight goes to 12/12, but outside plants sense the shortening of light hours right after the solstice. Indicas will often show pistils by the middle of July (and finish in late Sept or early Oct), but everything takes longer with sativas because they originate from warmer climates where it doesn't freeze in late October or November.
September is when the sunlight goes to 12/12, but outside plants sense the shortening of light hours right after the solstice. Indicas will often show pistils by the middle of July (and finish in late Sept or early Oct), but everything takes longer with sativas because they originate from warmer climates where it doesn't freeze in late October or November.
Thank you, you told me this last year, but I do not always remember what I am told. It may take a couple times.
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