Update all my little girls look good and I moved my plants about an inch closer to the light and gave them a little drink. I am going to germinate the last 2 seeds I have. This time I am going to use H202 when germinating, the masters do it this way so I am too. I will try and get some more pics if my camera works. I need more seeds and hopefully I can get some from my cousin. Up where he lives the snow is not all gone yet. My nice is running 6 for 6 on germinating and she said they are all good, she has been doing this for a while and knows what she is doing. This girl can smoke some weed she does a whole J by herself all the time all day long. It is nice and sunny here today and if it gets up to about 65 degrees, I will put my little ones out to soak up the rays. I have to get blood work done today and return my new foot brace for a modification.
Still no word from Prescription Blend, I hope all is well with him.
Good morning Keith.
Let's try this.

We are curious do any of you offer support for your nutrient line?
This gentleman has a question and hasn't gotten a response.
Please let us know if your available to answer questions about your nutrients.
As we would really appreciate support :yahoo:
I think that's all of them.
Let me know if I missed someone! ;)
Just see who actually replies.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
It is nice and sunny here today and if it gets up to about 65 degrees, I will put my little ones out to soak up the rays
At this stage you should harden them off outside rather than leaving them out all day.

I put mine in the sun as soon as they pop (because that's what happens in nature) but since they've been living inside I'd go for an hour today, 2 hours tomorrow, etc.

I don't want your babies to burn.

Good luck on the blood work!
Good morning Keith.
Let's try this.

We are curious do any of you offer support for your nutrient line?
This gentleman has a question and hasn't gotten a response.
Please let us know if your available to answer questions about your nutrients.
As we would really appreciate support :yahoo:
I think that's all of them.
Let me know if I missed someone! ;)
Just see who actually replies.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
It will be nice if he replies I am not looking for free nuts just some questions and a price a little better than $100 a kit. He got in touch last year, but it was too late I had already bought my kit and the code he gave us. The Capt and I did not work. It was around $80 last year. I want to keep using these nuts as they are easy to use and I hear by other 420 members they work very well. To be honest the $100 a kit is very high price to pay for nutrients.
It will be nice if he replies I am not looking for free nuts just some questions and a price a little better than $100 a kit. He got in touch last year, but it was too late I had already bought my kit and the code he gave us. The Capt and I did not work. It was around $80 last year. I want to keep using these nuts as they are easy to use and I hear by other 420 members they work very well. To be honest the $100 a kit is very high price to pay for nutrients.
Well they are terrific nutrients I agree.
They haven’t been on the board since March 28th. So almost a month.
I don’t know what to tell you.
I went to their website and searched everywhere I couldn’t find an email or any contact info whatsoever.That’s not great either.
I don’t know what to tell you to do my friend.
How long do you have before you need them?

# VIVOSUN # Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Well they are terrific nutrients I agree.
They haven’t been on the board since March 28th. So almost a month.
I don’t know what to tell you.
I went to their website and searched everywhere I couldn’t find an email or any contact info whatsoever.That’s not great either.
I don’t know what to tell you to do my friend.
How long do you have before you need them?

# VIVOSUN # Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
I am cool with enough I have a whole kit. I do not need it right now but was going to buy some more so I do not get caught without it. He PM me to email him so I did, and I have not heard from him sense. The guy is like a ghost PM's me than disappears.
I thought plants couldn’t do photosynthesis when it’s that cold? I think I seen that somewhere. Idk? CL🍀
56 is to low for them to thrive. Indoors they have a hard time feeding magnesium below 65F, probably outdoors too. They go painfully slow when it's cool too. I wait for June to hit for my outdoor girls to go out. I'm cooler than you are, me being on the coast I think. I'll get frost until then sporadically.
Good that you're getting the light closer like Shed said. Just don't touch the bulb.
At this stage you should harden them off outside rather than leaving them out all day.

I put mine in the sun as soon as they pop (because that's what happens in nature) but since they've been living inside I'd go for an hour today, 2 hours tomorrow, etc.

I don't want your babies to burn.

Good luck on the blood work!
Also if it’s sunny but too cold you could try putting them by a window that gets a lot of sunlight. CL🍀
56 is to low for them to thrive. Indoors they have a hard time feeding magnesium below 65F, probably outdoors too. They go painfully slow when it's cool too. I wait for June to hit for my outdoor girls to go out. I'm cooler than you are, me being on the coast I think. I'll get frost until then sporadically.
Good that you're getting the light closer like Shed said. Just don't touch the bulb.
I will continue to raise the plants' untill I am just about touching the light.
It was cloudy today, but I did take them out for about an hour and a half. They are getting bigger, but it is slow. I never realized it took so long. The plant I had last year was already in a cloth pot about a 1-gallon pot. It will take what it takes, and I have plenty of time.
Here we go

I'm thinking they just need more light! Cloudy and 65º+ is perfect for a day outside getting used to sunlight.
I can't even get just clouds; rain is forecast all week off and on. I will sneak them out when it is not raining.
We've got nothing but May grey here for the last few days and it's not even May. :( Hopefully you'll get some sun soon! ☀️
I think the sun may pop out Tuesday for a little while so I have to take advantage of it. I will need my wife to take them out because I have to go to up state NY and pick up a new 20hp outboard motor for my boat.
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