Good day all. I have 3 more seedlings popped above ground. They are so small, and I hope they make it. I have some more seeds coming and I think I will germinate about 6 more as I can trade them for different strains thats providing they all stay alive. Nothing but clouds here and they need sun. This may sound stupid but if I put them under a florescent light will it help? I do not have indoor grow lights so I need to use whatever will work for me. I will feed them as soon as I get some new leaves. i ordered 5 15-gallon cloth grow pots do any of you think 15-gallon pots will be big enough. It is great to be back growing again, I missed evryone.
Good news on the seedlings! I'd put them outside all day if it's over 65° and under the florescent at night.

And 15 gallons outside should work pretty well. :thumb:
I have to set up alight for these plants and I have a perfect place to do it. I am going to place them where I was going to put my indoor grow if I ever had one. I am amazed this has worked so 5 out of 6 seeds to germinate now I have to keep them alive.
I got layed off the day after Christmas along with 75 percent of the employees. It looks like May or June they will rehire us and I can'nt wait to get back there. All the shops around here are laying off because there are just to many of them. My boss gave me a good feeling I would be hired back there so I am happy about that. I broke my right foot about a month ago and just waiting to completely heal from that.
Oh man that sucks about the layoffs and the foot, I hope life treats you better soon. CL🍀
I planted all 5 germinated seeds and lightly watered them. We will see in a couple days if they pop above ground.
Hey Keith I was wondering if you prepared the soil with anything before you planted them? CL🍀
Oh man that sucks about the layoffs and the foot, I hope life treats you better soon. CL🍀
The foot is doing good at least it feels that way and the job will hopefully be back next month.
The foot is doing good at least it feels that way and the job will hopefully be back next month.
That’s good news because I remember when you first started working there how much you were enjoying it. And how much you were learning to. CL🍀
That’s good news because I remember when you first started working there how much you were enjoying it. And how much you were learning to. CL🍀
I was the best part time job I ever had and I loved it
Rainy here I'm at my sons place and it looks like rain most of the day. So much for the sun.
45 degrees for the high and overcast here. I’m going give them a day or two then go digging. CL🍀
Happy planting Capt. The rain is going to stop here around 3pm I hope I need sun. Did you have a good winter grow? Bet you are loving the indoor growing someday I will have one, but it is expensive to start up I remember last year you had equipment coming in every week. Did you find your sweet spot or are you still building your tent set up?
Happy planting Capt. The rain is going to stop here around 3pm I hope I need sun. Did you have a good winter grow? Bet you are loving the indoor growing someday I will have one, but it is expensive to start up I remember last year you had equipment coming in every week. Did you find your sweet spot or are you still building your tent set up?
I’m pretty much done for now with equipping my tent but I’m always needing other stuff. Like I had to get a ph meter and the other day I needed lime to reuse last year’s soil. But I do recommend this ph meter from @VIVOSUN. I’m very happy with the quality and functionality. CL🍀


Is everyone enjoying the fruits of their labor? I know I have been. My weed is not the best I have ever had but it is pretty good the high grows on you once you think you have hit the highest point it surprises you plus I grew it with the help of a lot of fine folks here. I have a good amount left and I have been giving it away like crazy, no one seems to complain about it so it is not all that bad. Just think of what I can do when I know what I am doing in about 5 years.
I’m pretty much done for now with equipping my tent but I’m always needing other stuff. Like I had to get a ph meter and the other day I needed lime to reuse last year’s soil. But I do recommend this ph meter from @VIVOSUN. I’m very happy with the quality and functionality. CL🍀


I pulled out my meters and all the growing tools plus I still have the notes from last year some where I have to find them. I forget what brand my meters are I am not at home so I can not say the brand but it is easy to use and the test mix I used came out right last year I think I should test it again and put new batteries in them.
Is everyone enjoying the fruits of their labor? I know I have been. My weed is not the best I have ever had but it is pretty good the high grows on you once you think you have hit the highest point it surprises you plus I grew it with the help of a lot of fine folks here. I have a good amount left and I have been giving it away like crazy, no one seems to complain about it so it is not all that bad. Just think of what I can do when I know what I am doing in about 5 years.
I don’t think yer gonna need 5 years bro, you’d be surprised. Everyday I learn something new about this plant and how best to grow it. CL🍀
My seedlings look ok all but one, I think it is dead. I wish I had my phone camera working I think my little ones are just that little. I do not know if they are to little. They have four leaves, but they are small, and it has been about 3 days. I my need to give it more time. Patience, I have none
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