Lol I’ve been off since last wendsday, gotta love 12 hour swing shift, tomorrow is my first day back. 4 midnights 12pm to 12am, but at least I get to hang out with all you all night 😁
The hours much add up quickly at 12 hour shifts, I only work 7 hours 3 days a week but I will work more if needed. I am glad to be back at work I still love it.
100 hand rolled joints is a lot of joints. We have a machine that does ours all I do is fold the ends. Sounds like you used to move some weed.
Yeah I think I did ok but I’d roll 100 from a oz. with double wide paper’s. Stems, seeds I used it all it couldn’t have been very pleasant smoking but what did H.S. kids know back then? It got me my first Harley and one of the best summers of my youth. lol CL🍀
Hey @KeithLemon hope you had a wonderful Christmas.
How are things going lately?
Talk soon.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Hey Amigo you ok?
Hopefully everything is OK and your wifi is down.
Have a great new year Amigo.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
Hi all I think I am going to close this journal for now as I have not been able to post. I am not leaving just be gone for a while. I will stop by from time to time. Will be back in the Spring for my grow. Thanks for all the help
Hi all I think I am going to close this journal for now as I have not been able to post. I am not leaving just be gone for a while. I will stop by from time to time. Will be back in the Spring for my grow. Thanks for all the help
Take care Keith and I’ll be looking for ya in the spring. Any ideas what you might be growing. CL🍀
Hi all I think I am going to close this journal for now as I have not been able to post. I am not leaving just be gone for a while. I will stop by from time to time. Will be back in the Spring for my grow. Thanks for all the help
Ok Keith, I'm just across the street state if you want anything!
I am back and I sent 6 beans swimming yesterday. Now I have to figure out this Prescription Blend I have the chart and I think I use 1 to 2 ml per gal. once I put them to soil a gallon is a lot I think I will only mix a half gallon to start. This is my first time germinating and I have 1 seed that has pooped so far hopefully the others will follow.
I am back and I sent 6 beans swimming yesterday. Now I have to figure out this Prescription Blend I have the chart and I think I use 1 to 2 ml per gal. once I put them to soil a gallon is a lot I think I will only mix a half gallon to start. This is my first time germinating and I have 1 seed that has pooped so far hopefully the others will follow.
:welcome:back Still working at the weed place ?
I got layed off the day after Christmas along with 75 percent of the employees. It looks like May or June they will rehire us and I can'nt wait to get back there. All the shops around here are laying off because there are just to many of them. My boss gave me a good feeling I would be hired back there so I am happy about that. I broke my right foot about a month ago and just waiting to completely heal from that.
Sounds like a great start! Are they going outside when they get older?
They will go outside when during the day and stay out there when the temps are right. The six I am germinating are Sour Deisel from Home Grown Cannabis Co. I will put them in Perfect landscape seed starting mix as seedlings. It is a cheap Ocean State product 45-55% Canadian peat moss, aged forest products perlite and ground dolomite limestone for pH adjuster. I will be picking up some clones and try them I do not know what flavor yet. As you are most likely already know the seeds are a Sativa and I will be in flower late into the fall. I wish I had fast blooming seeds, but this is what I had. You would think I would have learned from last year. Actually, I did learn and a lot I can handle it.
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