If you want them smaller make sure you don't set the pots or fabric bags on the ground, use saucers. I've seen some Pineapple chunk plants get big indoors

Also the one I grew indoors had really dense buds. Might be more prone to bud rot outside
Greenhouse is not what it is all cracked up to be. When it is cold out even without rain you still have to worry about condensation & air flow, even more so.
Much harder to control an outdoor greenhouse than an indoor grow
I did not think about that. Thanks
Its been a blast following along, Keith. Seeing your wonder as they shot upwards and outwards, the love, stress and pain you made clear as they variously came along. You’ve had every style of grower following along across the site.

Great work fellah!

Nick & Co
Its been a blast following along, Keith. Seeing your wonder as they shot upwards and outwards, the love, stress and pain you made clear as they variously came along. You’ve had every style of grower following along across the site.

Great work fellah!

Nick & Co
Thanks Nick.
I ground up some more of my Apple Fritter and I have to say I like it, after all the rot I still ended up with some good weed and I am thankful of that.
Big smiling for you, Keef.

You worked hard for that bud! It was a real adventure :)
Smoke report. I checked on the apple fritter I have hung, and the stems snap clean, so I think it is ready to be jarred. Then I can bring the RH down to 62. I remember my tricks on bringing the RH down. Well on to the smoke report I ground some of the apple fritter up and smoked it. The taste was not that good, but I think that will change when I jar it up. The buzz was very good, not good not great but very good. It was a clean high and has lasted over 3 hours so far. It is energizing as I have been doing every little job around the house. My wife will be happy when she gets home the house is cleaned dishes washed cloths washed and trash brought out. I am very satisfied with the buzz and Happy the little bit of apple fritter I got will keep me happy and satisfied. I will give a smoke review on the sour diesel when it is ready to be jarred. I have enough apple fritter to get me by for some time and when the sour diesel is ready providing it is good, I will have more than enough. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my journal.
Good to hear Keith! Yep, taste will improve.
Apple Fritter

Looked great growing! Even better in da jars!
Now I have to wait till March to start my next grow but there is much more to learn so I am hanging around.
Only 5 months! Kinda like a blink sometimes! Looking forward already myself!
Smoke report. I checked on the apple fritter I have hung, and the stems snap clean, so I think it is ready to be jarred. Then I can bring the RH down to 62. I remember my tricks on bringing the RH down. Well on to the smoke report I ground some of the apple fritter up and smoked it. The taste was not that good, but I think that will change when I jar it up. The buzz was very good, not good not great but very good. It was a clean high and has lasted over 3 hours so far. It is energizing as I have been doing every little job around the house. My wife will be happy when she gets home the house is cleaned dishes washed cloths washed and trash brought out. I am very satisfied with the buzz and Happy the little bit of apple fritter I got will keep me happy and satisfied. I will give a smoke review on the sour diesel when it is ready to be jarred. I have enough apple fritter to get me by for some time and when the sour diesel is ready providing it is good, I will have more than enough. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my journal.
Awesome stuff💚 ,taste and stone will improve after it cures some more.👍👍
Congrats on the harvest Keith. I'm glad you got enough to fill a few jars, looking forward to next year's grow!
This is the first time I have grown weed that smells good. The stuff I grew last year still does not smell all that good. But the Apple Fritter smells good and is getting stronger as far as the buzz goes. I know that is not a big thing to all you seasoned growers but to me it is a big thing. It is a much cleaner high if that makes sense to anyone. It is actually getting better.
This is the first time I have grown weed that smells good. The stuff I grew last year still does not smell all that good. But the Apple Fritter smells good and is getting stronger as far as the buzz goes. I know that is not a big thing to all you seasoned growers but to me it is a big thing. It is a much cleaner high if that makes sense to anyone. It is actually getting better.
thats great to hear Keith yeah a good cure helps & smoking what you grew gives you a good feeling of satisfaction
This is the first time I have grown weed that smells good. The stuff I grew last year still does not smell all that good. But the Apple Fritter smells good and is getting stronger as far as the buzz goes. I know that is not a big thing to all you seasoned growers but to me it is a big thing. It is a much cleaner high if that makes sense to anyone. It is actually getting better.
Makes sense to me broski and congrats 🍾 on your achievement. CL🍀
That's really good news Keith!

Don't smoke it all up at once. :)
Good afternoon 420 Picked up some vaping oil Tropical Trainwrenck Not bad it says 4.295 mg/serv I do not understand how the THC level works on these things. But it is good just vegging out to Vietnam documentary. All I can say is I am glad I was born when I was. I was not 18 till 1978 I had to sign up for the draft, but it meant nothing then. I want to thank everyone growing and have a journal I love reading them and the pictures are A number one. I got to go do something. Last but not least Thanks all the Vets out there.
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