Your grow is doing great.
Yeah but so many buts!

Right - its like big stress this week which I have to acknowledge 😅 Probably I think better and work harder in those circumstances. We’re just a little short of harvest but got a 5 hour power cut a few days back… whatever there’s more to the stress 😂 its in my Graduation journal.

But yeah I’m a control anyway. I’ll throw anything from a generator to an industrial HVAC systems and commercial
Standard Co2 and controls and monitoring systems at it! Woteva. Bit dull.

Grow bush, big ones, outdoors?

That takes balls my friend! I’m not sure I can stay as relaxed as you about it all. I find indoor where I have an illusion of control hard enough!
Yeah but so many buts!

Right - its like big stress this week which I have to acknowledge 😅 Probably I think better and work harder in those circumstances. We’re just a little short of harvest but got a 5 hour power cut a few days back… whatever there’s more to the stress 😂 its in my Graduation journal.

But yeah I’m a control anyway. I’ll throw anything from a generator to an industrial HVAC systems and commercial
Standard Co2 and controls and monitoring systems at it! Woteva. Bit dull.

Grow bush, big ones, outdoors?

That takes balls my friend! I’m not sure I can stay as relaxed as you about it all. I find indoor where I have an illusion of control hard enough!
I see it different I cannot control things and you have to control things in an indoor grow. Indoor much harder.
NH - I can just buy another fan, ACc heater, dehumidifier whatever - got the basic science.

For me - growing outdoors?!

You gotta know all that and have no controls! Blind fold and at least one hand behind your back!

Even both our mate’s @InTheShed schelps each night/most nights.

Pure outdoor grows like yours, Stone’s, Mel’s - many I’m sure i’ve forgotten or not yet read?

Yeah man, respect. I got taught by a guy only respects it outdoor. Preferably minimum 1000 plants - cause indoor is boring.

You did awesome well my friend. Be proud, stand tall.
Yeah giving myself an out- but yeah for sure. 😂

Because that’s the discipline”

“The more I practice the luckier I get”

But growing pure outdoor in Northern climes? That’s a tough gig.

Shed you know me and growing? My lazy bones!

Me growing outdoors would be, every day:

Dam Nick it just dawned on me I am old enough to be your father.
& Co born in 82 and 41 years old is going be a grandmother in the next 2-3 days.

This I want to make clear does not make me a Grandfather aged just 45! But you know - I’m gonna be married to a Granny? Maybe a trade in, younger model?


Anyone knows anything about & Co - and I write her true! Dunno too funny. She’s gor L calling me “Pooh Pooh” the last week. Means Grandfather in Thai.

She’s weaponising my own daughter me! Funny AF.
& Co born in 82 and 41 years d is going be a grandmother in the next 2-3 days.

This I want to make clear does not make a Grandfather aged just 45! But you know - I’m gonna be married to a Granny? Maybe a trade in, younger model?

You got it good. I would give anything to be a grandfather.
Congratulations on getting plenty smoke plus the taste and high . You youngsters I have 8 grandkids and 8 great grandkids . There a hand full but they keep your heart pumping .
Congratulations on getting plenty smoke plus the taste and high . You youngsters I have 8 grandkids and 8 great grandkids . There a hand full but they keep your heart pumping .
You are a lucky man.
Yeah but so many buts!

Right - its like big stress this week which I have to acknowledge 😅 Probably I think better and work harder in those circumstances. We’re just a little short of harvest but got a 5 hour power cut a few days back… whatever there’s more to the stress 😂 its in my Graduation journal.

But yeah I’m a control anyway. I’ll throw anything from a generator to an industrial HVAC systems and commercial
Standard Co2 and controls and monitoring systems at it! Woteva. Bit dull.

Grow bush, big ones, outdoors?

That takes balls my friend! I’m not sure I can stay as relaxed as you about it all. I find indoor where I have an illusion of control hard enough!
If it wasn't for one catastrophe after another,I don't think I'd like it as much. Growing that is. I had a really pretty Strawberry Cough, and in the back of my head I thought, "yeah I'm gonna pull out some light green, pine-cone shaped, happy bud." Well, I let the frost hit it!
If it wasn't for one catastrophe after another,I don't think I'd like it as much. Growing that is. I had a really pretty Strawberry Cough, and in the back of my head I thought, "yeah I'm gonna pull out some light green, pine-cone shaped, happy bud." Well, I let the frost hit it!
Ouch 😣! I had a beautiful Panama growing in my closet and I knew that the humidity was getting to high. But because I procrastinated on a solution I had to throw away several nice colas because of fungus. Totally 💯 my fault for putting off solving the issue but it taught me a lesson on how not to grow in a closet. Happy growing Growmie. CL🍀. :thumb: :cheer:
You got it good. I would give anything to be a grandfather.
Some days I’d gladly give you my little two year old terrorist!

I have one little angel and one little devil. And omg while the little angel is lovely the little devil is so. much. fun!
Ouch 😣! I had a beautiful Panama growing in my closet and I knew that the humidity was getting to high. But because I procrastinated on a solution I had to throw away several nice colas because of fungus. Totally 💯 my fault for putting off solving the issue but it taught me a lesson on how not to grow in a closet. Happy growing Growmie. CL🍀. :thumb: :cheer:
I don't know if it really even hurt it. It's just not light green anymore. I mean people like the light green, and go for it, but the darker is better. The light green has better bag appeal though. I'm the only one smoking it, but I wanted to give myself better bag appeal. Does any of that make sense?
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